Created a "lsd" command to call lsd if installed

But format it like the built-in "eshell/ls" command.
This commit is contained in:
Howard Abrams 2022-10-01 21:06:49 -07:00
parent b399c30bb6
commit 62a9262f43

View file

@ -55,27 +55,32 @@ If any program wants to pause the output through the =$PAGER= variable, well, we
* Aliases
Gotta have some [[][shell aliases]], right? We have three ways of doing that. First, enter them into an =eshell= session:
#+begin_src sh
alias less 'view-file $1'
alias ll 'ls -AlohG --color=always'
Note that you need single quotes, and more than one argument doesnt work with aliases. To resolve that, we need to write [[Eshell Functions][a function]].
Second, you can create/populate the alias file, =~/.emacs.d/eshell/alias= … as long as you dont use those single quotes:
#+begin_src shell :tangle ~/.emacs.d/eshell/alias
alias ll ls -l $*
alias clear recenter 0
alias d dired $1
alias e find-file $1
Second, you can create/populate the alias file, =~/.emacs.d/eshell/alias= … as long as you dont use those single quotes: ~/.emacs.d/eshell/alias
#+begin_src shell :tangle no
alias ll ls -AlohG --color=always
alias d dired
alias e find-file
alias less view-file $1
alias more view-file $1
alias find echo 'Please use fd instead.'
Which happens when you type those commands into an =eshell=.
Note: The issues with =alias= include dealing with arguments and calling Emacs Lisp functions, for I would like to have:
#+begin_src sh
alias less view-file
Third, you want /control/, write a function to define the aliases:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
(defun ha-eshell-add-aliases ()
"Call `eshell/alias' to define my aliases."
(eshell/alias "e" "find-file $1")
(eshell/alias "less" "view-file $1")
(eshell/alias "d" "dired $1")
(eshell/alias "gd" "magit-diff-unstaged")
(eshell/alias "gds" "magit-diff-staged")
@ -134,6 +139,142 @@ Then we need add that function to the =eshell-predicate-alist= as the =T= tag:
Any function that begins with =eshell/= is available as a command (with the remaining letters) Once I had a function =eshell/f= as a replacement for =find=, but the [[][fd]] project is better.
Since =eshell= is an /Emacs/ shell, I try to think how to use Emacs buffers in a shell-focused workflow. For instance, use =view-file= instead of =less=, as it will show a file with syntax coloring, and typing ~q~ returns to your shell session.
This helper function can tell me if an executable program is available and where it is:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-find-executable (program)
"Return full path to executable PROGRAM on the `exec-path'."
(-filter 'file-executable-p
(--map (expand-file-name program it) (exec-path)))))
** Foobar
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun eshell/foobar (&rest args)
"The `foobar' in Lisp.
This does little more than print out information given to it as
an example of how to write eshell functions."
(setq args (eshell-flatten-and-stringify args))
(if eshell-in-pipeline-p
(eshell-parse-command (eshell-quote-argument ext-cat) args)
"foobar" args
'((?h "help" nil nil "show this usage screen")
(?l "line" nil single-line "display in a single line")
:usage "[OPTION] TEXT...
Display text, or standard input, to standard output.")
(if single-line
(format "Args: %s" args)
(mapconcat (lambda (word) (format "Arg: %s\n" word)) args "\n")))))
** Replace ls
I like the output of the [[][lsd]] program, and want =ls= to call it, if available.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar ha-lsd (ha-find-executable "lsd")
"Location of the `lsd' program, if installed.")
The problem I have with =lsd= is that it does not display in columns or /colorize/ its output in eshell (even when changing the =TERM= variable). Since I already wrote this code, Im re-purposing it and expanding it. Step one is to have a function that gives a list of files for a =directory= (notice it doesnt take options, for if I am going for special output, Ill be calling =ls= directly).
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-eshell-ls-files (&optional directory)
"Return a list of directories in DIRECTORY or `default-directory' if null."
(let ((default-directory (or directory default-directory)))
(if ha-lsd
(shell-command-to-list (format "%s --icon always" ha-lsd))
(directory-files default-directory nil
(rx string-start
(not (any "." "#"))
(one-or-more any)
(not "~")
Given a filename, lets pad and colorize it based on file attributes:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-eshell-ls-filename (filename padded-fmt &optional directory)
"Return a prettized version of FILE based on its attributes.
Formats the string with PADDED-FMT."
(let ((file (expand-file-name (if (string-match (rx (group alpha (zero-or-more any))) filename)
(match-string 1 filename)
(import-rx (rx "README"))
(image-rx (rx "." (or "png" "jpg" "jpeg" "tif" "wav") string-end))
(code-rx (rx "." (or "el" "py" "rb") string-end))
(docs-rx (rx "." (or "org" "md") string-end)))
(format padded-fmt
((file-directory-p file)
(propertize filename 'face 'eshell-ls-directory))
((file-executable-p file)
(propertize filename 'face 'eshell-ls-executable))
((string-match import-rx file)
(propertize filename 'face '(:foreground "orange")))
((string-match image-rx file)
(propertize filename 'face 'eshell-ls-special))
((file-symlink-p file)
(propertize filename 'face 'eshell-ls-symlink))
((not (file-readable-p file))
(propertize filename 'face 'eshell-ls-unreadable))
This function pulls all the calls to [[help:ha-eshell-ls-file][ha-eshell-ls-file]] to create columns to make a multi-line string:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-eshell-ls (&optional directory)
"Return a formatted string of files for a directory.
The string is a pretty version with columns and whatnot."
(let* ((files (ha-eshell-ls-files (or directory default-directory)))
(longest (--reduce-from (max acc (length it)) 1 files))
(width (window-total-width))
(columns (/ width (+ longest 3)))
(padded (if ha-lsd
(format "%%-%ds " longest)
(format "• %%-%ds " longest))))
(cl-flet* ((process-lines (files)
(s-join "" (--map (ha-eshell-ls-filename it padded directory) files)))
(process-files (table)
(s-join "\n" (--map (process-lines it) table))))
(concat (process-files (seq-partition files columns)) "\n\n"))))
While the =ha-eshell-ls= takes a directory, this version puts the canonical directory as a label before the listing. This will be called when we directly specify the directory name(s):
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-eshell-ls-directory (directory)
"Print the DIRECTORY name and its contents."
(let ((dir (file-truename directory)))
(propertize dir 'face '(:foreground "gold" :underline t))
(ha-eshell-ls dir))))
I have the interface program to work with =eshell=.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun eshell/lsd (&rest args)
(let ((lsd (ha-find-executable "lsd")))
;; I expect to call this function without any arguments most of the time:
((and lsd (null args))
;; Called with other directories? Print them all, one at a time:
((and lsd (--none? (string-match (rx string-start "-") it) args))
(mapconcat 'ha-eshell-ls-directory args ""))
;; Calling the function with -l or other arguments, don't bother. Just call ls:
(t (eshell/ls args)))))
Which needs an =ls= alias:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
;; (eshell/alias "lss" "echo $@")
** Buffer Cat
Why not be able to read a buffer and use it as the start of a pipeline?
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
@ -563,49 +704,16 @@ The [[][eshell-fringe-status]]
:hook (eshell-mode . eshell-fringe-status-mode))
** Opening Banner
Whenever I open a shell, I instinctively type =ls= … so why not do that automatically? The [[elisp:(describe-variable 'eshell-banner-message)][eshell-banner-message]] variable, while normally a string, can be a /form/ (an s-expression) that calls a function, so I made a customized =ls= that can be attractive:
Whenever I open a shell, I instinctively type =ls= … so why not do that automatically? The [[elisp:(describe-variable 'eshell-banner-message)][eshell-banner-message]] variable, while defaults to a string, this variable can be a /form/ (an s-expression) that calls a function, so I made a customized =ls= that can be attractive:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-eshell-banner ()
"Return a string containing the files in the current directory."
(let* ((non-hidden (rx string-start
(not (any "." "#"))
(one-or-more any)
(not "~")
(files (directory-files default-directory nil non-hidden))
(longest (--reduce-from (max acc (length it)) 1 files))
(padded (format "%%-%ds " longest))
(width (window-total-width))
(columns (/ width (+ longest 3))))
(cl-flet* ((process-file
(let ((impor-rx (rx string-start "README"))
(image-rx (rx "." (or "png" "jpg" "jpeg" "tif" "wav") string-end))
(code-rx (rx "." (or "el" "py" "rb") string-end))
(docs-rx (rx "." (or "org" "md") string-end)))
(format padded (cond
((string-match impor-rx file)
(propertize file 'face '(:foreground "gold")))
((string-match image-rx file)
(propertize file 'face '(:foreground "light pink")))
((string-match code-rx file)
(propertize file 'face '(:foreground "DarkSeaGreen1")))
((file-directory-p file)
(propertize file 'face 'eshell-ls-directory))
(process-lines (files) (s-join "• " (--map (process-file it) files)))
(process-files (table) (s-join "\n" (--map (process-lines it) table))))
(concat (process-files (seq-partition files columns)) "\n\n"))))
* Shell Windows
Now that I often need to quickly pop into remote systems to run a shell or commands, I create helper functions to create those buffer windows. Each begin with =eshell-=:
Now that I often need to pop into remote systems to run a shell or commands, I create helper functions to create those buffer windows. Each buffer begins with =eshell=: allowing me to have more than one eshells, typically, one per project.
** Shell There
The basis for opening an shell depends on the /location/. After that, we make the window smaller, give the buffer a good name, as well as immediately display the files with =ls= (since I instinctively just /do that/ … every time).
The basis for distinguishing a shell is its /parent location/. Before starting =eshell=, we make a small window, set the buffer name (using the [[elisp:(describe-variable 'eshell-buffer-name)][eshell-buffer-name]]):
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun eshell-there (parent)
"Open an eshell session in a PARENT directory.
@ -621,12 +729,12 @@ The basis for opening an shell depends on the /location/. After that, we make th
** Shell Here
This version of the =eshell= is based on the current buffers parent directory:
This version of the =eshell= bases the location on the current buffers parent directory:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun eshell-here ()
"Opens up a new shell in the directory of the current buffer.
The eshell is renamed to match that directory to make multiple
eshell windows easier."
"Opens a new shell in the directory of the current buffer.
Renames the eshell buffer to match that directory to allow more
than one eshell window."
(eshell-there (if (buffer-file-name)
(file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))
@ -637,7 +745,7 @@ And lets bind it:
(bind-key "C-!" 'eshell-here)
** Shell for a Project
I usually want the =eshell= to start in the projects root, using [[help:projectile-project-root][projectile-project-root]]:
This version starts =eshell= in the projects root, using [[help:projectile-project-root][projectile-project-root]]:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun eshell-project ()
"Open a new shell in the project root directory, in a smaller window."
@ -646,7 +754,7 @@ I usually want the =eshell= to start in the projects root, using [[help:proje
And we can attach this function to the =projectile= menu:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(ha-leader "p s" '("shell" . eshell-project))
(ha-leader "p t" '("eshell" . eshell-project))
** Shell Over There
@ -660,20 +768,24 @@ Would be nice to be able to run an eshell session and use Tramp to connect to th
(interactive "sHost: ")
(let ((destination-path
((string-match-p "^/" host) host)
;; Is the HOST already an absolute tramp reference?
((string-match-p (rx line-start "/") host) host)
((string-match-p (ha-eshell-host-regexp 'full) host)
(string-match (ha-eshell-host-regexp 'full) host) ;; Why!?
(let* ((user1 (match-string 2 host))
(host1 (match-string 3 host))
(user2 (match-string 6 host))
(host2 (match-string 7 host)))
(if host1
(ha-eshell-host->tramp user1 host1)
(ha-eshell-host->tramp user2 host2))))
;; Does it match any acceptable reference? Get the parts:
((string-match-p (ha-eshell-host-regexp 'full) host)
(string-match (ha-eshell-host-regexp 'full) host) ;; Why!?
(let* ((user1 (match-string 2 host))
(host1 (match-string 3 host))
(user2 (match-string 6 host))
(host2 (match-string 7 host)))
(if host1
(ha-eshell-host->tramp user1 host1)
(ha-eshell-host->tramp user2 host2))))
(t (format "/%s:" host)))))
;; Otherwise, we assume we have a hostname from a string?
;; Convert to a simple 'default' tramp URL:
(t (format "/%s:" host)))))
(eshell-there destination-path)))
** Shell Here to There
@ -709,21 +821,20 @@ The function to scan a line for hostname patterns uses different function calls
or Tramp references. This returns a tuple of the username (if
found) and the hostname.
If a Tramp reference is found, the username part of the tuple
will be `nil'."
If found a Tramp reference, the username part of the tuple is `nil'."
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(if (search-forward-regexp (ha-eshell-host-regexp 'tramp) (line-end-position) t)
(cons nil (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
;; Returns the text associated with match expression, NUM or `nil' if no match was found.
;; Returns the text associated with match expression, NUM or `nil' if found no match
(cl-flet ((ha-eshell-get-expression (num) (if-let ((first (match-beginning num))
(end (match-end num)))
(buffer-substring-no-properties first end))))
(search-forward-regexp (ha-eshell-host-regexp 'full) (line-end-position))
;; Until this is completely robust, let's keep this debugging code here:
;; Until robust, let's keep this debugging code here:
;; (message (mapconcat (lambda (tup) (if-let ((s (car tup))
;; (e (cadr tup)))
;; (buffer-substring-no-properties s e)