#+TITLE: Character Descriptor #+AUTHOR: Howard X. Abrams #+EMAIL: howard.abrams@gmail.com #+DATE: -- December #+TAGS: rpg ironsworn - Active - Adventurous - Affectionate - Aggressive - Agreeable - Aloof - Ambitious - Angry - Anxious - Apathetic - Armed - Armored - Artistic - Athletic - Attractive - Bitter - Bold - Brave - Careless - Cautious - Charming - Cheery - Clever - Conceited - Confident - Confused - Connected - Cooperative - Cowardly - Critical - Cruel - Cunning - Dangerous - Deceitful - Dependent - Determined - Disabled - Disfigured - Doomed - Driven - Dying - Experienced - Fervent - Friendly - Generous - Greedy - Hardhearted - Honest - Hostile - Hot-tempered - Incompetent - Infamous - Influential - Insensitive - Insightful - Intolerant - Ironsworn - Jealous - Kind - Loyal - Manipulative - Oblivious - Obsessed - Old - Oppressed - Passive - Powerful - Proud - Quiet - Quirky - Reclusive - Relaxed - Religious - Remorseful - Resourceful - Selfish - Sick - Skilled - Smug - Sociable - Stealthy - Stern - Stingy - Stoic - Strong - Stubborn - Successful - Suspicious - Talented - Timid - Ugly - Vengeful - Violent - Wary - Weak - Weary - Wild - Wise - Wounded - Young - Charismatic - Gullible - Touchy - Passionate - Superficial - Sad - Scary - Courageous - Contrary - Calm - Easily impressed - Overcritical - Obstinate - Squeamish - Organized - Straightforward - Alert - Hard working - Nice - Lost in the past - Discreet - Fickle - Reactionary - Understanding - Sarcastic - Cold-hearted - Tough - Gregarious - Fixated - Reserved - Romantic - Miserly - Eager to please - Ill-tempered - Practical - Meddlesome - Sincere - Nervous - Curious - Compulsive - Patient - Clumsy - Calculating - Addicted - Liberal - Helpful - Prejudiced - Witty - Thoughtless - Reckless - Sympathetic - Shy - Meek - Plucky - Vain - Creepy - Belligerent - Irresponsible - Fearless - Dogmatic - Trustworthy - Zealous - Foolhardy - Sensitive - Thoughtful - Persistent - Tidy - Rude - Erratic - Gossipy - Flirtatious - Pragmatic - Vicious - Frank - Brusque - Mean - Bothersome - Quick-witted - Arrogant - Cynical - Affable - Abrupt - Unorganized - Clinging - Pious - Rational - Warm-hearted - Sleepy - Intelligent - Reliable - Pompous - Faithful - Impulsive - Emotional - Patronizing - Sneaky - Dramatic - Eccentric - Harsh - Nosy - Grief-stricken - Cocky - Untrustworthy - Moody - Inflexible - Impatient - Pessimistic - Sensible - Compassionate - Forceful - Frugal - Open-minded - Quarrelsome - Faithless - Tired - Assertive - Superstitious - Vindictive - Self-centered - Resentful - Weak-willed - Morose - Indecisive - Happy - Loving - Pontificating - Inconsiderate - Boring - Closed-minded - Decisive - Bashful - Carefree - Ruthless - Boastful - Amusing - Funny - Insane - Adaptable - Diligent - Blunt - Short-tempered - Disloyal - Energetic - Humble - Courteous - Communicative - Unreliable - Sickening - Conscientious - Immoral - Modest - Chaotic - Indiscreet - Dishonest - Amicable - Cantankerous - Unkind - Considerate - Unpredictable - Judgmental - Possessive - Civil - Lazy - Complacent - Forthcoming - Prideful - Awestruck - Devout - Narcissistic - Optimistic - Paranoid - Flexible - Unassuming - Childish - Ignorant - Polite - Fanatical - Grumpy - Mysterious - Finicky - Immature - Competent - Tacky - Absent-minded - Secretive - Depressing - Tactless - Easygoing - Spoiled - Deadly - Terrifying - Benevolent - Pro-active - Conservative - Naive - Gentle - Impartial - Boisterous - Callous - Diplomatic