#+title: Remote Access to Systems #+author: Howard X. Abrams #+date: 2020-09-25 #+tags: emacs ssh shell A literate configuration for accessing remote systems. #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none ;;; ha-remoting --- Accessing remote systems. -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; ;; © 2020-2023 Howard X. Abrams ;; Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. ;; See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ;; ;; Author: Howard X. Abrams <http://gitlab.com/howardabrams> ;; Maintainer: Howard X. Abrams ;; Created: September 25, 2020 ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;; *NB:* Do not edit this file. Instead, edit the original literate file at: ;; ~/other/hamacs/ha-remoting.org ;; And tangle the file to recreate this one. ;; ;;; Code: #+end_src * Remote Editing with Tramp [[https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/TrampMode][Tramp]] allows almost all Emacs features to execute on a remote system. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package tramp :straight (:type built-in) :config ;; Use remote PATH on tramp (handy for eshell). (add-to-list 'tramp-remote-path 'tramp-own-remote-path) ;; Make sure version control system doesn't slow tramp: (setq vc-ignore-dir-regexp (format "%s\\|%s" vc-ignore-dir-regexp tramp-file-name-regexp))) #+end_src Will Schenk has [[https://willschenk.com/articles/2020/tramp_tricks/][a simple extension]] to allow editing of files /inside/ a Docker container: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package tramp :straight (:type built-in) :config (push '("docker" . ((tramp-login-program "docker") (tramp-login-args (("exec" "-it") ("%h") ("/bin/sh"))) (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-args ("-i") ("-c")))) tramp-methods) (defadvice tramp-completion-handle-file-name-all-completions (around dotemacs-completion-docker activate) "(tramp-completion-handle-file-name-all-completions \"\" \"/docker:\" returns a list of active Docker container names, followed by colons." (if (equal (ad-get-arg 1) "/docker:") (let* ((command "docker ps --format '{{.Names}}:'") (dockernames-raw (shell-command-to-string command)) (dockernames (split-string dockernames-raw "\n"))) (setq ad-return-value dockernames)) ad-do-it))) #+end_src Keep in mind you need to /name/ your Docker session, with the =—name= option. I actually do more docker work on remote systems (as Docker seems to make my fans levitate my laptop over the desk). Granted, the =URL= is a bit lengthy, for instance: #+begin_example /ssh:kolla-compute1.cedev13.d501.eng.pdx.wd|sudo:kolla-compute1.cedev13.d501.eng.pdx.wd|docker:kolla_toolbox:/ #+end_example Which means, I need to put it as a link in an org file. *Note:* That we need to have Tramp SSH option comes from my personal [[file:~/.ssh/config][.ssh/config]] file instead of its internal cache: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package tramp-sh :after tramp :straight (:type built-in) :custom (tramp-use-ssh-controlmaster-options nil)) #+end_src * Remote Terminals Sure =iTerm= is nice for connecting and running commands on remote systems, however, it lacks a command line option that allows you to select and manipulate the displayed text without a mouse. This is where Emacs can shine. *Feature One:* When calling the =ha-ssh= function, it opens a =vterm= window which, unlike other terminal emulators in Emacs, merges both Emacs and Terminal behaviors. Essentially, it just works. It =vterm= isn't installed, it falls back to =term=. Preload a list of favorite/special hostnames with multiple calls to: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no (ha-ssh-add-favorite-host "Devbox 42" "") #+end_src Then calling =ha-ssh= function, a list of hostnames is available to quickly jump on a system (with the possibility of fuzzy matching if you have Helm or Ivy installed). This also has the ability to call OpenStack to gather the hostnames of dynamic systems (what I call "an Overcloud"), which is appended to the list of favorite hostnames. The call to OpenStack only needs to be called once, since the hosts are then cached, see =ha-ssh-overcloud-query-for-hosts=. *Feature Two:* Use the /favorite host/ list to quickly edit a file on a remote system using Tramp, by calling either =ha-ssh-find-file= and =ha-ssh-find-root=. *Feature Three:* Working with remote shell connections programmatically, for instance: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no (let ((win-name "some-host")) (ha-ssh "some-host.in.some.place" win-name) (ha-ssh-send "source ~/.bash_profile" win-name) (ha-ssh-send "clear" win-name)) ;; ... (ha-ssh-exit win-name) #+end_src Actually the =win-name= in this case is optional, as it will use a good default. ** VTerm I'm not giving up on Eshell, but I am playing around with [[https://github.com/akermu/emacs-libvterm][vterm]], and it is pretty good, but I use it primarily as a more reliable approach for remote terminal sessions. VTerm has an issue (at least for me) with ~M-Backspace~ not deleting the previous word, and yeah, I want to make sure that both keystrokes do the same thing. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package vterm :config (dolist (k '("<C-backspace>" "<M-backspace>")) (define-key vterm-mode-map (kbd k) (lambda () (interactive) (vterm-send-key (kbd "C-w"))))) ;; Enter copy mode? Go to Evil's normal state to move around: (when (fboundp 'evil-normal-state) (advice-add 'vterm-copy-mode :after 'evil-normal-state)) :hook (vterm-mode . (lambda () (when (boundp 'evil-insert-state-cursor) (setq-local evil-insert-state-cursor 'box)) (setq-local show-paren-mode nil) (setf truncate-lines nil vterm-use-vterm-prompt-detection-method nil term-prompt-regexp "^.* $ ") (flycheck-mode -1) (yas-minor-mode -1) ;; This actually code be interesting, but... (when (fboundp 'evil-insert-state) (evil-insert-state))))) #+end_src The advantage of running terminals in Emacs is the ability to copy text without a mouse. For that, hit ~C-c C-t~ to enter a special copy-mode. If I go into this mode, I might as well also go into normal mode to move the cursor. To exit the copy-mode (and copy the selected text to the clipboard), hit ~Return~. ** Variables Let's begin by defining some variables used for communication between the functions. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defvar ha-latest-ssh-window-name nil "The window-name of the latest ssh session. Most commands default to the last session.") (defvar ha-ssh-host-history '() "List of hostnames we've previously connected.") (defvar ha-ssh-favorite-hostnames '() "A list of tuples (associate list) containing a hostname and its IP address. See =ha-ssh-add-favorite-host= for easily adding to this list.") #+end_src Also, let's make it easy for me to change my default shell: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defvar ha-ssh-shell (shell-command-to-string "type -p fish") "The executable to the shell I want to use locally.") #+end_src ** Interactive Interface to Remote Systems The function, =ha-ssh= pops up a list of /favorite hosts/ and then uses the =vterm= functions to automatically SSH into the chosen host: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-ssh (hostname &optional window-name) "Start a SSH session to a given HOSTNAME (with an optionally specified WINDOW-NAME). If called interactively, it presents the user with a list returned by =ha-ssh-choose-host=." (interactive (list (ha-ssh-choose-host))) (unless window-name (setq window-name (format "ssh: %s" hostname))) (setq ha-latest-ssh-window-name (format "*%s*" window-name)) ;; I really like this =vterm= interface, so if I've got it loaded, let's use it: (if (not (fboundp 'vterm)) ;; Should we assume the =ssh= we want is on the PATH that started Emacs? (make-term window-name "ssh" nil hostname) (vterm ha-latest-ssh-window-name) (vterm-send-string (format "ssh %s" hostname)) (vterm-send-return)) (pop-to-buffer ha-latest-ssh-window-name)) #+end_src Of course, we need a function that =interactive= can call to get that list, and my thought is to call =helm= if it is available, otherwise, assume that ido/ivy will take over the =completing-read= function: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-ssh-choose-host () "Prompts the user for a host, and if it is in the cache, return its IP address, otherwise, return the input given. This is used in calls to =interactive= to select a host." (let ((hostname ;; We call Helm directly if installed, only so that we can get better ;; labels in the window, otherwise, the =completing-read= call would be fine. (if (fboundp 'helm-comp-read) (helm-comp-read "Hostname: " ha-ssh-favorite-hostnames :name "Hosts" :fuzzy t :history ha-ssh-host-history) (completing-read "Hostname: " ha-ssh-favorite-hostnames nil 'confirm nil 'ha-ssh-host-history)))) (alist-get hostname ha-ssh-favorite-hostnames hostname nil 'equal))) #+end_src Simply calling =vterm= fails to load my full environment, so this allows me to start the terminal in a particular directory (defaulting to the root of the current project): #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-shell (&optional directory name) "Creates and tidies up a =vterm= terminal shell in side window." (interactive (list (read-directory-name "Starting Directory: " (project-root (project-current))))) (let* ((win-name (or name (ha-shell--name-from-dir directory))) (buf-name (format "*%s*" win-name)) (default-directory (or directory default-directory))) (setq ha-latest-ssh-window-name buf-name) (if (not (fboundp 'vterm)) (make-term win-name ha-ssh-shell) (vterm buf-name)))) #+end_src Before we leave this section, I realize that I would like a way to /add/ to my list of hosts: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-ssh-add-favorite-host (hostname ip-address) "Add a favorite host to your list for easy pickin's." (interactive "sHostname: \nsIP Address: ") (add-to-list 'ha-ssh-favorite-hostnames (cons hostname ip-address))) #+end_src Let's have a quick way to bugger out of the terminal: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-ssh-exit (&optional window-name) "End the SSH session specified by WINDOW-NAME (or if not, the latest session)." (interactive) (unless (string-match-p "v?term" (buffer-name)) (unless window-name (setq window-name ha-latest-ssh-window-name)) (pop-to-buffer window-name)) (ignore-errors (term-send-eof)) (kill-buffer window-name) (delete-window)) #+end_src ** Programmatic Interface Now that Emacs can /host/ a Terminal shell, I would like to /programmatically/ send commands to the running terminal, e.g. =(ha-shell-send "ls *.py")= Since every project perspective may have a shell terminal, let’s see if I can figure which shell buffer to send—based on the =current-directory=. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-shell-send (command &optional directory) "Send COMMAND to existing shell terminal based on DIRECTORY. If the shell doesn't already exist, start on up by calling the `ha-shell' function. The real work for this is done by `ha-ssh-send'. If DIRECTORY is nil, use the project root from project." (let ((buf (ha-shell--buf-from-dir directory))) (unless buf (setq buf (ha-shell directory))) (ha-ssh-send command buf))) (defun ha-shell--buf-from-dir (directory) "Return Terminal buffer associated with DIRECTORY. Or nil if no buffer has been found." (let* ((win-name (ha-shell--name-from-dir directory)) (win-rx (rx "*" (literal win-name) "*")) (bufs (seq-filter (lambda (b) (when (string-match win-rx (buffer-name b)) b)) (buffer-list)))) (first bufs))) (defun ha-shell--name-from-dir (&optional directory) "Return an appropriate title for a terminal based on DIRECTORY. If DIRECTORY is nil, use the `project-name'." (unless directory (setq directory (project-name (project-current)))) (let ((name ;; Most of the time I just want the base project name, but in ;; my "work" directory, the projects are too similar, and I ;; need two levels of directories to distinguish them as a ;; project. (if (s-contains? "/work/" directory) (thread-last directory (s-split "/") (-remove 's-blank-str?) (-take-last 2) (s-join "/")) (file-name-base (directory-file-name directory))))) (format "Terminal: %s" name))) #+end_src Perhaps a Unit test is in order: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no (ert-deftest ha--terminal-name-from-dir-test () (should (string= (ha-shell--name-from-dir "~/other/hamacs/") "Terminal: hamacs")) (should (string= (ha-shell--name-from-dir "~/work/foo/bar") "Terminal: foo/bar")) (should (string= (ha-shell--name-from-dir) "Terminal: hamacs"))) #+end_src The previous functions (as well as my own end of sprint demonstrations) often need to issue some commands to a running terminal session, which is a simple wrapper around a /send text/ and /send return/ sequence: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-ssh-send (phrase &optional window-name) "Send command PHRASE to the currently running SSH instance. If you want to refer to another session, specify the correct WINDOW-NAME. This is really useful for scripts and demonstrations." (unless window-name (setq window-name ha-latest-ssh-window-name)) (save-window-excursion (pop-to-buffer window-name) (if (fboundp 'vterm) (progn (vterm-send-string phrase) (vterm-send-return)) (progn (term-send-raw-string phrase) (term-send-input))))) #+end_src As you may know, I’m big into /literate devops/ where I put my shell commands in org files. However, I also work as part of a team that for some reason, doesn’t accept Emacs as their One True Editor. At least, I am able to talk them into describing commands in Markdown files, e.g. =README.md=. Instead of /copying-pasting/ into the shell, could I /send/ the /current command/ to that shell? #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-ssh-send-line (prefix) "Copy the contents of the current line in the current buffer, and call =ha-ssh-send= with it. After sending the contents, it returns to the current line." (interactive "P") ;; The function =save-excursion= doesn't seem to work... (let ((buf (current-buffer))) (dolist (line (ha-ssh--line-or-block prefix)) ;; (sit-for 0.25) (ha-ssh-send line)) (pop-to-buffer buf))) #+end_src What does /current command/ mean? The current line? A good fall back. Selected region? Sure, if active, but that seems like more work. In a Markdown file, I can gather the entire source code block, just like in an Org file. So the following function may be a bit complicated in determining what is this /current code/: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-ssh--line-or-block (num-lines) "Return a list of the NUM-LINES from current buffer. If NUM-LINES is nil, then follow these rules: If the region is active, return the lines from that. If in an org-mode block, return that block. If in a Markdown file, return the triple-back-tick code, or the indented code, or the inline code between single ticks. Otherwise, just return the current line." (ha-ssh--line-cleanup (cond ((and num-lines (numberp num-lines)) (buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position num-lines))) ;; Region active? ((region-active-p) (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end))) ;; In org? Use the block ((and (eq major-mode 'org-mode) (org-in-src-block-p)) (org-element-property :value (org-element-at-point))) ;; In Markdown block? ((and (eq major-mode 'markdown-mode) (markdown-code-block-at-point-p)) (buffer-substring-no-properties (car (markdown-code-block-at-point-p)) (cadr (markdown-code-block-at-point-p)))) ;; In Markdown code that is just on part of the line? ((and (eq major-mode 'markdown-mode) (markdown-inline-code-at-point-p)) (buffer-substring-no-properties (car (markdown-inline-code-at-point-p)) (cadr (markdown-inline-code-at-point-p)))) (t ; Otherwise, just grab the current line: (buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))))) #+end_src In Markdown (and org), I might have initial spaces that should be removed (but not all initial spaces): #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-ssh--line-cleanup (str) "Return STR as a list of strings." (let* ((lst-contents (thread-last str (s-split "\n") (-remove 's-blank-str-p))) (first-line (car lst-contents)) (trim-amount (when (string-match (rx bol (group (* space))) first-line) (length (match-string 1 first-line))))) (mapcar (lambda (line) (substring line trim-amount)) lst-contents))) (ert-deftest ha-ssh--line-cleanup-test () (should (equal (ha-ssh--line-cleanup "bob") '("bob"))) (should (equal (ha-ssh--line-cleanup " bob") '("bob"))) (should (equal (ha-ssh--line-cleanup "bob\nfoo") '("bob" "foo"))) (should (equal (ha-ssh--line-cleanup " bob\n foo") '("bob" "foo"))) (should (equal (ha-ssh--line-cleanup " bob\n foo") '("bob" " foo")))) #+end_src ** Editing Remote Files TRAMP, when it works, is amazing that we can give it a reference to a remote directory, and have =find-file= magically autocomplete. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-ssh-find-file (hostname) "Constructs a ssh-based, tramp-focus, file reference, and then calls =find-file=." (interactive (list (ha-ssh-choose-host))) (let ((tramp-ssh-ref (format "/ssh:%s:" hostname)) (other-window (when (equal current-prefix-arg '(4)) t))) (ha-ssh--find-file tramp-ssh-ref other-window))) (defun ha-ssh--find-file (tramp-ssh-ref &optional other-window) "Calls =find-file= after internally completing a file reference based on TRAMP-SSH-REF." (let ((tramp-file (read-file-name "Find file: " tramp-ssh-ref))) (if other-window (find-file-other-window tramp-file) (find-file tramp-file)))) #+end_src We can even edit it as root: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-ssh-find-root (hostname) "Constructs a ssh-based, tramp-focus, file reference, and then calls =find-file=." (interactive (list (ha-ssh-choose-host))) (let ((tramp-ssh-ref (format "/ssh:%s|sudo:%s:" hostname hostname)) (other-window (when (equal current-prefix-arg '(4)) t))) (ha-ssh--find-file tramp-ssh-ref other-window))) #+end_src ** OpenStack Interface Instead of making sure I have a list of remote systems already in the favorite hosts cache, I can pre-populate it with a call to OpenStack (my current VM system I'm using). These calls to the =openstack= CLI assume that the environment is already filled with the credentials. Hey, it is my local laptop ... We'll give =openstack= CLI a =--format json= option to make it easier for parsing: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package json) #+end_src Need a variable to hold all our interesting hosts. Notice I use the word /overcloud/, but this is a name I've used for years to refer to /my virtual machines/ that I can get a listing of, and not get other VMs that I don't own. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defvar ha-ssh-overcloud-cache-data nil "A vector of associated lists containing the servers in an Overcloud.") #+end_src If our cache data is empty, we could automatically retrieve this information, but only on the first time we attempt to connect. To do this, we'll =advice= the =ha-ssh-choose-host= function defined earlier: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-ssh-overcloud-query-for-hosts () "If the overcloud cache hasn't be populated, ask the user if we want to run the command." (when (not ha-ssh-overcloud-cache-data) (when (y-or-n-p "Cache of Overcloud hosts aren't populated. Retrieve hosts?") (call-interactively 'ha-ssh-overcloud-cache-populate)))) (advice-add 'ha-ssh-choose-host :before 'ha-ssh-overcloud-query-for-hosts) #+end_src We'll do the work of getting the /server list/ with this function: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-ssh-overcloud-cache-populate (cluster) "Given an `os-cloud' entry, stores all available hostnames. Calls `ha-ssh-add-favorite-host' for each host found." (interactive (list (completing-read "Cluster: " '(devprod1 devprod501 devprod502)))) (message "Calling the `openstack' command...this will take a while. Grab a coffee, eh?") (let* ((command (format "openstack --os-cloud %s server list --no-name-lookup --insecure -f json" cluster)) (json-data (thread-last command (shell-command-to-string) (json-read-from-string)))) (dolist (entry (seq--into-list json-data)) (ha-ssh-add-favorite-host (alist-get 'Name entry) (thread-last entry (alist-get 'Networks) (alist-get 'cedev13) (seq-first)))) (message "Call to `openstack' complete. Found %d hosts." (length json-data)))) #+end_src In case I change my virtual machines, I can repopulate that cache: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-ssh-overcloud-cache-repopulate () "Repopulate the cache based on redeployment of my overcloud." (interactive) (setq ha-ssh-overcloud-cache-data nil) (call-interactively 'ha-ssh-overcloud-cache-populate)) #+end_src The primary interface: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-ssh-overcloud (hostname) "Log into an overcloud host given by HOSTNAME. Works better if you have previously run =ssh-copy-id= on the host. Remember, to make it behave like a real terminal (instead of a window in Emacs), hit =C-c C-k=." (interactive (list (ha-ssh-choose-host))) (when (not (string-match-p "\." hostname)) (setq hostname (format "%s.%s" hostname (getenv "OS_PROJECT_NAME")))) (let ((window-label (or (-some->> ha-ssh-favorite-hostnames (rassoc hostname) car) hostname))) (ha-ssh hostname window-label) (sit-for 1) (ha-ssh-send "sudo -i") (ha-ssh-send (format "export PS1='\\[\\e[34m\\]%s\\[\e[m\\] \\[\\e[33m\\]\\$\\[\\e[m\\] '" window-label)) (ha-ssh-send "clear"))) #+end_src * Keybindings This file, so far, as been good-enough for a Vanilla Emacs installation, but to hook into Doom's leader for some sequence binding, this code isn't: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (ha-leader "a s" '(:ignore t :which-key "ssh") "a s o" '("overcloud" . ha-ssh-overcloud) "a s l" '("local shell" . ha-shell) "a s s" '("remote shell" . ha-ssh) "a s p" '("project shell" . (lambda () (interactive) (ha-shell (project-root (project-current))))) "a s q" '("quit shell" . ha-ssh-exit) "a s f" '("find-file" . ha-ssh-find-file) "a s r" '("find-root" . ha-ssh-find-root) "a s b" '("send line" . ha-ssh-send-line) "p t" '("project vterm" . (lambda () (interactive) (ha-shell (project-root (project-current)))))) #+end_src * Technical Artifacts :noexport: Provide a name so we can =require= the file: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none (provide 'ha-remoting) ;;; ha-remoting.el ends here #+end_src Before you can build this on a new system, make sure that you put the cursor over any of these properties, and hit: ~C-c C-c~ #+description: A literate configuration for accessing remote systems. #+property: header-args:sh :tangle no #+property: header-args:emacs-lisp :tangle yes #+property: header-args :results none :eval no-export :comments no mkdirp yes #+options: num:nil toc:t todo:nil tasks:nil tags:nil date:nil #+options: skip:nil author:nil email:nil creator:nil timestamp:nil #+infojs_opt: view:nil toc:t ltoc:t mouse:underline buttons:0 path:http://orgmode.org/org-info.js