*** Shadow-Kin Once you become corrupted... - [ ] You harden your heart: Reduce your heart stat by 1 and add up to +2 to shadow (to a maximum of +4). - [ ] You are attuned - [ ] to the realms of shadow: When you perform a ritual, add +1. - [ ] You know the sly ways of death: When you [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/suffer/face-death.org][Face Death]], you may roll +shadow (instead of +heart). On a weak hit, if you choose to undertake a deathbound quest, you may roll +shadow (instead of +heart) and reroll any dice as you [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/quest/swear-an-iron-vow.org][Swear an Iron Vow]]. When you [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/quest/fulfill-your-vow.org][Fulfill Your Vow]] on that quest and and mark experience, take +2 experience.