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108 lines
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;;; beep.el --- A literate programming for alerting after long projects. -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2020 Howard X. Abrams
;; Author: Howard X. Abrams <http://gitlab.com/howardabrams>
;; Maintainer: Howard X. Abrams <howard.abrams@gmail.com>
;; Created: December 23, 2020
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; *NB:* Do not edit this file. Instead, edit the original literate file at:
;; ~/website/Technical/Emacs/beep-for-emacs.org
;; And tangle the file to recreate this one.
;;; Code:
(defvar beep-alert-sound-file
(expand-file-name "~/other/hamacs/beep-notify.wav")
"A WAV or AU file used at the completion of a function.")
;; My replacement in case we can't play internal sounds:
(defun beep--beep ()
"Play a default notification sound file.
Customize the variable, `beep-alert-sound-file' to adjust the sound."
(if (fboundp 'play-sound-internal)
(play-sound-file beep-alert-sound-file)
(call-process-shell-command (format "afplay %s &" beep-alert-sound-file) nil 0)))
(defvar beep-speech-executable "say %s"
"An OS-dependent shell string to speak. Replaces `%s' with a phrase.")
(defun beep--speak (phrase)
"Call a program to speak the string, PHRASE.
Customize the variable, `beep-speech-executable'."
(let ((command (format beep-speech-executable phrase)))
(shell-command command)))
(defun beep--when-finished (phrase)
"Notify us with string, PHRASE, to grab our attention.
Useful after a long process has completed, but use sparingly,
as this can be pretty distracting."
(message phrase)
(when (functionp 'alert)
(alert phrase :title "Completed"))
(beep--speak phrase))
(defun compile-and-notify ()
"Call `counsel-compile' and notify us when finished.
See `beep--when-finished' for details."
(let ((root (projectile-project-root)))
(counsel-compile root)
(beep--when-finished "The compile command has finished.")))
(defvar beep-func-too-long-time 5
"The number of seconds a function runs before it is considered taking too much time, and needing to be alerted when it has finished.")
(defun beep--after-function (func)
"Call the function, FUNC, interactively, and notify us when completed."
(let ((start-time (current-time))
(call-interactively func)
(setq duration (thread-first
(time-subtract start-time)
(when (> duration beep-func-too-long-time)
(beep--when-finished (format "The function, %s, has finished." func)))))
(defun recompile-and-notify ()
"Call `recompile' and notify us when finished.
See `beep--when-finished' for details."
(beep--after-function 'recompile))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c c") 'recompile-and-notify)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C") 'compile-and-notify)
(defun beep-when-runs-too-long (orig-function &rest args)
"Notifies us about the completion of ORIG-FUNCTION.
Useful as after advice to long-running functions, for instance:
(advice-add 'org-publish :around #'beep-when-runs-too-long)"
(let ((start-time (current-time))
(apply orig-function args)
(setq duration (thread-first
(time-subtract start-time)
(when (> duration beep-func-too-long-time)
(beep--when-finished (format "The function, %s, has finished."
(beep--extract-function-name orig-function))))))
(defun beep--extract-function-name (expr)
"Extracts the original function from a lambda expression, EXPR."
(if (listp expr)
(if (equal (car expr) 'lambda)
(car (cadr expr))
(provide 'beep)
;;; beep.el ends here