*** Mammoth

Your mammoth walks a resolute path.

- [ ] *Lumbering:* When your mammoth travels with you as you [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/adventure/undertake-a-journey.org][Undertake a Journey]], you may add +2 but suffer -1 momentum (decide before rolling).

- [ ] *Beast of burden:* When you make a move which requires you to roll +supply, you may instead roll +your mammoth's health.

- [ ] *Overpowering:* When you [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/combat/strike.org][Strike]] or [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/combat/clash.org][Clash]] by riding your mammoth against a pack of foes, add +1 and inflict +1 harm on a hit.

[[elisp:(rpgdm-ironsworn-asset-stat-create "Mammoth Health" 5)][Add Mammoth Health to Character Sheet]]