My RSS Feeds
Table of Contents
A literate programming file for configuring elfeed
in Emacs.
Configuring Elfeed
Let’s get our feeds from a collection of org mode files. By default, Doom configures rmh-elfeed-org-files
to in org-directory
, so that will be fine.
(use-package elfeed :config ;; While I would like to share the /status/ of my reads, so ... (setq elfeed-db-directory "~/dropbox/.elfeed/") ;; Let's limit what is initially displayed, and then expand it: (setq elfeed-search-filter "@6-months-ago +unread -science -funny") ;; While not an elfeed-specific variable, this make reading articles ;; with images easier: (setq pixel-scroll-precision-mode t) (defvar ha-elfeeds--title (font-icons 'faicon "rss" :title "Feed Reader")) (major-mode-hydra-define elfeed-search-mode (:title ha-elfeeds--title) ("Feeds" (("U" (elfeed-search-fetch 4) "Refresh Feeds") ("u" elfeed-update "Update Screen") ("f" elfeed-search-live-filter "Filter") ("F" elfeed-search-clear-filter "Clear Filter") ("X" elfeed-unjam "Unjam")) "Entry" (("r" elfeed-search-untag-all-unread "Mark read" :color pink) ("R" ha-elfeed-tag-unread "Mark read/refresh") ("y" elfeed-search-yank "Copy URL")))) (major-mode-hydra-define elfeed-show-mode (:title ha-elfeeds-title) ("Entry" (("n" elfeed-show-next "Next Entry" :color pink) ("p" elfeed-show-prev "Previous Entry" :color pink)) "Read" (("b" elfeed-show-visit "Show in EWW") ("B" elfeed-show-visit-gui "Show in Browser") ("y" elfeed-show-yank "Copy URL")) "Navigation" (("o" link-hint-open-link "Open Link") ("q" bury-buffer "Close") ("Q" delete-window "Close Window"))))) (defun ha-elfeed-tag-unread () (interactive) (elfeed-search-untag-all 'unread) (elfeed-search-update))
According to Ben Maughan and this Pragmatic Emacs essay, we could easily browse an article in the GUI browser instead of EWW with capital B:
(defun elfeed-show-visit-gui () "Wrapper for elfeed-show-visit to use gui browser instead of eww" (interactive) (let ((browse-url-generic-program "/usr/bin/open")) (elfeed-show-visit t)))
And some global keys to display them in the apps
(ha-leader "a f" `("feed reader" . ,(ha-app-perspective "elfeed" #'elfeed)))
The Feeds
The elfeed-org project configures elfeed
to read the RSS feeds from an Org file … like this one!
(use-package elfeed-org :after elfeed :config (setq rmh-elfeed-org-files (list (f-join hamacs-source-dir ""))) (elfeed-org))
The feeds that I would to read on Emacs involves longer essays, so I’m decided to trim the list down to avoid duplications with the RSS reader on my phone.
Software Development
- Planet Emacslife
Currently the best Emacs weblog as an aggregator of all things Emacscy. Lots of duplication with what I already follow, so I may have trim things down.
- Planet Emacsen
Was the best overall Emacs weblog (in the traditional sense), but has since been replaced. I’ll leave it here for a bit.
- Sacha Chua
Her curated summary of the world of Emacs is quite helpful (to make sure I don’t miss something).
- Mickey Petersen
Wrote the wonderful book, Mastering Emacs.
- With-Emacs
Has had some good essays with a bent toward modern updates.
- Emacs Horrors Blog
Lovely peelings of the onion’s layers.
- Álvaro Ramírez
- Ben Maughan
The Pragmatic Emacs blog.
- Endless Parentheses
Artur Malabarba’s blog mostly about Emacs.
- Emacs Fu
As stated here, a blog mostly dedicated to Emacs tips and tricks.
- Emacs Redux
Bozhidar Batsov’s Emacs-focused blog. While it hasn’t been updated in about a year (end of 2017), we’ll leave it here, as well as his newer, personally-focused blog.
- Christopher Wellons
The null program blog, has discussed technical aspects of Emacs, including the use of
, which is my current favorite way to read my RSS feeds. - Sebastian Wiesner
A personal blog of a Scala engineer that uses Emacs on MacOS.
- John Kitchin Group
- Org Mode Announcements
- infin
While just starting out, this blogger from China is off to a good start.
- Marcin Borkowski
The Emacs Polish professor and author of
, and new book on intermediate Lisp programming. - Irreal
Jon Sander’s blog mostly on Emacs.
- (or emacs
- Tassilo Horn
A self-proclaimed Emacs addict and Free Software enthusiast from Koblenz, Germany. While the blog is currently short, I have high hopes.
- Emacs TIL
An Emacs-learning blog by Junji Zhi.
- (car nil)
Abhinav Tushar’s blog is heavily Emacs and org-focused.
- Emacs Cat
A new blog about Emacs.
- Tyler Dodge
Intrigued with Emacs
project, but a good Emacs blog.
- David Nolen
While he hasn’t updated the blog in a while, keep an eye on his Github projects.
- Carin Meyer
Thoughtful and inspirational, her creative projects are always fun to explore.
- Mike Fogus
Send More Paramedics blog. Wrote Functional JavaScript and, of course, The Joy of Clojure.
- Bozhidar Batsov
Most prolific engineer, who ran Emacs Redux, is the principal mind behind the wonderful Cider project.
- Howard Lewis Ship
Personal friend who often has fun interesting projects to keep tabs.
- C’est la Z
Mike Zamansky’s posts on Emacs and computer education.
Role Playing Games
Started playing D&D when I was twelve, and while it has a special place in my heart, I actually am
Rascal News
The alternative, independent news about Indie and other RPGs.
Sly Flourish
The Lazy DM is D&D-focused.
DM David
Generally good DMing advice.
The Soloist
A nice blog about Solo RPGs.
Solo Tabletop Blog
From the maker of the GEmulator.
The Long Now
Always been fascinated with the ideas associated with making a 10,000 year clock.
Wait, But Why?
Has some good, thought-provoking essays.