Replace neotree with dirvish

I used neotree when giving code reviews to show people watching where
files were located in the project. It was never very useful. But
dirvish allows me to do that, plus have a more useful dired experience.
This commit is contained in:
Howard Abrams 2022-11-21 10:54:39 -08:00
parent 3778d7933f
commit 4df8279e20
3 changed files with 89 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -666,15 +666,15 @@ With these helper functions in place, I can create a leader collection for file-
"f Y" '("yank path from project" . ha-yank-project-buffer-path)
"f d" '("dired" . dirvish)
"f 1" '("load win-1" . (lambda () (interactive) (find-file-in-window 1)))
"f 2" '("load win-2" . (lambda () (interactive) (find-file-in-window 2)))
"f 3" '("load win-3" . (lambda () (interactive) (find-file-in-window 3)))
"f 4" '("load win-4" . (lambda () (interactive) (find-file-in-window 4)))
"f 5" '("load win-5" . (lambda () (interactive) (find-file-in-window 5)))
"f 6" '("load win-6" . (lambda () (interactive) (find-file-in-window 6)))
"f 7" '("load win-7" . (lambda () (interactive) (find-file-in-window 7)))
"f 8" '("load win-8" . (lambda () (interactive) (find-file-in-window 8)))
"f 9" '("load win-9" . (lambda () (interactive) (find-file-in-window 9))))
"f 1" '("load win-1" . ha-find-file-window-1)
"f 2" '("load win-2" . ha-find-file-window-2)
"f 3" '("load win-3" . ha-find-file-window-3)
"f 4" '("load win-4" . ha-find-file-window-4)
"f 5" '("load win-5" . ha-find-file-window-5)
"f 6" '("load win-6" . ha-find-file-window-6)
"f 7" '("load win-7" . ha-find-file-window-7)
"f 8" '("load win-8" . ha-find-file-window-8)
"f 9" '("load win-9" . ha-find-file-window-9))
*** Buffer Operations
This section groups buffer-related operations under the "SPC b" sequence.
@ -846,31 +846,34 @@ To jump to a window even quicker, use the [[
("s-9" . winum-select-window-9)))
This is nice since the window numbers are always present on a Doom modeline, but they order the window numbers /differently/ than =ace-window=. Let's see which I end up liking better.
The ~0~ key/window should be always associated with a project-specific tree window:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'winum-assign-functions
(lambda ()
(when (string-match-p (buffer-name) ".*\\*NeoTree\\*.*") 10)))
This is nice since the window numbers are always present on a Doom modeline, but they sometime order the window numbers /differently/ than =ace-window=.
The ~0~ key/window should be always associated with a project-specific tree window of =dired= (or [[Dirvish][Dirvish]]):
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package winum
(winum-mode +1)
(add-to-list 'winum-assign-functions
(lambda () (when (eq major-mode 'dired-mode) 10))))
Id like to have dirvish show in Window 0:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun dirvish-show-or-switch ()
"As it says on the tin. Show or start Dirvish.
If `divish' is showing, that is, is window 0 is showing,
switch to it, otherwise, start 'er up."
(if (seq-contains (winum--available-numbers) 0)
(dirvish-side (projectile-project-root))))
And lets bind Command-0 to select the window that shows dirvish, or open drvish:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package winum
:bind ("s-0" . dirvish-show-or-switch))
**** Window Leader
Let's try this out with a Hydra since some I can /repeat/ some commands (e.g. enlarge window). It also allows me to organize the helper text.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package hydra
@ -934,7 +937,7 @@ Let's try this out with a Hydra since some I can /repeat/ some commands (e.g. en
("7" winum-select-window-7)
("8" winum-select-window-8)
("9" winum-select-window-9)
("0" neotree-toggle)
("0" dirvish-dwim)
;; Extra bindings:
("q" nil :color blue)))
@ -1820,7 +1823,7 @@ Often, but not always, I want a perspective based on an actual Git repository, e
(recent-files (ha--project-show-files project recent-files))
((f-exists? readme-org) (find-file readme-org))
((f-exists? readme-md) (find-file readme-md))
(t (dired project))))))
(t (dirvish project))))))
When starting a new perspective, and I specify more than one file, this function splits the window horizontally for each file.
@ -2292,16 +2295,72 @@ Browsing on a work laptop is a bit different. According to [[http://ergoemacs.or
(cl-callf or browser "org.mozilla.Firefox")
(osx-browse-url url new-window browser focus)))
** Neotree
I primarily use [[][Neotree]] when I am screen-sharing my Emacs session with collegues as it shows a /project/ like an IDE.
** Dirvish
The [[][dirvish]] project aims to be a better =dired=. And since the =major-mode= is still =dired-mode=, the decades of finger memory isnt lost. For people starting to use =dired=, most commands are pretty straight-forward (and Prot did a pretty good [[][introduction]] to it), but to remind myself, keep in mind:
- ~%~ :: will /mark/ a bunch of files based on a regular expression
- ~m~ :: marks a single file
- ~d~ :: marks a file to delete, type ~x~ to follow-through on all files marked for deletion.
- ~u~ :: un-mark a file, or type ~!~ to un-mark all
- ~t~ :: to toggle the marked files. Keep files with =xyz= extension? Mark those with ~%~, and then ~t~ toggle.
- ~C~ :: copy the current file or all marked files
- ~R~ :: rename/move the current file or all marked files
- ~M~ :: change the mode (=chmod=) of current or marked files, accepts symbols, like =a+x=
Note that =dired= has /two marks/ … one is a general mark, and the other is specifically a mark of files to delete.
Dirvish does require the following supporting programs, but Ive already got those puppies installed:
#+begin_src sh
brew install coreutils fd poppler ffmpegthumbnailer mediainfo imagemagick
Im beginning with dirvish to use the [[][sample configuration]] and change it:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package neotree
:general ; evil-collection forgot a couple:
(:states 'normal :keymaps 'neotree-mode-map
"TAB" 'neotree-enter
"SPC" 'neotree-quick-look
"RET" 'neotree-enter
"H" 'neotree-hidden-file-toggle))
(use-package dirvish
(dirvish-quick-access-entries ; It's a custom option, `setq' won't work
'(("h" "~/" "Home")
("d" "~/Downloads/" "Downloads")))
;; This setting is like `treemacs-follow-mode' where the buffer
;; changes based on the current file. Not sure if I want this:
;; (dirvish-side-follow-mode)
(setq dirvish-mode-line-format
'(:left (sort symlink) :right (omit yank index)))
(setq dirvish-attributes
'(all-the-icons file-time file-size collapse subtree-state vc-state git-msg))
(setq delete-by-moving-to-trash t)
(setq insert-directory-program "gls")
(setq dired-listing-switches
"-l --almost-all --human-readable --group-directories-first --no-group")
(set-face-attribute 'dirvish-hl-line nil :background "darkmagenta")
:bind ; Bind `dirvish|dirvish-side|dirvish-dwim' as you see fit
(:map dirvish-mode-map ; Dirvish inherits `dired-mode-map'
("a" . dirvish-quick-access)
("f" . dirvish-file-info-menu)
("y" . dirvish-yank-menu)
("N" . dirvish-narrow)
("^" . dirvish-history-last)
("h" . dirvish-history-jump) ; remapped `describe-mode'
("q" . dirvish-quit)
("s" . dirvish-quicksort) ; remapped `dired-sort-toggle-or-edit'
("v" . dirvish-vc-menu) ; remapped `dired-view-file'
("TAB" . dirvish-subtree-toggle)
("M-f" . dirvish-history-go-forward)
("M-b" . dirvish-history-go-backward)
("M-l" . dirvish-ls-switches-menu)
("M-m" . dirvish-mark-menu)
("M-t" . dirvish-layout-toggle)
("M-s" . dirvish-setup-menu)
("M-e" . dirvish-emerge-menu)
("M-j" . dirvish-fd-jump)))
** Annotations
Let's try [[][annotate-mode]], which allows you to drop "notes" and then move to them (yes, serious overlap with bookmarks, which we will return to).

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@ -316,10 +316,7 @@ And some keybindings to call them:
(global-set-key (kbd "s-+") 'font-size-increase)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-=") 'font-size-increase)
(global-set-key (kbd "s--") 'font-size-decrease)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-0") 'font-size-monitor-default)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-9") 'font-size-laptop-default)
* Emojis, Icons and Whatnot
Display these two symbols as one:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp

View file

@ -1452,7 +1452,6 @@ Here is where we associate all the functions and their hooks with =eshell=, thro
:hook ((eshell-pred-load . ha-eshell-add-predicates))
:bind (("M-!" . eshell-command)
("s-1" . execute-command-on-file-buffer)
:map eshell-mode-map
("M-R" . eshell-insert-history)
("C-d" . ha-eshell-quit-or-delete-char)))