Send code blocks from Markdown to current Terminal
Lot of terminal changes here ... * Single command to split window and launch terminal * Better terminal names based on the project * Send current line (or code block) to project's terminal This last bit is attempting to dwim based on major mode and context. So far, it is nice to read a, and send the commands my teammates write to a terminal, almost as if I were executing the commands in an org-mode file.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 150 additions and 117 deletions
@ -979,8 +979,8 @@ And when creating new windows, why isn't the new window selected? Also, when I c
(other-window 1)))
(pcase file-or-buffer
(:file (call-interactively 'consult-projectile-find-file))
(:buffer (call-interactively 'consult-projectile-switch-to-buffer))))
(:buffer (call-interactively 'consult-projectile-switch-to-buffer))
(:term (ha-shell (projectile-project-root)))))
Shame that hydra doesn’t have an /ignore-case/ feature.
@ -998,23 +998,27 @@ Shame that hydra doesn’t have an /ignore-case/ feature.
(defhydra hydra-window-split-above (:color blue :hint nil)
("b" (lambda () (interactive) (ha-new-window :above :buffer)) "switch buffer")
("f" (lambda () (interactive) (ha-new-window :above :file)) "load file")
("t" (lambda () (interactive) (ha-new-window :above :term)) "terminal")
("k" split-window-below "split window"))
(defhydra hydra-window-split-below (:color blue :hint nil)
("b" (lambda () (interactive) (ha-new-window :below :buffer)) "switch buffer")
("f" (lambda () (interactive) (ha-new-window :below :file)) "load file ")
("t" (lambda () (interactive) (ha-new-window :below :term)) "terminal")
("j" (lambda () (interactive) (split-window-below) (other-window 1)) "split window ")
("s" (lambda () (interactive) (split-window-below) (other-window 1)) "split window "))
(defhydra hydra-window-split-right (:color blue :hint nil)
("b" (lambda () (interactive) (ha-new-window :right :buffer)) "switch buffer")
("f" (lambda () (interactive) (ha-new-window :right :file)) "load file")
("t" (lambda () (interactive) (ha-new-window :right :term)) "terminal")
("l" (lambda () (interactive) (split-window-right) (other-window 1)) "split window ")
("n" (lambda () (interactive) (split-window-right) (other-window 1)) "split window "))
(defhydra hydra-window-split-left (:color blue :hint nil)
("b" (lambda () (interactive) (ha-new-window :left :buffer)) "switch buffer")
("f" (lambda () (interactive) (ha-new-window :left :file)) "load file ")
("t" (lambda () (interactive) (ha-new-window :left :term)) "terminal")
("h" split-window-right "split window")))
This means that, without thinking, the following just works:
@ -117,13 +117,6 @@ VTerm has an issue (at least for me) with ~M-Backspace~ not deleting the previou
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package vterm
;; Granted, I seldom pop out to the shell except during code demonstrations,
;; but I like how C-p/C-n jumps up to each prompt entry using this setting
;; that works with my prompt:
(setq vterm-use-vterm-prompt-detection-method nil
term-prompt-regexp "^.* $ ")
(dolist (k '("<C-backspace>" "<M-backspace>"))
(define-key vterm-mode-map (kbd k)
@ -132,40 +125,13 @@ VTerm has an issue (at least for me) with ~M-Backspace~ not deleting the previou
;; Enter copy mode? Go to Evil's normal state to move around:
(advice-add 'vterm-copy-mode :after 'evil-normal-state)
;; I don't know if I need any of these ... yet. Because when I am in a shell,
;; I default to Emacs keybindings...
;; (setq vterm-keymap-exceptions nil)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-e") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-f") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-a") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-v") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-b") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-w") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-u") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-d") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-n") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-m") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-p") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-j") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-k") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-r") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-t") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-g") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-c") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'insert vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-SPC") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'normal vterm-mode-map (kbd "C-d") #'vterm--self-insert)
;; (evil-define-key 'normal vterm-mode-map (kbd ",c") #'multi-vterm)
;; (evil-define-key 'normal vterm-mode-map (kbd ",n") #'multi-vterm-next)
;; (evil-define-key 'normal vterm-mode-map (kbd ",p") #'multi-vterm-prev)
;; (evil-define-key 'normal vterm-mode-map (kbd "i") #'evil-insert-resume)
;; (evil-define-key 'normal vterm-mode-map (kbd "o") #'evil-insert-resume)
;; (evil-define-key 'normal vterm-mode-map (kbd "<return>") #'evil-insert-resume)
(vterm-mode . (lambda ()
(setq-local evil-insert-state-cursor 'box)
(setq-local show-paren-mode nil)
(setf truncate-lines nil)
(setf truncate-lines nil
vterm-use-vterm-prompt-detection-method nil
term-prompt-regexp "^.* $ ")
(flycheck-mode -1)
(yas-minor-mode -1)
@ -173,12 +139,6 @@ VTerm has an issue (at least for me) with ~M-Backspace~ not deleting the previou
The advantage of running terminals in Emacs is the ability to copy text without a mouse. For that, hit ~C-c C-t~ to enter a special copy-mode. If I go into this mode, I might as well also go into normal mode to move the cursor. To exit the copy-mode (and copy the selected text to the clipboard), hit ~Return~.
*** Multi Vterm
The [[][multi-vterm]] project adds functions for renaming =vterm= instances.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package multi-vterm)
Keybindings at the end of this file.
** Variables
Let's begin by defining some variables used for communication between the functions.
@ -245,10 +205,10 @@ This is used in calls to =interactive= to select a host."
Simply calling =vterm= fails to load my full environment, so this allows me to start the terminal in a particular directory (defaulting to the root of the current project):
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-shell (&optional directory)
(defun ha-shell (&optional directory name)
"Creates and tidies up a =vterm= terminal shell in side window."
(interactive (list (read-directory-name "Starting Directory: " (projectile-project-root))))
(let* ((win-name (ha--terminal-name-from-dir directory))
(let* ((win-name (or name (ha-shell--name-from-dir directory)))
(buf-name (format "*%s*" win-name))
(default-directory (or directory default-directory)))
(setq ha-latest-ssh-window-name buf-name)
@ -264,38 +224,78 @@ Before we leave this section, I realize that I would like a way to /add/ to my l
(interactive "sHostname: \nsIP Address: ")
(add-to-list 'ha-ssh-favorite-hostnames (cons hostname ip-address)))
Let's have a quick way to bugger out of the terminal:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-ssh-exit (&optional window-name)
"End the SSH session specified by WINDOW-NAME (or if not, the latest session)."
(unless (string-match-p "v?term" (buffer-name))
(unless window-name
(setq window-name ha-latest-ssh-window-name))
(pop-to-buffer window-name))
(kill-buffer window-name)
** Programmatic Interface
Let’s send stuff to it:
Now that Emacs can /host/ a Terminal shell, I would like to /programmatically/ send commands to the running terminal, e.g. =(ha-shell-send "ls *.py")=
Since every project perspective may have a shell terminal, let’s see if I can figure which shell buffer to send—based on the =current-directory=.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-shell-send (command &optional directory)
"Send COMMAND to existing shell based on DIRECTORY.
"Send COMMAND to existing shell terminal based on DIRECTORY.
If the shell doesn't already exist, start on up by calling
the `ha-shell' function."
(let* ((win-name (ha--terminal-name-from-dir directory))
(win-rx (rx "*" (literal win-name) "*"))
(bufs (seq-filter (lambda (b) (when (string-match win-rx (buffer-name b)) b))
(buf (first bufs)))
the `ha-shell' function.
The real work for this is done by `ha-ssh-send'.
If DIRECTORY is nil, use the project root from projectile."
(let ((buf (ha-shell--buf-from-dir directory)))
(unless buf
(setq buf (ha-shell directory)))
(ha-ssh-send command buf)))
(defun ha--terminal-name-from-dir (&optional directory)
(defun ha-shell--buf-from-dir (directory)
"Return Terminal buffer associated with DIRECTORY.
Or nil if no buffer has been found."
(let* ((win-name (ha-shell--name-from-dir directory))
(win-rx (rx "*" (literal win-name) "*"))
(bufs (seq-filter (lambda (b) (when (string-match win-rx (buffer-name b)) b))
(first bufs)))
(defun ha-shell--name-from-dir (&optional directory)
"Return an appropriate title for a terminal based on DIRECTORY.
If DIRECTORY is nil, use the `projectile-project-name'."
(unless directory
(setq directory (projectile-project-name)))
(format "Terminal: %s" (file-name-base (directory-file-name directory))))
(let ((name
;; Most of the time I just want the base project name, but in
;; my "work" directory, the projects are too similar, and I
;; need two levels of directories to distinguish them as a
;; project.
(if (s-contains? "/work/" directory)
(thread-last directory
(s-split "/")
(-remove 's-blank-str?)
(-take-last 2)
(s-join "/"))
(file-name-base (directory-file-name directory)))))
(format "Terminal: %s" name)))
(ert-deftest ha--terminal-name-from-dir-test ()
(string= (ha--terminal-name-from-dir "~/other/hamacs/") "Terminal: hamacs"))
(string= (ha-shell--name-from-dir "~/other/hamacs/") "Terminal: hamacs"))
(string= (ha--terminal-name-from-dir) "Terminal: hamacs")))
(string= (ha-shell--name-from-dir "~/work/foo/bar") "Terminal: foo/bar"))
(string= (ha-shell--name-from-dir) "Terminal: hamacs")))
The previous functions (as well as my own end of sprint demonstrations) often need to issue some commands to a running terminal session, which is a simple wrapper around a /send text/ and /send return/ sequence:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-ssh-send (phrase &optional window-name)
"Send command PHRASE to the currently running SSH instance.
@ -315,43 +315,85 @@ The previous functions (as well as my own end of sprint demonstrations) often ne
On the rare occasion that I write a shell script, or at least, need to execute some one-line shell commands from some document, I have a function that combines a /read line from buffer/ and then send it to the currently running terminal:
As you may know, I’m big into /literate devops/ where I put my shell commands in org files. However, I also work as part of a team that for some reason, doesn’t accept Emacs as their One True Editor. At least, I am able to talk them into describing commands in Markdown files, e.g. Instead of /copying-pasting/ into the shell, could I /send/ the /current command/ to that shell?
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-ssh-send-line ()
(defun ha-ssh-send-line (prefix)
"Copy the contents of the current line in the current buffer,
and call =ha-ssh-send= with it. After sending the contents, it
returns to the current line."
(interactive "P")
;; The function =save-excursion= doesn't seem to work...
(let* ((buf (current-buffer))
(cmd-line (buffer-substring-no-properties
(line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))
(trim-cmd (s-trim cmd-line)))
(ha-ssh-send trim-cmd)
(let ((buf (current-buffer)))
(dolist (line (ha-ssh--line-or-block prefix))
;; (sit-for 0.25)
(ha-ssh-send line))
(pop-to-buffer buf)))
Let's have a quick way to bugger out of the terminal:
What does /current command/ mean? The current line? A good fall back. Selected region? Sure, if active, but that seems like more work. In a Markdown file, I can gather the entire source code block, just like in an Org file.
So the following function may be a bit complicated in determining what is this /current code/:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-ssh-exit (&optional window-name)
"End the SSH session specified by WINDOW-NAME (or if not, the latest session)."
(unless (string-match-p "v?term" (buffer-name))
(unless window-name
(setq window-name ha-latest-ssh-window-name))
(pop-to-buffer window-name))
(defun ha-ssh--line-or-block (num-lines)
"Return a list of the NUM-LINES from current buffer.
If NUM-LINES is nil, then follow these rules:
If the region is active, return the lines from that.
If in an org-mode block, return that block.
If in a Markdown file, return the triple-back-tick code,
or the indented code, or the inline code between single ticks.
Otherwise, just return the current line."
((and num-lines (numberp num-lines))
(line-beginning-position) (line-end-position num-lines)))
(kill-buffer window-name)
;; Region active?
(region-beginning) (region-end)))
;; In org? Use the block
((and (eq major-mode 'org-mode) (org-in-src-block-p))
(org-element-property :value (org-element-at-point)))
;; In Markdown block?
((and (eq major-mode 'markdown-mode) (markdown-code-block-at-point-p))
(car (markdown-code-block-at-point-p))
(cadr (markdown-code-block-at-point-p))))
;; In Markdown code that is just on part of the line?
((and (eq major-mode 'markdown-mode) (markdown-inline-code-at-point-p))
(car (markdown-inline-code-at-point-p))
(cadr (markdown-inline-code-at-point-p))))
(t ; Otherwise, just grab the current line:
(line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))))
In Markdown (and org), I might have initial spaces that should be removed (but not all initial spaces):
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun ha-ssh--line-cleanup (str)
"Return STR as a list of strings."
(let* ((lst-contents (thread-last str
(s-split "\n")
(-remove 's-blank-str-p)))
(first-line (car lst-contents))
(trim-amount (when (string-match (rx bol (group (* space))) first-line)
(length (match-string 1 first-line)))))
(mapcar (lambda (line) (substring line trim-amount)) lst-contents)))
(ert-deftest ha-ssh--line-cleanup-test ()
(should (equal (ha-ssh--line-cleanup "bob") '("bob")))
(should (equal (ha-ssh--line-cleanup " bob") '("bob")))
(should (equal (ha-ssh--line-cleanup "bob\nfoo") '("bob" "foo")))
(should (equal (ha-ssh--line-cleanup " bob\n foo") '("bob" "foo")))
(should (equal (ha-ssh--line-cleanup " bob\n foo") '("bob" " foo"))))
** Editing Remote Files
TRAMP, when it works, is amazing that we can give it a reference to a remote directory, and have =find-file= magically autocomplete.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
@ -473,29 +515,16 @@ This file, so far, as been good-enough for a Vanilla Emacs installation, but to
"a s o" '("overcloud" . ha-ssh-overcloud)
"a s l" '("local shell" . ha-shell)
"a s s" '("remote shell" . ha-ssh)
"a s p" '("project shell" . (lambda () (interactive) (ha-shell (projectile-project-root))))
"a s q" '("quit shell" . ha-ssh-exit)
"a s f" '("find-file" . ha-ssh-find-file)
"a s r" '("find-root" . ha-ssh-find-root)
"a s b" '("send line" . ha-ssh-send-line)
"a v" '(:ignore t :which-key "vterm")
"a v v" '("vterm" . multi-vterm)
"a v j" '("next vterm" . multi-vterm-next)
"a v k" '("prev vterm" . multi-vterm-prev)
"a v p" '("project vterm" . multi-vterm-project)
"a v r" '("rename" . multi-vterm-rename-buffer)
"a v d" '(:ignore t :which-key "dedicated")
"a v d o" '("open" . multi-vterm-dedicated-open)
"a v d s" '("switch" . multi-vterm-dedicated-select)
"a v d t" '("toggle" . multi-vterm-dedicated-toggle)
"a v d x" '("close" . multi-vterm-dedicated-close)
"p t" '("project vterm" . multi-vterm-project))
"p t" '("project vterm" . (lambda () (interactive) (ha-shell (projectile-project-root)))))
* Technical Artifacts :noexport:
Provide a name so we can =require= the file:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none
(provide 'ha-remoting)
;;; ha-remoting.el ends here
Reference in a new issue