IRC and Bitlbee Interface

Table of Contents

A literate programming configuration file for IRC communiction.


My IRC needs are basic, but I'm not sure which I want to use.


(use-package erc-hl-nicks
  :after erc)

(use-package erc-image
  :after erc)

(use-package erc
  :commands erc
   erc-nick "howard-abrams"
   erc-user-full-name "Howard Abrams"
   erc-prompt ">>"
   erc-prompt-for-nickserv-password nil
   erc-auto-query 'bury
   erc-join-buffer 'bury
   erc-interpret-mirc-color t
   erc-rename-buffers t
   erc-hide-list '("JOIN" "PART" "QUIT")
   erc-track-enable-keybindings nil
   erc-track-visibility nil ; Only use the selected frame for visibility
   erc-fill-column 120
   erc-fill-function 'erc-fill-static
   erc-fill-static-center 20
   erc-timestamp-only-if-changed-flag nil
   ;; erc-timestamp-format "%H:%M"
   erc-autojoin-channels-alist '(("" "#emacs" "#org-mode"))
   erc-quit-reason (lambda (s) (or s "Fading out..."))
   '(autoaway autojoin button completion fill irccontrols keep-place
              list match menu move-to-prompt netsplit networks noncommands
              readonly ring stamp track hl-nicks)))

(defun ha-erc-connect-irc ()
  "Connect to my favorite IRC server with ERC."
  (let* ((auth-results (auth-source-search :host "" :port 6667 :max 1))
         (auth-first   (first auth-results))
         (username     (plist-get auth-first :user))
         (password     (funcall (plist-get auth-first :secret))))
    (erc :server "" :port 6667)
    (sit-for 2)
    (erc-cmd-QUOTE (format "PASS %s:%s" username password))))

I like to make sure the text formats to the size of the window:

(defun ha-erc-resize-text ()
  "Resize the ERC text to fill the current window."
  (setq erc-fill-column (1- (window-width))))

ZNC Server

I'm using my own ZNC server, and I need to log in with a password stored in my GPG auth storage:

(defun ha-erc-reconnect-password ()
  "Send the reconnection password string."

  (let* ((auth-results (auth-source-search :host "" :port 7777 :max 1))
         (auth-first   (first auth-results))
         (username     (plist-get auth-first :user))
         (password     (funcall (plist-get auth-first :secret))))
    (erc-cmd-QUOTE (format "PASS %s:%s" username password))))

Key Bindings

Quick way to start and jump to my IRC world.

(defun ha-irc-persp-start ()
  "Create an IRC workspace and start my IRC client."
  (persp-switch "irc")

(defun ha-irc-persp-switch ()
  "Switch to the IRC workspace and load the next buffer."
  (persp-switch "irc")
  (call-interactively 'erc-track-switch-buffer))

And some global keys to display them:

  "a i" '("irc switch" . ha-irc-persp-switch)
  "a I" '("irc start"  . ha-irc-persp-start))

And a quick shortcuts to call it:

(ha-local-leader :keymaps '(erc-mode-map)
 "o" '("next channel" . erc-track-switch-buffer)
 "w" '("resize text" . ha-erc-resize-text)
 "r" '("reconnect" . ha-erc-connect-irc)
 "p" '("send password" . ha-erc-reconnect-password))

Display Configuration

Using the Doom Modeline to add notifications:

(setq doom-modeline-irc t
      doom-modeline-irc-stylize 'identity)