At least, it works in Org with the ability to change the font sizes,
which is important when giving presentations with larger fonts.
The real culprit was the mixed-pitch project that didn't allow for
changing font sizes (which was easy enough to configure).
Do I really need the copyright symbol? I love how the proselint
insists that I use the unicode character (which unicoding all the
files sounds great to me).
What could go wrong there? :-D
The 9.4.4 version that comes with Emacs conflicts with a newer version
I install. This is because I need org before I tangle my files.
So, I've moved the straight and `(use-package org)` code to the
`init.el` file, and then the rest of the system comes right up with
the latest org, and without the conflicts.
While the `text-scale-increase` works fine for a single window, if I
want the font for the entire window, I needed something else. Added it
to the "Window" Hydra, so it could be a pink toggle.
While I was at it, I changed more `ha/` to `ha-` ... consistency!