#+TITLE: Configuring Emacs for Email with Notmuch #+AUTHOR: Howard X. Abrams #+DATE: 2020-09-16 A literate configuration file for email using Notmuch. #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none ;;; ha-email --- Email configuration using Notmuch. -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; ;; © 2020-2023 Howard X. Abrams ;; Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. ;; See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ;; ;; Author: Howard X. Abrams <http://gitlab.com/howardabrams> ;; Maintainer: Howard X. Abrams ;; Created: September 16, 2020 ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;; *NB:* Do not edit this file. Instead, edit the original literate file at: ;; ~/other/hamacs/ha-email.org ;; And tangle the file to recreate this one. ;; ;;; Code: #+end_src * Introduction To use this system, begin with ~SPC a m~ (after a ~SPC a n~ to asychronously download new mail … which probably should be running beforehand). When the Notmuch interface up, hit ~J~ to jump to one of the Search boxes (described below). Typically, this is ~i~ for the Imbox, check out the focused message from people I care). Hit ~q~ to return. Next type ~s~ to view and organize mail I've never seen before. We need to focus the display, so /creating auto filtering rules/ is important. Move the point to the message and hit one of the following to automatically move the sender to a pre-defined box: - ~I~ :: screened email important enough to go to my Imbox - ~S~ :: spam … so much goes here - ~P~ :: receipts go to this *Paper Trail*, which takes a *tag* as the name of the store - ~f~ :: mailing lists and other email that might be nice to read go to *The Feed* ** Email Addresses The configuration files below expect email addresses (I store passwords and other encrypted information elsewhere). These email addresses are /not/ private, but I figured I would annoy any screenscraping spam-inducing crawlers out there, while still allowing others to follow my lead on configuring Emacs and Email. #+NAME: email-address-1 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none :tangle no :results silent (rot13-string "ubjneq@ubjneqnoenzf.pbz") #+end_src #+NAME: email-address-2 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none :tangle no :results silent (rot13-string "ubjneq.noenzf@tznvy.pbz") #+end_src #+NAME: email-address-3 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none :tangle no :results silent (rot13-string "ubjneq@shmmlgbnfg.pbz") #+end_src To use these, we set the =:noweb yes= (to pull in the /name/ of the code block) but put a pair of parens after the name to have it evaluated. For instance, the configuration for sending mail through the MUA in Emacs: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes (setq send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it smtpmail-starttls-credentials '(("smtp.gmail.com" 587 nil nil)) smtpmail-auth-credentials `(("smtp.gmail.com" 587 ,<<email-address-1>> nil)) smtpmail-default-smtp-server "smtp.gmail.com" smtpmail-smtp-server "smtp.gmail.com" smtpmail-smtp-service 587) #+end_src * Installation and Basic Configuration To begin, we need the code. On Ubuntu, this is: #+begin_src shell :tangle no sudo apt install -y notmuch #+end_src And on MacOS, we use =brew=: #+begin_src shell :tangle no brew install notmuch #+end_src Next, we need some basic configuration settings and some global keybindings: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes (use-package notmuch :init (setq mail-user-agent 'notmuch-user-agent notmuch-mail-dir (format "%s/%s" (getenv "HOME") ".mail") notmuch-hooks-dir (expand-file-name ".notmuch/hooks" notmuch-mail-dir) notmuch-show-logo nil notmuch-message-deleted-tags '("+deleted" "-inbox" "-unread") notmuch-archive-tags '("-inbox" "-unread" "+archived") notmuch-show-mark-read-tags '("-inbox" "-unread" "+archived") notmuch-search-oldest-first nil notmuch-show-indent-content nil) :bind (:map notmuch-hello-mode-map ("U" . notmuch-retrieve-messages) ("C" . notmuch-mua-new-mail) :map notmuch-tree-mode-map ("C" . notmuch-mua-new-mail)) :config (ha-leader ; Should I put these under an "m" heading? "a n" '("new mail" . notmuch-retrieve-messages) "a m" '("read mail" . notmuch) "a c" '("compose mail" . compose-mail)) (ha-local-leader :keymaps 'notmuch-hello-mode-map "u" '("new mail" . notmuch-retrieve-messages) "m" '("read mail" . notmuch) "c" '("compose" . notmuch-mua-new-mail) "C" '("reply-later" . hey-notmuch-reply-later)) <<hey-show-keybindings>> <<hey-search-keybindings>>) #+end_src Also, let's do some basic configuration of Emacs' mail system: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq mm-text-html-renderer 'shr mail-specify-envelope-from t message-kill-buffer-on-exit t message-send-mail-function 'message-send-mail-with-sendmail message-sendmail-envelope-from 'header) #+end_src Create a special mail perspective: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun ha-email-persp-start () "Create an IRC workspace and start my IRC client." (interactive) (persp-switch "mail") (notmuch)) (ha-leader "a M" '("mail persp" . ha-email-persp-start)) #+end_src * Configuration Do I want to sign messages by default? Nope. #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no (add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'mml-secure-sign-pgpmime) #+end_src ** Addresses I need to incorporate an address book again, but in the meantime, searching through a history of past email works well enough. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq notmuch-address-selection-function (lambda (prompt collection initial-input) (completing-read prompt (cons initial-input collection) nil t nil 'notmuch-address-history))) #+end_src ** Sending Messages Do I need to set up [[https://marlam.de/msmtp/][MSMTP]]? No, as Notmuch will do that work. To do this, type ~c~ and select an option (including ~r~ to reply). ** Retrieving Messages When we start notmuch, we need to retrieve the email and then process it. Most of this is actually contained in the Notmuch configuration. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun notmuch-retrieve-messages () "Retrieve and process my mail messages." (interactive) (async-shell-command "notmuch new")) #+end_src * iSync Configuration Using [[https://isync.sourceforge.io/][isync]] (or is it =mbsync=) for mail retrieval. I have a couple of Google Mail accounts that I want connected. There are global settings: #+begin_src conf :tangle ~/.mbsyncrc :noweb yes # Note: We now tangle this file from ~/other/hamacs/ha-email.org Create Both SyncState * MaxMessages 100 Sync All # New ReNew Flags #+end_src The following section is for my /personal/ (not too general) account. The file generally can have a =Pass= entry for the encrypted passcode, but to show how to connect to more than one accounts, I'm using a GPG daemon: #+begin_src conf :tangle ~/.mbsyncrc :noweb yes # PERSONAL ACCOUNT IMAPAccount personal Host imap.gmail.com User <<email-address-1()>> # Substitute your own email address here PassCmd "gpg --quiet --for-your-eyes-only --no-tty --decrypt ~/.mailpass-personal.gpg" SSLType IMAPS AuthMechs LOGIN IMAPStore personal-remote Account personal MaildirStore personal-local Path ~/.mail/personal/ Inbox ~/.mail/personal/INBOX Flatten . Channel personal-inbox Master :personal-remote: Slave :personal-local: Patterns * !"[Gmail]/Drafts" !"[Gmail]/Spam" Expunge Both # Patterns "inbox" # ExpireUnread no Channel personal-sent Master :personal-remote:"[Gmail]/Sent Mail" Slave :personal-local:sent ExpireUnread yes Channel personal-trash Master :personal-remote:"[Gmail]/Trash" Slave :personal-local:trash ExpireUnread yes #+end_src I have other email accounts that could use or ignore. #+begin_src conf :tangle no # GMAIL ACCOUNT IMAPAccount gmail Host imap.gmail.com User <<email-address-2()>> # Substitute your own email address here PassCmd "gpg -q --for-your-eyes-only --pinentry-mode loopback -d ~/.mailpass-google.gpg" SSLType IMAPS AuthMechs LOGIN IMAPStore gmail-remote Account gmail MaildirStore gmail-local Path ~/.mail/gmail/ Inbox ~/.mail/gmail/INBOX Flatten . Channel gmail-inbox Master :gmail-remote: Slave :gmail-local: Patterns * !"[Gmail]/Drafts" !"[Gmail]/Spam" Expunge Both # Patterns "inbox" Channel gmail-sent Master :gmail-remote:"[Gmail]/Sent Mail" Slave :gmail-local:sent ExpireUnread yes Channel gmail-trash Master :gmail-remote:"[Gmail]/Trash" Slave :gmail-local:trash ExpireUnread yes #+end_src * Notmuch Configuration Notmuch requires these configuration files. ** =notmuch-config= The general settings file that goes into =~/.notmuch-config=: #+begin_src conf-unix :tangle ~/.notmuch-config # .notmuch-config - Configuration file for the notmuch mail system # Note: We now tangle this file from ~/other/hamacs/ha-email.org # # For more information about notmuch, see https://notmuchmail.org #+end_src The commentary for each of the subsections came from their man page. *** Database configuration The value supported here is =path= which should be the top-level directory where your mail exists and to where =mbsync= will new mail. Files should be individual email messages. Notmuch will store its database within a sub-directory of the path configured here named ".notmuch". #+begin_src conf-unix :tangle ~/.notmuch-config [database] path=.mail #+end_src *** User configuration Here is where you can let notmuch know how you address emails. Valid settings are - =name= :: Your full name. - =primary_email= :: Your primary email address. - =other_email= :: A list (separated by =;=) of other email addresses at which you receive email. Notmuch use the email addresses configured here when formatting replies. It will avoid including your own addresses in the recipient list of replies, and will set the From address based on the address in the original email. #+begin_src conf-unix :tangle ~/.notmuch-config :noweb yes [user] name=Howard Abrams primary_email=<<email-address-1()>> other_email=<<email-address-2()>>;<<email-address-3()>> #+end_src *NB:* In the configuration above, you may see the addresses are all set to =nil=. If you are copying this from a rendered web page, note that you need to substitute that with your own email address. *** Configuration for "notmuch new" Note the following supported options: - =tags= :: A list (separated by =;=) of the tags that added to all messages incorporated by "notmuch new". - =ignore= :: A list (separated by =;=) of file and directory names that will not be searched for messages by "notmuch new". NOTE: *Every* file/directory that goes by one of those names will be ignored, independent of its depth/location in the mail store. #+begin_src conf-unix :tangle ~/.notmuch-config [new] tags=unread;inbox; ignore= #+end_src *** Search configuration The following option is supported here: - =exclude_tags= :: A ;-separated list of tags that will be excluded from search results by default. Using an excluded tag in a query will override that exclusion. #+begin_src conf-unix :tangle ~/.notmuch-config [search] exclude_tags=deleted;spam; #+end_src *** Maildir compatibility configuration The following option is supported here: - =synchronize_flags= :: Valid values are true and false. If true, then the following maildir flags (in message filenames) will be synchronized with the corresponding notmuch tags: | Flag | Tag | |------+---------------------------------------------| | D | draft | | F | flagged | | P | passed | | R | replied | | S | unread (added when 'S' flag is not present) | The =notmuch new= command will notice flag changes in filenames and update tags, while the =notmuch tag= and =notmuch restore= commands will notice tag changes and update flags in filenames. #+begin_src conf-unix :tangle ~/.notmuch-config [maildir] synchronize_flags=true #+end_src That should complete the Notmuch configuration. ** =pre-new= Then we need a shell script called when beginning a retrieval, =pre-new= that simply calls =mbsync= to download all the messages: #+begin_src shell :tangle ~/.mail/.notmuch/hooks/pre-new :shebang "#!/bin/bash" # More info about hooks: https://notmuchmail.org/manpages/notmuch-hooks-5/ # Note: We now tangle this file from ~/other/hamacs/ha-email.org echo "Starting not-much 'pre-new' script" mbsync -a echo "Completing not-much 'pre-new' script" #+end_src ** =post-new= And a =post-new= hook based on a filtering scheme that mimics the Hey.com workflow taken from [[https://gist.githubusercontent.com/frozencemetery/5042526/raw/57195ba748e336de80c27519fe66e428e5003ab8/post-new][this gist]] (note we have more to say on that later on) to filter and tag all messages after they have arrived: #+begin_src shell :tangle ~/.mail/.notmuch/hooks/post-new :shebang "#!/bin/bash" # Based On: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/frozencemetery/5042526/raw/57195ba748e336de80c27519fe66e428e5003ab8/post-new # Note: We now tangle this file from ~/other/hamacs/ha-email.org # # Install this by moving this file to <maildir>/.notmuch/hooks/post-new # NOTE: you need to define your maildir in the vardiable nm_maildir (just a few lines below in this script) # Also create empty files for: # 1. thefeed.db (things you want to read every once in a while) # 2. spam.db (things you never want to see) # 3. screened.db (your inbox) # 4. ledger.db (papertrail) # in the hooks folder. # More info about hooks: https://notmuchmail.org/manpages/notmuch-hooks-5/ # Note: # Old emails: notmuch search --output summary NOT date:30d.. and tag:unread # Ignore old emails: notmuch tag -unread --output summary NOT date:30d.. and tag:unread echo "Starting not-much 'post-new' script" export nm_maildir="$HOME/.mail" export start="-1" echo Working from $nm_maildir function timer_start { echo -n " starting $1" export start=$(date +"%s") } function timer_end { end=$(date +"%s") delta=$(($end-$start)) mins=$(($delta / 60)) secs=$(($delta - ($mins*60))) echo " -- $1 completed: ${mins} minutes, ${secs} seconds" export start="-1" # sanity requires this or similar } timer_start "ledger" while IFS= read -r line; do nm_tag=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f1 -) nm_entry=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f2 -) if [ -n "$nm_entry" ] then notmuch tag +archived +ledger/"$nm_tag" -inbox -- tag:inbox and tag:unread and from:"$nm_entry" fi echo -n "Handling entry: $nm_tag, $nm_entry" done < $nm_maildir/.notmuch/hooks/ledger.db timer_end "ledger" timer_start "unsubscribable_spam" for entry in $(cat $nm_maildir/.notmuch/hooks/spam.db) do if [ -n "$entry" ] then notmuch tag +spam +deleted +archived -inbox -unread -- tag:inbox and tag:unread and from:"$entry" fi done timer_end "unsubscribable_spam" timer_start "thefeed" for entry in $(cat $nm_maildir/.notmuch/hooks/thefeed.db) do if [ -n "$entry" ] then notmuch tag +thefeed +archived -inbox -- tag:inbox and tag:unread and from:"$entry" fi done timer_end "thefeed" timer_start "Screened" notmuch tag +screened 'subject:/\[Web\]/' for entry in $(cat $nm_maildir/.notmuch/hooks/screened.db) do if [ -n "$entry" ] then notmuch tag +screened -- from:"$entry" # tag:unread and tag:inbox and fi done timer_end "Screened" # Projects... timer_start "Old-Projects" notmuch tag +old-project 'subject:/.*howardabrams\/node-mocks-http/' notmuch tag +old-project 'subject:/.*Pigmice2733/' timer_end "Old-Projects" notmuch tag +screened 'subject:[Web]' echo "Completing not-much 'post-new' script" #+end_src * Hey I originally took the following configuration from [[https://youtu.be/wuSPssykPtE][Vedang Manerikar's video]], along with [[https://gist.github.com/vedang/26a94c459c46e45bc3a9ec935457c80f][the code]]. The ideas brought out were to mimic the hey.com email workflow, and while not bad, I thought that maybe I could improve upon it slowly over time. To allow me to keep Vedang's and my code side-by-side in the same Emacs variable state, I have renamed the prefix to =hey-=, however, if you are looking to steal my code, you may want to revisit the source. ** Default Searches A list of pre-defined searches act like "Folder buttons" at the top to quickly see files that match those /buckets/: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq notmuch-saved-searches '((:name "Imbox" :query "tag:inbox AND tag:screened AND tag:unread" :key "i" :search-type 'tree) (:name "Previously Seen" :query "tag:screened AND NOT tag:unread" :key "I") (:name "Unscreened" :query "tag:inbox AND tag:unread AND NOT tag:screened AND NOT date:..14d AND NOT tag:thefeed AND NOT tag:/ledger/ AND NOT tag:old-project" :key "s") (:name "New Feed" :query "tag:thefeed AND tag:unread" :key "f" :search-type 'tree) (:name "Old Feed" :query "tag:thefeed" :key "f" :search-type 'tree) (:name "New Receipts" :query "tag:/ledger/ AND tag:unread" :key "p") (:name "Papertrail" :query "tag:/ledger/" :key "P") ;; (push '(:name "Projects" ;; :query "tag:project AND NOT tag:unread" ;; :key "x") ;; notmuch-saved-searches) (:name "Old Projects" :query "tag:old-project AND NOT tag:unread" :key "X"))) #+end_src ** Helper Functions With good bucket definitions, we should be able to scan the mail quickly and deal with the entire lot of them: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun hey-notmuch-archive-all () "Archive all the emails in the current view." (interactive) (notmuch-search-archive-thread nil (point-min) (point-max))) (defun hey-notmuch-delete-all () "Archive all the emails in the current view. Mark them for deletion by cron job." (interactive) (notmuch-search-tag-all '("+deleted")) (hey-notmuch-archive-all)) (defun hey-notmuch-search-delete-and-archive-thread () "Archive the currently selected thread. Add the deleted tag as well." (interactive) (notmuch-search-add-tag '("+deleted")) (notmuch-search-archive-thread)) (defun hey-notmuch-tag-and-archive (tag-changes &optional beg end) "Prompt the user for TAG-CHANGES. Apply the TAG-CHANGES to region and also archive all the emails. When called directly, BEG and END provide the region." (interactive (notmuch-search-interactive-tag-changes)) (notmuch-search-tag tag-changes beg end) (notmuch-search-archive-thread nil beg end)) #+end_src A key point in organizing emails with the Hey model, is looking at the "from" address: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun hey-notmuch-search-find-from () "A helper function to find the email address for the given email." (let ((notmuch-addr-sexp (first (notmuch-call-notmuch-sexp "address" "--format=sexp" "--format-version=1" "--output=sender" (notmuch-search-find-thread-id))))) (plist-get notmuch-addr-sexp :address))) #+end_src And we can create a filter, /search/ and tagging based on this "from" function: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun hey-notmuch-filter-by-from () "Filter the current search view to show all emails sent from the sender of the current thread." (interactive) (notmuch-search-filter (concat "from:" (hey-notmuch-search-find-from)))) (defun hey-notmuch-search-by-from (&optional no-display) "Show all emails sent from the sender of the current thread. NO-DISPLAY is sent forward to `notmuch-search'." (interactive) (notmuch-search (concat "from:" (hey-notmuch-search-find-from)) notmuch-search-oldest-first nil nil no-display)) (defun hey-notmuch-tag-by-from (tag-changes &optional beg end refresh) "Apply TAG-CHANGES to all emails from the sender of the current thread. BEG and END provide the region, but are ignored. They are defined since `notmuch-search-interactive-tag-changes' returns them. If REFRESH is true, refresh the buffer from which we started the search." (interactive (notmuch-search-interactive-tag-changes)) (let ((this-buf (current-buffer))) (hey-notmuch-search-by-from t) ;; This is a dirty hack since I can't find a way to run a ;; temporary hook on `notmuch-search' completion. So instead of ;; waiting on the search to complete in the background and then ;; making tag-changes on it, I will just sleep for a short amount ;; of time. This is generally good enough and works, but is not ;; guaranteed to work every time. I'm fine with this. (sleep-for 0.5) (notmuch-search-tag-all tag-changes) (when refresh (set-buffer this-buf) (notmuch-refresh-this-buffer)))) #+end_src ** Moving Mail to Buckets We based the Hey buckets on notmuch databases, we combine the =hey-notmuch-add-addr-to-db= with the =hey-notmuch-tag-by-from= functions to move messages. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun hey-notmuch-add-addr-to-db (nmaddr nmdbfile) "Add the email address NMADDR to the db-file NMDBFILE." (append-to-file (format "%s\n" nmaddr) nil nmdbfile)) (defun hey-notmuch-move-sender-to-thefeed () "For the email at point, move the sender of that email to the feed. This means: 1. All new email should go to the feed and skip the inbox altogether. 2. All existing email should be updated with the tag =thefeed=. 3. All existing email should be removed from the inbox." (interactive) (hey-notmuch-add-addr-to-db (hey-notmuch-search-find-from) (format "%s/thefeed.db" notmuch-hooks-dir)) (hey-notmuch-tag-by-from '("+thefeed" "+archived" "-inbox"))) (defun hey-notmuch-move-sender-to-papertrail (tag-name) "For the email at point, move the sender of that email to the papertrail. This means: 1. All new email should go to the papertrail and skip the inbox altogether. 2. All existing email should be updated with the tag =ledger/TAG-NAME=. 3. All existing email should be removed from the inbox." (interactive "sTag Name: ") (hey-notmuch-add-addr-to-db (format "%s %s" tag-name (hey-notmuch-search-find-from)) (format "%s/ledger.db" notmuch-hooks-dir)) (let ((tag-string (format "+ledger/%s" tag-name))) (hey-notmuch-tag-by-from (list tag-string "+archived" "-inbox" "-unread")))) (defun hey-notmuch-move-sender-to-screened () "For the email at point, move the sender of that email to Screened Emails. This means: 1. All new email should be tagged =screened= and show up in the inbox. 2. All existing email should be updated to add the tag =screened=." (interactive) (hey-notmuch-add-addr-to-db (hey-notmuch-search-find-from) (format "%s/screened.db" notmuch-hooks-dir)) (hey-notmuch-tag-by-from '("+screened"))) (defun hey-notmuch-move-sender-to-spam () "For the email at point, move the sender of that email to spam. This means: 1. All new email should go to =spam= and skip the inbox altogether. 2. All existing email should be updated with the tag =spam=. 3. All existing email should be removed from the inbox." (interactive) (hey-notmuch-add-addr-to-db (hey-notmuch-search-find-from) (format "%s/spam.db" notmuch-hooks-dir)) (hey-notmuch-tag-by-from '("+spam" "+deleted" "+archived" "-inbox" "-unread" "-screened"))) (defun hey-notmuch-reply-later () "Capture this email for replying later." (interactive) ;; You need `org-capture' to be set up for this to work. Add this ;; code somewhere in your init file after `org-cature' is loaded: ;; (push '("r" "Respond to email" ;; entry (file org-default-notes-file) ;; "* TODO Respond to %:from on %:subject :email: \nSCHEDULED: %t\n%U\n%a\n" ;; :clock-in t ;; :clock-resume t ;; :immediate-finish t) ;; org-capture-templates) (org-capture nil "r") ;; The rest of this function is just a nice message in the modeline. (let* ((email-subject (format "%s..." (substring (notmuch-show-get-subject) 0 15))) (email-from (format "%s..." (substring (notmuch-show-get-from) 0 15))) (email-string (format "%s (From: %s)" email-subject email-from))) (message "Noted! Reply Later: %s" email-string))) #+end_src ** Bucket Keybindings A series of keybindings to quickly send messages to one of the pre-defined buckets. #+NAME: hey-show-keybindings #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no (ha-local-leader :keymaps 'notmuch-show-mode-map "c" '("compose" . notmuch-mua-new-mail) "C" '("reply-later" . hey-notmuch-reply-later)) (define-key notmuch-show-mode-map (kbd "C") 'hey-notmuch-reply-later) #+end_src The bindings in =notmuch-search-mode= are available when looking at a list of messages: #+NAME: hey-search-keybindings #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no (ha-local-leader :keymaps 'notmuch-search-mode-map "r" '("reply" . notmuch-search-reply-to-thread) "R" '("reply-all" . notmuch-search-reply-to-thread-sender) "/" '("search" . notmuch-search-filter) "A" '("archive all" . hey-notmuch-archive-all) "D" '("delete all" . hey-notmuch-delete-all) "L" '("filter by from" . hey-notmuch-filter-by-from) ";" '("search by from" . hey-notmuch-search-by-from) "d" '("delete thread" . hey-notmuch-search-delete-and-archive-thread) "s" '("send to spam" . hey-notmuch-move-sender-to-spam) "i" '("send to screened" . hey-notmuch-move-sender-to-screened) "p" '("send to papertrail" . hey-notmuch-move-sender-to-papertrail) "f" '("send to feed" . hey-notmuch-move-sender-to-thefeed) "C" '("reply" . hey-notmuch-reply-later) "c" '("compose" . notmuch-mua-new-mail)) (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map (kbd "r") 'notmuch-search-reply-to-thread) (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map (kbd "R") 'notmuch-search-reply-to-thread-sender) (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map (kbd "/") 'notmuch-search-filter) (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map (kbd "A") 'hey-notmuch-archive-all) (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map (kbd "D") 'hey-notmuch-delete-all) (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map (kbd "L") 'hey-notmuch-filter-by-from) (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map (kbd ";") 'hey-notmuch-search-by-from) (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map (kbd "d") 'hey-notmuch-search-delete-and-archive-thread) (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map (kbd "S") 'hey-notmuch-move-sender-to-spam) (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map (kbd "I") 'hey-notmuch-move-sender-to-screened) (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map (kbd "P") 'hey-notmuch-move-sender-to-papertrail) (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map (kbd "f") 'hey-notmuch-move-sender-to-thefeed) (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map (kbd "C") 'hey-notmuch-reply-later) #+end_src ** Org Integration The gods ordained that Mail and Org should dance together, so step one is composing mail with org: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package org-mime :config (ha-local-leader :keymaps 'notmuch-message-mode-map "s" '("send" . notmuch-mua-send-and-exit) "m" '("mime it" . org-mime-htmlize))) #+end_src A new option is to use [[https://github.com/jeremy-compostella/org-msg][org-msg]], so let's try it: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes (use-package org-msg :init (setq org-msg-options "html-postamble:nil H:5 num:nil ^:{} toc:nil author:nil email:nil \\n:t" org-msg-startup "hidestars indent inlineimages" org-msg-greeting-fmt "\nHi%s,\n\n" org-msg-recipient-names '(("<<email-address-1()>>" . "Howard Abrams")) org-msg-greeting-name-limit 3 org-msg-default-alternatives '((new . (text html)) (reply-to-html . (text html)) (reply-to-text . (text))) org-msg-convert-citation t org-msg-signature " Regards, ,#+begin_signature -- ,*Howard* /One Emacs to rule them all/ ,#+end_signature")) #+end_src The idea of linking org documents to email could be nice, however, the =ol-notmuch= package in the [[https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/org-contrib.html][org-contrib]] package needs a maintainer. #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no (use-package ol-notmuch :after org :straight (:type built-in) :config (add-to-list 'org-modules 'ol-notmuch)) #+end_src To use, read a message and save a link to it with ~SPC o l~. Next, in an org document, create a link with ~, l~. Now, you can return to the message from that document with ~, o~. Regardless, I may need to store a local copy when I upgrade Org. * Display Configuration Using the [[https://github.com/seagle0128/doom-modeline][Doom Modeline]] to add notifications: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package doom-modeline :config (setq doom-modeline-mu4e t)) #+end_src * Technical Artifacts :noexport: Let's =provide= a name so we can =require= this file: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none (provide 'ha-email) ;;; ha-email.el ends here #+end_src #+DESCRIPTION: A literate configuration file for email using Notmuch. #+PROPERTY: header-args:sh :tangle no #+PROPERTY: header-args:emacs-lisp :tangle yes #+PROPERTY: header-args :results none :eval no-export :comments no mkdirp yes #+OPTIONS: num:nil toc:nil todo:nil tasks:nil tags:nil date:nil #+OPTIONS: skip:nil author:nil email:nil creator:nil timestamp:nil #+INFOJS_OPT: view:nil toc:nil ltoc:t mouse:underline buttons:0 path:http://orgmode.org/org-info.js