These instructions originally came from [[][this essay]], as it runs Emacs as dæmon with LaunchAgent. Also fetch mails periodically with =mbsync= via LaunchAgent.
* Install
Best success comes from using the [[][emacs-plus]] installation from [[][Homebrew]]. To begin, add the /cask/:
#+begin_src sh
brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus
I find that I need to … at least, on my work computer, install two different versions of Emacs that I use to distinguish one for “work” and the other for other activities, like IRC and [[][elfeed]]. To that end, I run the following commands to install Emacs:
On the Mac, =cron= has been removed and replaced with =LaunchAgent=. I find my [[*Push MacOS-Specific Content][ICanHazShortcut]] process pretty simple to start Emacs, so I’m not sure about this dæmon, but …
** Emacs dæmon via LaunchAgent
Notice that =UserName= section should be your =$USER= value.
#+begin_src xml :tangle ~/Library/LaunchAgents/gnu.emacs.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
Simple /Automator/ script that's wrapped into an application and placed in the =Applications= folder. Select *New Document*, then select *Application*. Open the *Library*, and drag the *Run Shell Script* to the /workflow/. In the box, add this:
#+begin_src sh
/usr/local/bin/emacsclient -nc --socket-name work $*
Change the *Pass Input* to =as arguments=.
Select to *Save* as =Emacsclient= into the *Applications* folder.
** Utils
Convert a plist XML file into a JSON file. Not sure why this is important to know…