#+title:  My Emacs Configuration
#+author: Howard X. Abrams
#+date:   2021-11-01 November
#+tags: emacs readme

** Introduction
I’ve crafted my Emacs configuration, I cheekily call /hamacs/, in a literate programming model, heavily inspired by my recent journey into [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKegZI9vWUU][Henrik Lissner's]] [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs][Doom Emacs]] and [[https://www.spacemacs.org/][Spacemacs]].  While I used both extensively, I decided I would /roll my own/ as Emacs people like myself, tend to be /control freaks/ (at least a little bit).

The advantage to rolling yer own is I tend to  /use/ what I add, leading to less bloat. In reality, this is more fun.

Using [[https://howardism.org/Technical/Emacs/literate-devops.html][literate programming]] for my Emacs configuration gives me an easy way to /share/ my code. Feel free to steal whatever you find interesting, as sharing makes our community great.  Notice that functions and features I have written begin with =ha-=, but everything else is either /stock Emacs/ or a /package/ I download using [[https://github.com/raxod502/straight.el][straight]] (see [[file:bootstrap.org][bootstrap]] for the details) and configure with [[https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package][use-package]] (see either [[https://ianyepan.github.io/posts/setting-up-use-package/][this introduction]] or [[https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/UsePackage][this wiki page]] for those details)… meaning most blocks of code should work on its own.

I’ve separated my configuration into /chapters/ around particular subjects, applications and programming languages. This feature allows you, dear reader, to jump our to items of interest, but allows me to /selectively load/ individual chapters. For instance, if I’m not doing much with Ruby at work, I can remove that chapter from the list in my [[file:bootstrap.org::*Load the Rest][bootstrap]]. I also don’t load my [[file:ha-display.org][UI configuration]] when I am using the Terminal (doesn’t happen much, actually).

Hit me up with questions on Mastodon: [[https://emacs.ch/@howard][@howard@emacs.ch]].

If you want to try the entire process, after installing Emacs (see my instructions for [[file:README-MacOS.org][both MacOS]] and [[file:README-Linux.org][Linux]]), clone this repo with:
#+begin_src sh
  git clone https://github.com/howardabrams/hamacs
And then, run:
To create [[file:~/.emacs.d/init.el][~/.emacs.d/init.el]] which starts the process loading the files. Here’s how my Emacs looks when it starts:

** Core Configuration
  - [[file:bootstrap.org][Bootstrap]] :: configures =straight= and loads basic libraries the rest of the code depends on. It then loads the following files in order.
  - [[file:ha-config.org][Configuration]] :: contains /most/ of my configuration, setting up my sequence key menus, evil, etc.
  - [[file:ha-evil.org][Evilness]] :: configuration for using VI, er, ~vim~ keybindings in Emacs.
  - [[file:ha-general.org][Leader]] :: using the ~SPC~ to kick off a hierarchal order of functions.
  - [[file:ha-display.org][GUI Display]] :: sets up the visual aspects of an Emacs GUI, including themes and fonts.
  - [[file:ha-dashboard.org][Dashboard]] :: sets up initial window layout of the =main= project with a dashboard.
  - [[file:ha-data.org][Data]] :: functions for dealing with a buffer-full of data.

** Org Mode Configuration
  - [[file:ha-org.org][Initial Org Configuration]] :: configures the basics for org-mode formatted files. Specific features come from their own files.
  - [[file:ha-org-word-processor.org][Word Processing]] :: attempts to make Org files /visually/ look like a word processor, including turning off the colors for headers, and instead increasing their size.
  - [[file:ha-org-literate.org][Literate Programming]] :: functions to support literate programming techniques. I use this most prevalently with this Emacs configuration.
  - [[file:ha-org-clipboard.org][Clipboard]] :: automatically converting HTML from a clipboard into Org-formatted content.
  - [[file:ha-org-journaling.org][Journaling]] :: for writing journal entries and tasks.
  - [[file:ha-org-publishing.org][Publishing]] :: code for publishing my website, [[http://howardism.org][www.howardism.org]].
  - [[file:ha-org-sprint.org][Sprint Notes]] :: functions for working with the my Org-focused sprint file.
  - [[file:ha-agendas.org][Agendas]] :: attempts to "supe-up" my task list.
  - [[file:ha-capturing-notes.org][Capturing Notes]] :: my engineering notebook.

** Terminal Configuration
If you know me, I appreciate the light-weight nature of Eshell (see [[https://emacsconf.org/2022/talks/eshell/][this talk at EmacsConf 2022]]), but Eshell doesn’t work that well with some of my remote work.

  - [[file:ha-eshell.org][Eshell]] :: customization and enhancement to the Emacs shell.
  - [[file:ha-remoting.org][Remote Access]] :: my interface to systems using SSH and Vterm.

** Programming Configuration
While I’m a language polyglot, I often focus on one or two languages at a time, but continue to keep my configuration for those languages around. I’m attempting to convert over to LSP (with varying degrees of success).

  - [[file:ha-programming.org][General Programming]] :: configuration for /all/ programming languages, or at least, the simple ones.
  - [[file:ha-programming-elisp.org][Emacs Lisp]] :: additions to Emacs Lisp programming.
  - [[file:ha-programming-python.org][Python]] :: configuration for working with Python and LSP.
  - [[file:ha-programming-scheme.org][Scheme]] :: configuration for Guile and Racket.
  - [[file:ha-programming-clojure.org][Clojure]] :: configuration for Clojure.
  - [[file:ha-programming-ruby.org][Ruby]] :: configuration for Ruby.
** Miscellanea
  - [[file:ha-aux-apps.org][Applications]] :: optional applications, like Twitter and Telegram.
  - [[file:ha-email.org][Email]] :: reading email using =notmuch= in a *Hey* fashion.
  - [[file:ha-feed-reader.org][RSS Reader]] :: configuration of =elfeed= as well as my RSS feeds.
  - [[file:ha-irc.org][IRC]] :: connection to IRC servers using rcirc and bitlbee.
  - [[file:ha-passwords.org][Passwords]] :: code for generating passwords.
** Summary
The [[file:elisp/][elisp]] directory contains non-literate code.

Other functions and files come from essays written on [[http://www.howardism.org][my blog]]. To help with this synchronization, I created a [[file:support/final-initialize.el][support/final-initialize.el]] file, but that shouldn’t be too interesting to others.


#+description: An index.html for describing my hamacs project

#+property:    header-args:sh :tangle no
#+property:    header-args:emacs-lisp :tangle no
#+property:    header-args   :results none   :eval no-export   :comments no

#+options:     num:nil toc:nil todo:nil tasks:nil tags:nil date:nil
#+options:     skip:nil author:nil email:nil creator:nil timestamp:nil
#+infojs_opt:  view:nil toc:t ltoc:t mouse:underline buttons:0 path:http://orgmode.org/org-info.js