Why yes, this will look like it sprung, like Athena, fully grown and in armor from my head, but this is really just the mid-point of a new endeavor.
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;; -*- mode: emacs-lisp-mode -*-
;;; final-initialize.el --- Reinstall my Emacs configuration files -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2020 Howard X. Abrams
;; Author: Howard X. Abrams <http://github/howard>
;; Maintainer: Howard X. Abrams <howard.abrams@gmail.com>
;; Created: September 11, 2020
;; Modified: September 11, 2020
;; Version: 0.0.1
;; Homepage: https://gitlab.com/howardabrams/hamacs
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs 27.1.50) (cl-lib "0.5"))
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; Commentary:
;; Reinstall my Emacs configuration files
;;; Code:
(require 'ob)
(require 'f)
;; The project source is actually defined in ~/.doom.d/hamacs-init.el
;; However, we define it here to get rid of Emacs linter warnings. ;-)
(defvar hamacs-source-dir
(f-parent (f-parent (or load-file-name (buffer-file-name))))
"My configuration's source code directory.")
;; Where should the code end up?
(defvar hamacs-private-code-dir (f-join user-emacs-directory "elisp")
"Location for most of the `hamacs' source code and configuration Lisp files.")
(defun ha/install-by-tangling (source-files)
(dolist (file source-files)
(message "Tangling: %s" file)
(org-babel-tangle-file file)))
(defun ha/install-code-from-essays ()
"Tangle select website essays into the elisp bucket."
(defun ha/install-code-from-hamacs ()
"Copy Emacs Lisp code without needing to translate."
(dolist (file (directory-files
(f-join hamacs-source-dir "elisp") t (rx bol (not "."))))
(copy-file file (file-name-as-directory hamacs-private-code-dir) t)))
(defun ha/install-configuration ()
"Two primary jobs: tangle all source configuration files and link
non-tangled files."
(unless (f-exists? user-emacs-directory)
(make-directory user-emacs-directory))
(unless (f-exists? hamacs-private-code-dir)
(make-directory hamacs-private-code-dir))
;; Link some source-controlled directories into ~/.doom.d ...
;; This used to be a longer list. ;-)
(dolist (something '("snippets"))
(let ((dir (f-join user-emacs-directory something))
(src (f-join default-directory something)))
(unless (f-symlink? dir)
(f-symlink src dir)))))
(provide 'final-initialize)
;;; final-initialize.el ends here