Why yes, this will look like it sprung, like Athena, fully grown and in armor from my head, but this is really just the mid-point of a new endeavor.
21 lines
542 B
21 lines
542 B
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: emacs-lisp-init
# key: __
# --
;;; `(file-name-base (buffer-file-name)))`.el --- $1 -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) `(format-time-string "%Y")` `user-full-name`
;; Author: `user-full-name` <http://gitlab.com/howardabrams>
;; Maintainer: `user-full-name` <`user-mail-address`>
;; Created: `(format-time-string "%B %e, %Y")`
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; Code:
(provide '`(file-name-base (buffer-file-name)))`)
;;; `(file-name-base (buffer-file-name)))`.el ends here |