*** Berserker
If you are clad only in animal pelts...

- [-] When you [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/adventure/secure-advantage.org][Secure an Advantage]] or [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/relationship/compel.org][Compel]] by embodying your wild nature, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

- [ ] When you [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/combat/strike.org][Strike]] or [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/combat/clash.org][Clash]] by unleashing your rage (decide before rolling), inflict +1 harm on a hit. Then, choose one.
    - Push yourself: [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/suffer/endure-harm.org][Endure Harm]] (1 harm).
    - Lose yourself: [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/suffer/endure-stress.org][Endure Stress]] (1 stress).

- [ ] When you [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/suffer/endure-harm.org][Endure Harm]] in a fight, and your health is above 0, you may let the pain inflame your wildness (decide before rolling). If you then score a strong hit and choose to embrace the pain, take +momentum equal to your remaining health. A weak hit counts as a miss.