Create a hydra for new Evil state for moving around

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Howard Abrams 2023-03-17 09:55:12 -07:00
parent a80bd6d068
commit b88172db48

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@ -173,14 +173,77 @@ The other advantage is moving around by s-expressions. This takes a little getti
- ~(~ and ~)~ move up to the parent s-expression
We need a real-world example. Lets suppose we entered this:
** Clever Keybindings
Adding a bunch of meta-key keybindings to the Normal state seems like Im going backwards away from the /key sequences/ of Evil. First, adding frequently used (especially key movements) on the ~g~ key seems nice. Since I never bother with [[help:find-file-at-point][find-file-at-point]], I figured I could re-purpose that keybinding:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
(format "The sum of %d %d is %d" a b (+ a b))
(use-package evil-cleverparens
(:states 'normal :keymaps 'prog-mode-map
"gf" '("evil cleverparens" . evil-cleverparens-hydra/body)
"H" 'evil-cp-backward-sexp
"L" 'ha-cp-forward-sexp))
But we forgot to define the =a= and =b= variables. One approach, after Escaping into the normal state, is to hit ~(~ to just to the beginning of the s-expression, and then type, ~M-(~ to wrap the expression, and type ~i~ to go into insert mode:
For all the rest, why not make a Hydra using the pretty-hydra project:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
(‖ (format "The sum of %d %d is %d" a b (+ a b)))
And now we can enter the =let= expression.
(use-package pretty-hydra
:after evil-cleverparens
(pretty-hydra-define evil-cleverparens-hydra
(:color red :quit-key "q")
(("f" ha-cp-beginning-of-next-defun "Next defun")
("C-f" evil-cp-end-of-defun nil) ; M-l
("F" evil-cp-beginning-of-defun "Prev defun") ; M-h
("j" evil-cp-forward-symbol-begin "Next symbol")
("k" evil-cp-backward-symbol-begin "Prev symbol")
("J" evil-cp-forward-symbol-end "Next symbol")
("K" evil-cp-backward-symbol-end "Prev symbol"))
"Move S-Exp"
(("h" evil-cp-backward-sexp "Prev s-exp") ; H
("C-l" evil-cp-forward-sexp nil) ; L
("l" ha-cp-forward-sexp "Next s-exp")
("C-u" evil-cp-backward-up-sexp nil)
("u" ha-sp-up-sexp "Up s-exp") ; See sp-up-sexp
("d" sp-down-sexp "Inside s-exp"))
((">" evil-cp-> "Barf")
("<" evil-cp-< "Slurp")
("w" cp-wrap-round "Wrap")
("b" evil-cp-drag-backward "Drag Backward") ; M-k
("g" evil-cp-drag-forward "Drag forward")) ; M-j
(("=" sp-indent-defun "Indent defun") ; M-q
("J" sp-join-sexp "Join s-exp") ; M-j
("s" sp-splice-sexp "Splice s-exp") ; M-s
("S" sp-split-sexp "Split s-exp") ; M-S
("t" sp-transpose-sexp "Transpose s-exp") ; M-t
("T" sp-transpose-hybrid-sexp "Transpose hybrid")
("x" sp-convolute-sexp "Convolute s-exp") ; M-v
("r" sp-raise-sexp "Raise s-exp")) ; M-r
(("o" evil-cp-open-below-form "After" :color blue)
("O" evil-cp-open-above-form "Before" :color blue)
("a" ha-cp-append-end "append" :color blue)
("A" evil-cp-append "Append" :color blue)
("i" evil-cp-insert "Insert" :color blue))
(("U" evil-undo "Undo")
("R" evil-redo "Redo")
("v" er/expand-region "Expand")
("V" er/contract-region "Contract")))))
Other nifty keybindings that I need to commit to muscle memory include:
| ~M-q~ | =sp-indent-defun= |
@ -190,7 +253,43 @@ Other nifty keybindings that I need to commit to muscle memory include:
| ~M-t~ | =sp-transpose-sexp= |
| ~M-v~ | =sp-convolute-sexp= |
| ~M-r~ | =sp-raise-sexp= |
(defun ha-cp-beginning-of-next-defun (count)
"Move to the beginning of the next function."
(interactive "P")
(evil-cp-end-of-defun count)
(defun ha-sp-up-sexp (count)
"Better opposite of `sp-down-sexp'."
(interactive "P")
(evil-cp-backward-up-sexp count)
(defun ha-cp-forward-sexp (count)
"Better opposite of `evil-cp-backward-sexp'."
(interactive "P")
(evil-cp-forward-sexp count)
(defun ha-cp-append-end ()
"Append to the end of the current s-expression."
(when (looking-at (rx (any "{" "(" "[")))
(evil-cp-insert 1))
(defun ha-cp-append-after ()
"Append after the current s-expression."
(when (looking-at (rx (any "{" "(" "[")))
(evil-cp-append 1))
** Eval Current Expression
The [[][eros]] package stands for Evaluation Result OverlayS for Emacs Lisp, and basically shows what each s-expression is near the cursor position instead of in the mini-buffer at the bottom of the window.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp