Turns out the global-svg-tab-mode was turning off the ability to view
all PNG files, so now I just hooked the mode to certain major modes,
and we are back in business. Also cleaned up a few visual bugs.
At least, it works in Org with the ability to change the font sizes,
which is important when giving presentations with larger fonts.
The real culprit was the mixed-pitch project that didn't allow for
changing font sizes (which was easy enough to configure).
Do I really need the copyright symbol? I love how the proselint
insists that I use the unicode character (which unicoding all the
files sounds great to me).
What could go wrong there? :-D
The 9.4.4 version that comes with Emacs conflicts with a newer version
I install. This is because I need org before I tangle my files.
So, I've moved the straight and `(use-package org)` code to the
`init.el` file, and then the rest of the system comes right up with
the latest org, and without the conflicts.
While the `text-scale-increase` works fine for a single window, if I
want the font for the entire window, I needed something else. Added it
to the "Window" Hydra, so it could be a pink toggle.
While I was at it, I changed more `ha/` to `ha-` ... consistency!