*** Scry

- [-] When you look into flames to study a remote person or location, roll +shadow. You or someone with you must have knowledge of the target. On a strong hit, you may [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/adventure/gather-information.org][Gather Information]] through observation using +shadow or +wits. On a weak hit, as above, but the flames are hungry; choose one to sacrifice.
  - Your blood: [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/suffer/endure-harm.org][Endure Harm]] (2 harm).
  - Something precious: [[file:~/other/ironsworn/moves/suffer/endure-stress.org][Endure Stress]] (2 stress).
  - Provisions: Suffer -2 supply.

- [ ] As above, and you may instead study a past event.

- [ ] When you perform this ritual, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.