Do I really need the copyright symbol? I love how the proselint
insists that I use the unicode character (which unicoding all the
files sounds great to me).
What could go wrong there? :-D
The 9.4.4 version that comes with Emacs conflicts with a newer version
I install. This is because I need org before I tangle my files.
So, I've moved the straight and `(use-package org)` code to the
`init.el` file, and then the rest of the system comes right up with
the latest org, and without the conflicts.
Needed to move the Terminal stuff over to remoting, as I don't include
the aux-apps in my Work-specific Emacs system. While I was at it, I
noticed some key conflicts with org, so fixed that too.
Note that this commit references my IRC configuraton. I'm not checking
it in as I have too many credentials and personal information in it.
When I abstract it sufficiently, I will commit it.
The mail system connects to my Gmail account with isync and notmuch,
and allows me to interact with with it, like ... oh, and I can
compose email messsage in org format.
Pretty slick. Now, if I just used mail.
One big feature of the org-journal is the ability to auto generate
empty files, and I realized that I needed to kick it up a notch with
the auto-insert. Actually brought my old code from years ago, as it
still works.