[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/magit/magit.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/magit/magit) [![Gratipay](http://img.shields.io/gratipay/magit.png)](https://www.gratipay.com/magit) It's Magit! An Emacs mode for Git ================================== **The Magit wiki contains a list of [frequently asked questions][faq], *please* do consult it.** Magit is an interface to the version control system [Git][git], implemented as an [Emacs][emacs] extension. Unlike the [Version Control][vc] package which is part of Emacs and strives to provide a unified interface to various version control systems, Magit only supports Git and can therefore better take advantage of its native features. Magit supports GNU Emacs 23.2 or later; 24.1 or later is recommended. Magit supports Git or later; 1.8.2 or later is recommended. The minimal versions are those available in Debian oldstable. Feature Freeze ============== There are currently three "versions" of Magit. The `1.2.1` bugfix release which is mostly the same as `1.2.0` released in 2012. The `master` branch, which the packages on Melpa and Melpa-Stable are built from. This hasn't seen many major changes since February of this year. And the `next` branch which contains 99% of the work I have done during the last eight months. It's about time that `next` is merged and that a release is created. For that reason I am not going to implement any new features being proposed now, until after I have created a release. Magit isn't in a complete feature freeze yet, there are certain new features that I do want to be part of the next release. **No *completely* new features are going to be implemented until after the next release. However some "new" features are going to make it into the release which replace existing but broken and/or misguided features.** This shouldn't keep you from making feature requests, but first *please* check whether that feature already exists on `next` and don't expect it to be implemented until after the release. For instructions on how to install the `next` version of Magit see [this](https://github.com/magit/magit/tree/next#installation) and [that](https://github.com/magit/magit/issues/1220). ### Table of Contents * [Getting Started](#getting-started) * [Getting Help](#getting-help) * [Contributions](#contributions) * [Installation](#installation) * [Installing from Melpa](#installing-from-melpa) * [Installing from Marmalade](#installing-from-marmalade) * [Installing from Git](#installing-from-git) * [Installing from Tarball](#installing-from-tarball) * [Dependencies](#dependencies) Getting Started =============== To get started with Magit, run M-x magit-status. If you are inside a Git repository this opens a buffer that summarizes its status. Otherwise you are first prompted for a repository. Read the short help for `magit-status-mode` (C-h m in the status buffer). Then edit and save some files, refresh the status buffer (g), stage changes (s) and commit (c) them. For more details consult the Magit user manual. You can read it with C-u C-h i magit.info or [on the web][manual]. We can also recommend [this][mastering-intro] introduction from the Mastering Emacs blog. It even describes some new features that are not yet documented in the manual. Magit also has a [website][website]. Getting Help ============ When something breaks please see the [FAQ][faq]. If that doesn't help check the list of [all open issues][issues]. If everything else fails please open a [new issue][issues] or ask for help on the [mailing list][group]. Contributions ============= Magit is [hosted on Github][development]. Please contribute by suggesting features on the [issue tracker][issues] or by making code contributions using [pull requests][pulls]. Before opening a pull request make sure to read the brief [guidelines][contributing]. Please also consider supporting development using [gratipay][gratipay]. Thank you! Magit was started by [Marius Vollmer][marius] and is now maintained by [Jonas Bernoulli][jonas]. Other Magitians (former maintainers) are [Nicolas Dudebout][nicolas], [Peter J. Weisberg][peter], [Phil Jackson][phil], [RĂ©mi Vanicat][remi], and [Yann Hodique][yann]. Many more people have [contributed code][contributors] and suggested features. Thanks to all of you, may (the history of) the source be with you! Installation ============ Beginning with version 24.1 Emacs includes a package management facility known as Elpa or `package.el`. Using an Elpa package repository is the easiest and recommended way to install and update Magit and its dependencies. Among other things using `package.el` is recommended because that automatically takes care of installing dependencies. Magit is available from both of the two popular Elpa repositories, [Marmalade][marmalade] (stable releases) and [Melpa][melpa] (snapshots). ### Installing from Melpa If you have already used Melpa to install some other package then all you have to do is: M-x package-install RET magit RET This installs Magit as well as all of its dependencies and makes them available in the current and future Emacs sessions. If this is the first time you are using Melpa, then you have to configure `package.el` once. ```lisp (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/") t) ``` Then evaluate these forms, update the package cache, and install Magit as above. To update the cache use: M-x package-refresh-contents RET You might also want to have a look at the more detailed [instructions][melpa-intro] provided by the Melpa project. Among other things it explains how to install only some packages from Melpa and others from Marmalade, and how to use `package.el` with older versions of Emacs. ### Installing from Marmalade For the time being we recommend that you install the development version available from Melpa, because the latest Magit release (which is what you get from Marmalade) is very outdated. If you are using the development version of Emacs, then you have to do so, because it contains an incompatible change that breaks the last Magit release. ### Installing from Git If you want to contribute to Magit you should run it directly from the Git repository. First get the repository: ```sh $ git clone git://github.com/magit/magit.git ``` Then you should byte compile the libraries and generate the documentation, though that is not required: ```sh $ make lisp docs ``` Unless all dependencies are installed at `../DEPENDENCY` you have to tell `make` where to find them, e.g.: ```sh $ EFLAGS="-L /path/to/git-modes" make lisp docs ``` Then add this to you init file: ```lisp (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/git-modes") (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/magit") (eval-after-load 'info '(progn (info-initialize) (add-to-list 'Info-directory-list "/path/to/magit/"))) (require 'magit) ``` If you are using an Emacs version before 24.3, then you also have to install `cl-lib` and tell `make` as well as Emacs where to find it. To view available make targets use: ```sh $ make help ``` To update use: ```sh $ git pull $ make lisp docs ``` Before creating a pull request always run: ```sh $ make lisp test ``` You may also build Magit manually: ```sh $ emacs -Q --batch -L . -L /path/to/DEPENCENCY -f batch-byte-compile *.el $ makeinfo -o magit.info magit.texi $ install-info --dir=dir magit.info ``` ### Installing from Tarball This is only intended for users who have been doing this sort of thing for years. Installing from a tarball isn't particularly difficult but because we are only providing this as an alternative method we are a bit light on documentation, so it helps to have done this before. Also most steps have to be repeated every time you want to update. Because the latest Magit release is very outdated, please consider installing the development version even if tarballs are your thing. Download and unpack [magit-1.2.1.tar.gz][download]. Then build and install as usual: ```sh $ wget https://github.com/magit/magit/releases/download/1.2.1/magit-1.2.1.tar.gz $ tar -xf magit-1.2.1.tar.gz $ cd magit-1.2.1 $ make $ sudo make install ``` This installs the Emacs lisp libraries, as well as the prebuilt documentation from the tarball. You may alternatively build the documentation yourself: ```sh $ make docs $ sudo make install-docs ``` By default the Emacs lisp libraries are installed in `/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/magit/`. Unless Emacs itself is also installed in `/usr/local/` you have to add that directory to the `load-path`. ```lisp (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/magit") ``` Then `magit` can be loaded: ```lisp (require 'magit) ``` Add the above lines to your init file and restart Emacs. Dependencies ============ If you install Magit using `package.el` then dependencies are automatically being taken care of. Otherwise you have to track down dependencies and install them manually. * `cl-lib` is a new library in Emacs 24.3. Like the old `cl` it provides various Common Lisp forms, but differs in that symbols are prefixed with `cl-`. A forward compatibility `cl-lib` for older versions of Emacs is available from the GNU Elpa repository. You can install it using `package.el` or get it [here][cl-lib]. * `git-commit-mode` which is part of the [git-modes][git-modes] repository and available as a separate package from Melpa. * `git-rebase-mode` which is part of the [git-modes][git-modes] repository and available as a separate package from Melpa. ### Optional Dependencies The following libraries build on third-party tools or git subcommands that are not installed by the Git base-package on some distributions: * `magit-stgit.el` requires [`stgit`][stgit]. * `magit-svn.el` requires the official Git subcommand `svn`. * `magit-topgit.el` requires [`topgit`][topgit]. * `magit-wip.el` requires [`git-wip`][git-wip]. ### Dependencies of Tests To run tests the following libraries are also required: * `ert` is a tool for automated testing. It is part of Emacs starting with version 24.1. You can also obtain an old version from the former development [repository][ert]. [contributing]: https://github.com/magit/magit/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md [contributors]: https://github.com/magit/magit/contributors [development]: http://github.com/magit/magit [download]: https://github.com/magit/magit/releases/download/1.2.1/magit-1.2.1.tar.gz [faq]: https://github.com/magit/magit/wiki/FAQ [group]: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/magit [issues]: https://github.com/magit/magit/issues [knownissues]: https://github.com/magit/magit/wiki/Known-issues [manual]: http://magit.github.io/documentation.html [owners]: https://github.com/magit?tab=members [pulls]: https://github.com/magit/magit/pulls [screencast]: http://vimeo.com/2871241 [website]: http://magit.github.io [jonas]: https://github.com/tarsius [marius]: https://github.com/mvollmer [nicolas]: https://github.com/dudebout [peter]: https://github.com/pjweisberg [phil]: https://github.com/philjackson [remi]: https://github.com/vanicat [yann]: https://github.com/sigma [cl-lib]: http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/cl-lib.html [emacs]: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs [ert]: https://github.com/ohler/ert [git-wip]: https://github.com/bartman/git-wip [git]: http://git-scm.com [gitflow]: https://github.com/nvie/gitflow [gratipay]: https://gratipay.com/magit [git-modes]: https://github.com/magit/git-modes [marmalade]: http://marmalade-repo.org [mastering-intro]: http://www.masteringemacs.org/article/introduction-magit-emacs-mode-git [melpa]: http://melpa.milkbox.net [melpa-intro]: http://melpa.milkbox.net/#/getting-started [stgit]: http://www.procode.org/stgit [topgit]: https://github.com/greenrd/topgit [vc]: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Version-Control.html