#+TITLE: Dangers in an Ancient Underkeep Roll on Table: d100 | 1-5 | Ancient trap | | 6-10 | Hazardous architecture or terrain | | 11-12 | Blocked or broken path | | 13-14 | Denizen protects an ancient secret | | 15-16 | Denizen reveres an ancient power | | 17-18 | Living relics of a lost age | | 19-20 | Ancient evil resurgent | | 21-22 | Dire warnings of a long-buried danger | | 23-24 | Ancient disease or contamination | | 25-26 | Artifact of terrible meaning or power | | 27-28 | Disturbing evidence of ancient wrongs | | 29-30 | Others seek power or knowledge | | 31-33 | Ancient mechanism or trap | | 34-36 | Crumbling architecture | | 36-39 | Blocked or broken passage | | 40-42 | Artifact with a hidden danger | | 43-45 | Denizen lurks in darkness | | 46-57 | You encounter a hostile denizen. | | 58-68 | You face an environmental or architectural hazard. | | 69-76 | A discovery undermines or complicates your quest. | | 77-79 | You confront a harrowing situation or sensation. | | 80-82 | You face the consequences of an earlier choice or approach. | | 83-85 | Your way is blocked or trapped. | | 86-88 | A resource is diminished, broken, or lost. | | 89-91 | You face a perplexing mystery or tough choice. | | 92-94 | You lose your way or are delayed. | | 95-00 | <> and <>