** Clash

When your foe has initiative and you fight with them in close quarters, roll +iron. When you exchange a volley at range, or shoot at an advancing foe, roll +edge.

On a *strong hit*, inflict your harm and choose one. You have the initiative.

  - You bolster your position: Take +1 momentum.
  - You find an opening: Inflict +1 harm.

On a *weak hit*, inflict your harm, but then [[file:../fate/pay-the-price.org][Pay the Price]]. Your foe has initiative.

On a *miss*, you are outmatched and must [[file:../fate/pay-the-price.org][Pay the Price]]. Your foe has initiative.

*** Details
:move-stats: iron edge

When your foe has initiative and attacks, and you choose to fight back, make this move.

First, envision your action and the fiction of the exchange. Is this a focused, dramatic moment where you each seek an opening? Or is it a flurry of attacks and parries, advances and retreats? The outcome of the *Clash* determines if your foe presses their advantage, or if you take control of the fight.

On a *strong hit*, you inflict your harm and steal back initiative. On a *weak hit*, you manage to inflict harm, but your foe retains initiative and you must [[file:../fate/pay-the-price.org][Pay the Price]]. The price might be that you [[file:../suffer/endure-harm.org][Endure Harm]] as your foe counters. Or, you may face some other dramatic outcome as appropriate to the current situation and your foe’s intent.

On a *miss*, you fail to inflict harm and must [[file:../fate/pay-the-price.org][Pay the Price]]. This fight is turning against you.

As with the [[file:strike.org][Strike]] move, each point of harm you inflict is marked on your foe’s progress track, as appropriate to their rank.

If you aren’t actively fighting back—you’re just trying to avoid the attack or seeking cover—you should [[file:../adventure/face-danger.org][Face Danger]] instead of *Clash*. Using that move gives you more flexibility to bring a favored stat into play, and you suffer a relatively minor cost on a weak hit. Unfortunately, you also give up the opportunity to inflict harm on your foe.

If you ever respond to an attack by just taking the hit, that’s not a move. The outcome isn’t in much doubt. [[file:../fate/pay-the-price.org][Pay the Price]].

#+STARTUP: showall
# Local Variables:
# eval: (writegood-mode -1)
# End: