Ruby is probably already installed on the system, and if not, we certainly can download it from [[][]], but since I need to juggle different versions for each project, I use [[][direnv]] and [[][ruby-install]]:
#+begin_src sh
brew install ruby-install
And then install one or more versions:
#+begin_src sh
ruby-install -U
ruby-install ruby 3
** Per Project
While we /could/ use a large project templating system, I keep it simple. For each project, create the following directory structure:
├── Gemfile
├── Rakefile
├── lib
│ └── hello_world.rb
└── test
└── hello_world_test.rb
For instance:
#+begin_src sh
mkdir ~/other/ruby-xp # Change me
cd ~/other/ruby-xp
mkdir lib test
Now, do the following steps.
1. Create a =.envrc= file with the Ruby you want to use:
Ruby-specific commands are attached to the =ha-ruby-leader=, bound to ~SPC m~:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(general-create-definer ha-ruby-leader
:states '(normal visual motion)
:keymaps 'ruby-mode-map
:prefix "SPC m"
:global-prefix "<f17>"
:non-normal-prefix "S-SPC")
While Emacs supplies a Ruby editing environment, we’ll still use =use-package= to grab the latest:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package ruby-mode
:after projectile
:mode (rx ".rb" eos)
:mode (rx "Rakefile" eos)
:mode (rx "Gemfile" eos)
:mode (rx "Berksfile" eos)
:mode (rx "Vagrantfile" eos)
:interpreter "ruby"
(setq ruby-indent-level 2
ruby-indent-tabs-mode nil)
:hook (ruby-mode . superword-mode))
** Ruby REPL
I am not sure I can learn a new language without a REPL connected to my editor, and for Ruby, this is [[][inf-ruby]]:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(use-package inf-ruby
"R" '("REPL" . inf-ruby)))
** Electric Ruby
The [[][ruby-electric]] project is a minor mode that aims to add the /extra syntax/ when typing Ruby code.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package ruby-electric
:hook (ruby-mode . ruby-electric-mode))
** Testing
The [[][ruby-test-mode]] project aims a running Ruby test from Emacs seemless:
The lint-like style checker of choice for Ruby is [[][Rubocop]]. The [[][rubocop.el]] mode should work with [[][Flycheck]]. First install it with:
#+begin_src sh
gem install rubocop
And then we may or may not need to enable the =rubocop-mode=: