Minor formatting and indenting changes

This commit is contained in:
Howard Abrams 2022-10-20 20:50:40 -07:00
parent b04ab0bd95
commit 58a1ef8df8

View file

@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ The above code needs the [[https://github.com/tkf/emacs-request][request]] packa
*** Dad Jokes!
The /critical part/ here, is the [[https://icanhazdadjoke.com/][Dad Joke]] function, a =curl= call to a web service:
#+begin_src sh
curl -sH "Accept: text/plain" https://icanhazdadjoke.com/
curl -sH "Accept: text/plain" https://icanhazdadjoke.com/
For this, I use the =request= package, which is /asynchronous/
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
@ -331,9 +331,9 @@ How does it compare? Once upon a time, I enjoyed typing ~plp~ for =package-list-
*** Savehist
Persist history over Emacs restarts using the built-in [[https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SaveHist][savehist]] project. Since both Vertico and Selectrum sorts by history position, this should make the choice /smarter/ with time.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package savehist
(use-package savehist
*** Marginalia
The [[https://github.com/minad/marginalia][marginalia]] package gives a preview of =M-x= functions with a one line description, extra information when selecting files, etc. Nice enhancement without learning any new keybindings.
@ -349,9 +349,9 @@ The [[https://github.com/minad/marginalia][marginalia]] package gives a preview
* Key Bindings
To begin my binding changes, let's turn on [[https://github.com/justbur/emacs-which-key][which-key]]:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package which-key
:init (setq which-key-popup-type 'minibuffer)
:config (which-key-mode))
(use-package which-key
:init (setq which-key-popup-type 'minibuffer)
:config (which-key-mode))
Why would I ever quit Emacs with a simple keybinding? Lets override it:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
@ -363,13 +363,13 @@ I mean, I /always/ use ~C-/~ for [[help:undo][undo]] (and ~C-?~ for [[help:undo-
Why use [[https://gitlab.com/ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu][undo-fu]] instead of the built-in undo functionality? Well, there isnt much to the project (thats a good thing), but It basically doesnt /cycle/ around the redo, which annoying.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package undo-fu
(global-set-key [remap undo] 'undo-fu-only-undo)
(global-set-key [remap undo-redo] 'undo-fu-only-redo)
(global-unset-key (kbd "s-z"))
(global-set-key (kbd "s-z") 'undo-fu-only-undo)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-S-z") 'undo-fu-only-redo))
(use-package undo-fu
(global-set-key [remap undo] 'undo-fu-only-undo)
(global-set-key [remap undo-redo] 'undo-fu-only-redo)
(global-unset-key (kbd "s-z"))
(global-set-key (kbd "s-z") 'undo-fu-only-undo)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-S-z") 'undo-fu-only-redo))
** Evil-Specific Keybindings
Can we change Evil at this point? Some tips:
@ -544,12 +544,12 @@ And the keybindings:
*** Key Chord
Using the key-chord project allows me to make Escape be on two key combo presses on both sides of my keyboard:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package key-chord
(key-chord-mode t)
(key-chord-define-global "fd" 'evil-normal-state)
(key-chord-define-global "jk" 'evil-normal-state)
(key-chord-define-global "JK" 'evil-normal-state))
(use-package key-chord
(key-chord-mode t)
(key-chord-define-global "fd" 'evil-normal-state)
(key-chord-define-global "jk" 'evil-normal-state)
(key-chord-define-global "JK" 'evil-normal-state))
*** Evil Easy Motion
The [[https://github.com/PythonNut/evil-easymotion][evil-easymotion]] project combines [[Jump with Avy][avy]] and evil keybindings, where ~SPC j~ shows labels for all the lines below the cursor, so that you can jump right there. This doesnt work well with a leader, but what about using Key Chords?
@ -561,15 +561,15 @@ My ~F19~ key is within easy reach of my [[https://configure.zsa.io/moonlander/la
*** Evil Lion
The [[https://github.com/edkolev/evil-lion][evil-lion]] package is a wrapper around Emacs [[help:align][align]] function. Just a little easier to use. Primary sequence is ~g a i p =~ to align along all the equal characters in the paragraph (block), or ~g a i b RET~ to use a built in rule to align (see below), or ~g a i b /~ to specify a regular expression, similar to [[help:align-regexp][align-regexp]].
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package evil-lion
:after evil
:bind (:map evil-normal-state-map
("g a" . evil-lion-left)
("g A" . evil-lion-right)
:map evil-visual-state-map
("g a" . evil-lion-left)
("g A" . evil-lion-right)))
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package evil-lion
:after evil
:bind (:map evil-normal-state-map
("g a" . evil-lion-left)
("g A" . evil-lion-right)
:map evil-visual-state-map
("g a" . evil-lion-left)
("g A" . evil-lion-right)))
Lion sounds like /align/ … get it?
@ -643,12 +643,12 @@ Let's try this general "space" prefix by defining some top-level operations, inc
And ways to stop the system:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
"q" '(:ignore t :which-key "quit/session")
"q b" '("bury buffer" . bury-buffer)
"q w" '("close window" . delete-window)
"q K" '("kill emacs (and dæmon)" . save-buffers-kill-emacs)
"q q" '("quit emacs" . save-buffers-kill-terminal)
"q Q" '("quit without saving" . evil-quit-all-with-error-code))
"q" '(:ignore t :which-key "quit/session")
"q b" '("bury buffer" . bury-buffer)
"q w" '("close window" . delete-window)
"q K" '("kill emacs (and dæmon)" . save-buffers-kill-emacs)
"q q" '("quit emacs" . save-buffers-kill-terminal)
"q Q" '("quit without saving" . evil-quit-all-with-error-code))
*** File Operations
While =find-file= is still my bread and butter, I like getting information about the file associated with the buffer. For instance, the file path:
@ -707,64 +707,64 @@ Perhaps my OCD is out-of-control, but I want to load a file in another window, b
With these helper functions in place, I can create a leader collection for file-related functions:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
"f" '(:ignore t :which-key "files")
"f f" '("load" . find-file)
"f F" '("load new window" . find-file-other-window)
"f s" '("save" . save-buffer)
"f S" '("save as" . write-buffer)
"f SPC" '("project" . projectile-find-file)
"f r" '("recent" . recentf-open-files)
"f c" '("copy" . copy-file)
"f R" '("rename" . rename-file)
"f D" '("delete" . delete-file)
"f y" '("yank path" . ha-yank-buffer-path)
"f Y" '("yank path from project" . ha-yank-project-buffer-path)
"f d" '("dired" . dired)
"f 1" '("load win-1" . ha-find-file-window-1)
"f 2" '("load win-2" . ha-find-file-window-2)
"f 3" '("load win-3" . ha-find-file-window-3)
"f 4" '("load win-4" . ha-find-file-window-4)
"f 5" '("load win-5" . ha-find-file-window-5)
"f 6" '("load win-6" . ha-find-file-window-6)
"f 7" '("load win-7" . ha-find-file-window-7)
"f 8" '("load win-8" . ha-find-file-window-8)
"f 9" '("load win-9" . ha-find-file-window-9))
"f" '(:ignore t :which-key "files")
"f f" '("load" . find-file)
"f F" '("load new window" . find-file-other-window)
"f s" '("save" . save-buffer)
"f S" '("save as" . write-buffer)
"f SPC" '("project" . projectile-find-file)
"f r" '("recent" . recentf-open-files)
"f c" '("copy" . copy-file)
"f R" '("rename" . rename-file)
"f D" '("delete" . delete-file)
"f y" '("yank path" . ha-yank-buffer-path)
"f Y" '("yank path from project" . ha-yank-project-buffer-path)
"f d" '("dired" . dired)
"f 1" '("load win-1" . ha-find-file-window-1)
"f 2" '("load win-2" . ha-find-file-window-2)
"f 3" '("load win-3" . ha-find-file-window-3)
"f 4" '("load win-4" . ha-find-file-window-4)
"f 5" '("load win-5" . ha-find-file-window-5)
"f 6" '("load win-6" . ha-find-file-window-6)
"f 7" '("load win-7" . ha-find-file-window-7)
"f 8" '("load win-8" . ha-find-file-window-8)
"f 9" '("load win-9" . ha-find-file-window-9))
*** Buffer Operations
This section groups buffer-related operations under the "SPC b" sequence.
Putting the entire visible contents of the buffer on the clipboard is often useful:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-yank-buffer-contents ()
"Copy narrowed contents of the buffer to the clipboard."
(kill-new (buffer-substring-no-properties
(point-min) (point-max))))
(defun ha-yank-buffer-contents ()
"Copy narrowed contents of the buffer to the clipboard."
(kill-new (buffer-substring-no-properties
(point-min) (point-max))))
And the collection of useful operations:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
"b" '(:ignore t :which-key "buffers")
"b B" '("switch" . persp-switch-to-buffer)
"b o" '("switch" . switch-to-buffer-other-window)
"b O" '("other" . projectile-switch-buffer-to-other-window)
"b i" '("ibuffer" . ibuffer)
"b I" '("ibuffer" . ibuffer-other-window)
"b k" '("persp remove" . persp-remove-buffer)
"b N" '("new" . evil-buffer-new)
"b d" '("delete" . persp-kill-buffer*)
"b r" '("revert" . revert-buffer)
"b s" '("save" . save-buffer)
"b S" '("save all" . evil-write-all)
"b n" '("next" . next-buffer)
"b p" '("previous" . previous-buffer)
"b y" '("copy contents" . ha-yank-buffer-contents)
"b z" '("bury" . bury-buffer)
"b Z" '("unbury" . unbury-buffer)
"b" '(:ignore t :which-key "buffers")
"b B" '("switch" . persp-switch-to-buffer)
"b o" '("switch" . switch-to-buffer-other-window)
"b O" '("other" . projectile-switch-buffer-to-other-window)
"b i" '("ibuffer" . ibuffer)
"b I" '("ibuffer" . ibuffer-other-window)
"b k" '("persp remove" . persp-remove-buffer)
"b N" '("new" . evil-buffer-new)
"b d" '("delete" . persp-kill-buffer*)
"b r" '("revert" . revert-buffer)
"b s" '("save" . save-buffer)
"b S" '("save all" . evil-write-all)
"b n" '("next" . next-buffer)
"b p" '("previous" . previous-buffer)
"b y" '("copy contents" . ha-yank-buffer-contents)
"b z" '("bury" . bury-buffer)
"b Z" '("unbury" . unbury-buffer)
;; And double up on the bookmarks:
"b m" '("set bookmark" . bookmark-set)
"b M" '("delete mark" . bookmark-delete))
;; And double up on the bookmarks:
"b m" '("set bookmark" . bookmark-set)
"b M" '("delete mark" . bookmark-delete))
*** Toggle Switches
The goal here is toggle switches and other miscellaneous settings.
@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ Since we can't automatically toggle between relative and absolute line numbers,
Add it to the toggle menu:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
"t r" '("relative lines" . ha-toggle-relative-line-numbers))
"t r" '("relative lines" . ha-toggle-relative-line-numbers))
**** Narrowing
I like the focus the [[info:emacs#Narrowing][Narrowing features]] offer, but what a /dwim/ aspect:
@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ I like the focus the [[info:emacs#Narrowing][Narrowing features]] offer, but wha
And put it on the toggle menu:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(ha-leader "t n" '("narrow" . ha-narrow-dwim))
(ha-leader "t n" '("narrow" . ha-narrow-dwim))
*** Window Operations
While it comes with Emacs, I use [[https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/WinnerMode][winner-mode]] to undo window-related changes:
@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ And when creating new windows, why isn't the new window selected?
(other-window 1))
(dolist (command '(split-window-below split-window-right
evil-window-split evil-window-vsplit))
evil-window-split evil-window-vsplit))
(advice-add command :after #'jump-to-new-window))
This is nice since the window numbers are always present on a Doom modeline, but they order the window numbers /differently/ than =ace-window=. Let's see which I end up liking better.
@ -992,10 +992,10 @@ The [[https://github.com/mhayashi1120/Emacs-wgrep][wgrep package]] integrates wi
:commands wgrep-rg-setup
:hook (rg-mode-hook . wgrep-rg-setup)
:keymaps 'rg-mode-map ; Actually, `i' works!
"s w" '("wgrep-mode" . wgrep-change-to-wgrep-mode)
"t w" '("wgrep-mode" . wgrep-change-to-wgrep-mode)))
:keymaps 'rg-mode-map ; Actually, `i' works!
"s w" '("wgrep-mode" . wgrep-change-to-wgrep-mode)
"t w" '("wgrep-mode" . wgrep-change-to-wgrep-mode)))
*** Text Operations
Stealing much of this from Spacemacs.
@ -1120,13 +1120,13 @@ The [[https://github.com/oantolin/embark/][embark]] project offers /actions/ on
According to [[https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/embark-consult.html#orgc76b5de][this essay]], Embark cooperates well with the [[https://github.com/minad/marginalia][Marginalia]] and [[https://github.com/minad/consult][Consult]] packages. Neither of those packages is a dependency of Embark, but Embark supplies a hook for Consult where Consult previews can be done from Embark Collect buffers:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package embark-consult
:after (embark consult)
:demand t ; only necessary if you have the hook below
;; if you want to have consult previews as you move around an
;; auto-updating embark collect buffer
(embark-collect-mode . consult-preview-at-point-mode))
(use-package embark-consult
:after (embark consult)
:demand t ; only necessary if you have the hook below
;; if you want to have consult previews as you move around an
;; auto-updating embark collect buffer
(embark-collect-mode . consult-preview-at-point-mode))
According to the [[https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/embark-consult.html][Embark-Consult page]]:
@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ Dropping into Emacs state is better than pure Evil state for applications, howev
Do I want to specify the list of modes to change for =evil-collection-init=, e.g.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no :eval no
'(eww magit dired notmuch term wdired)
'(eww magit dired notmuch term wdired)
*** Evil Owl
Not sure what is in a register? Have it show you when you hit ~”~ or ~@~ with [[https://github.com/mamapanda/evil-owl][evil-owl]]:
@ -1371,27 +1371,27 @@ While I don't /need/ all the features that [[https://github.com/bbatsov/projecti
"p" '(:ignore t :which-key "projects")
"p W" '("initialize workspace" . ha-workspace-initialize)
"p n" '("new project space" . ha-project-persp)
"p !" '("run cmd in project root" . projectile-run-shell-command-in-root)
"p &" '("async cmd in project root" . projectile-run-async-shell-command-in-root)
"p a" '("add new project" . projectile-add-known-project)
"p b" '("switch to project buffer" . projectile-switch-to-buffer)
"p c" '("compile in project" . projectile-compile-project)
"p C" '("repeat last command" . projectile-repeat-last-command)
"p d" '("remove known project" . projectile-remove-known-project)
"p e" '("edit project .dir-locals" . projectile-edit-dir-locals)
"p f" '("find file in project" . projectile-find-file)
"p g" '("configure project" . projectile-configure-project)
"p i" '("invalidate project cache" . projectile-invalidate-cache)
"p k" '("kill project buffers" . projectile-kill-buffers)
"p o" '("find other file" . projectile-find-other-file)
"p p" '("switch project" . projectile-switch-project)
"p r" '("find recent project files" . projectile-recentf)
"p R" '("run project" . projectile-run-project)
"p S" '("save project files" . projectile-save-project-buffers)
"p T" '("test project" . projectile-test-project)))
"p" '(:ignore t :which-key "projects")
"p W" '("initialize workspace" . ha-workspace-initialize)
"p n" '("new project space" . ha-project-persp)
"p !" '("run cmd in project root" . projectile-run-shell-command-in-root)
"p &" '("async cmd in project root" . projectile-run-async-shell-command-in-root)
"p a" '("add new project" . projectile-add-known-project)
"p b" '("switch to project buffer" . projectile-switch-to-buffer)
"p c" '("compile in project" . projectile-compile-project)
"p C" '("repeat last command" . projectile-repeat-last-command)
"p d" '("remove known project" . projectile-remove-known-project)
"p e" '("edit project .dir-locals" . projectile-edit-dir-locals)
"p f" '("find file in project" . projectile-find-file)
"p g" '("configure project" . projectile-configure-project)
"p i" '("invalidate project cache" . projectile-invalidate-cache)
"p k" '("kill project buffers" . projectile-kill-buffers)
"p o" '("find other file" . projectile-find-other-file)
"p p" '("switch project" . projectile-switch-project)
"p r" '("find recent project files" . projectile-recentf)
"p R" '("run project" . projectile-run-project)
"p S" '("save project files" . projectile-save-project-buffers)
"p T" '("test project" . projectile-test-project)))
** Workspaces
A /workspace/ (at least to me) requires a quick jump to a collection of buffer windows organized around a project or task. For this, I'm basing my work on the [[https://github.com/nex3/perspective-el][perspective.el]] project.
@ -1472,15 +1472,15 @@ Build the hydra as well as configure the =perspective= project.
I have no idea why this binding doesnt work /within/ the =use-package= declaration, but oh well…
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(ha-leader "TAB" '("workspaces" . hydra-workspace-leader/body))
(ha-leader "TAB" '("workspaces" . hydra-workspace-leader/body))
The /special/ perspective is a nice shortcut to the one I use the most:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-switch-to-special ()
"Change to the projects perspective."
(persp-switch "projects"))
(defun ha-switch-to-special ()
"Change to the projects perspective."
(persp-switch "projects"))
*** Predefined Workspaces
Let's describe a list of startup project workspaces. This way, I don't need the clutter of the recent state, but also get back to a state of mental normality.
@ -1637,16 +1637,16 @@ The [[https://scripter.co/using-git-delta-with-magit][magit-delta]] project uses
I also need to append the following to my [[file:~/.gitconfig][~/.gitconfig]] file:
#+begin_src conf
minus-style = normal "#8f0001"
minus-non-emph-style = normal "#8f0001"
minus-emph-style = normal bold "#d01011"
minus-empty-line-marker-style = normal "#8f0001"
zero-style = syntax
plus-style = syntax "#006800"
plus-non-emph-style = syntax "#006800"
plus-emph-style = syntax "#009000"
plus-empty-line-marker-style = normal "#006800"
minus-style = normal "#8f0001"
minus-non-emph-style = normal "#8f0001"
minus-emph-style = normal bold "#d01011"
minus-empty-line-marker-style = normal "#8f0001"
zero-style = syntax
plus-style = syntax "#006800"
plus-non-emph-style = syntax "#006800"
plus-emph-style = syntax "#009000"
plus-empty-line-marker-style = normal "#006800"
*** Git with Difftastic
Im stealing the code for this section from [[https://tsdh.org/posts/2022-08-01-difftastic-diffing-with-magit.html][this essay]] by Tassilo Horn, and in fact, Im going to lift a lot of his explanation too, as I may need to remind myself how this works. The idea is based on using Wilfreds excellent [[https://github.com/Wilfred/difftastic][difftastic]] tool to do a structural/syntax comparison of code changes in git. To begin, install the binary:
@ -1780,26 +1780,26 @@ What's left is integrating the new show and diff commands in Magit. For that pur
*** Time Machine
The [[https://github.com/emacsmirror/git-timemachine][git-timemachine]] project visually shows how a code file changes with each iteration:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package git-timemachine
(ha-leader "g t" '("git timemachine" . git-timemachine)))
(use-package git-timemachine
(ha-leader "g t" '("git timemachine" . git-timemachine)))
*** Gist
Using the [[https://github.com/emacsmirror/gist][gist package]] to write code snippets on [[https://gist.github.com/][Github]] seems like it can be useful, but I'm not sure how often.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
(use-package gist
"g G" '(:ignore t :which-key "gists")
"g l g" '("gists" . gist-list)
"g G l" '("list" . gist-list) ; Lists your gists in a new buffer.
"g G r" '("region" . gist-region) ; Copies Gist URL into the kill ring.
"g G R" '("private region" . gist-region-private) ; Explicitly create a private gist.
"g G b" '("buffer" . gist-buffer) ; Copies Gist URL into the kill ring.
"g G B" '("private buffer" . gist-buffer-private) ; Explicitly create a private gist.
"g c g" '("gist" . gist-region-or-buffer) ; Post either the current region, or buffer
"g c G" '("private gist" . gist-region-or-buffer-private))) ; create private gist from region or buffer
(use-package gist
"g G" '(:ignore t :which-key "gists")
"g l g" '("gists" . gist-list)
"g G l" '("list" . gist-list) ; Lists your gists in a new buffer.
"g G r" '("region" . gist-region) ; Copies Gist URL into the kill ring.
"g G R" '("private region" . gist-region-private) ; Explicitly create a private gist.
"g G b" '("buffer" . gist-buffer) ; Copies Gist URL into the kill ring.
"g G B" '("private buffer" . gist-buffer-private) ; Explicitly create a private gist.
"g c g" '("gist" . gist-region-or-buffer) ; Post either the current region, or buffer
"g c G" '("private gist" . gist-region-or-buffer-private))) ; create private gist from region or buffer
The gist project depends on the [[https://github.com/sigma/gh.el][gh library]]. There seems to be a problem with it.
@ -1837,27 +1837,27 @@ Let's extend Magit with [[https://github.com/magit/forge][Magit Forge]] for work
Every /so often/, pop over to the following URLs and generate a new token where the *Note* is =forge=, and then copy that into the [[file:~/.authinfo.gpg][~/.authinfo.gpg]]:
- [[https://gitlab.com/-/profile/personal_access_tokens][Gitlab]]
- [[https://github.com/settings/tokens][Github]]
and make sure this works:
and make sure this works:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no :results replace
(ghub-request "GET" "/user" nil
:forge 'github
:host "api.github.com"
:username "howardabrams"
:auth 'forge)
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no :results replace
(ghub-request "GET" "/user" nil
:forge 'github
:host "api.github.com"
:username "howardabrams"
:auth 'forge)
*** Pushing is Bad
Pushing directly to the upstream branch is /bad form/, as one should create a pull request, etc. To prevent an accidental push, we /double-check/ first:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(define-advice magit-push-current-to-upstream (:before (args) query-yes-or-no)
"Prompt for confirmation before permitting a push to upstream."
(when-let ((branch (magit-get-current-branch)))
(unless (yes-or-no-p (format "Push %s branch upstream to %s? "
(or (magit-get-upstream-branch branch)
(magit-get "branch" branch "remote"))))
(user-error "Push to upstream aborted by user"))))
(define-advice magit-push-current-to-upstream (:before (args) query-yes-or-no)
"Prompt for confirmation before permitting a push to upstream."
(when-let ((branch (magit-get-current-branch)))
(unless (yes-or-no-p (format "Push %s branch upstream to %s? "
(or (magit-get-upstream-branch branch)
(magit-get "branch" branch "remote"))))
(user-error "Push to upstream aborted by user"))))
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