Leader Keys
A literate programming file for setting up a leader sequence.
The following needs to go in ha-config:
And then add the following in specific files for a single collection:
(major-mode-hydra-define emacs-lisp-mode nil ("Eval" (("b" eval-buffer "buffer") ("e" eval-defun "defun") ("r" eval-region "region")) "REPL" (("I" ielm "ielm")) "Test" (("t" ert "prompt") ("T" (ert t) "all") ("F" (ert :failed) "failed")) "Doc" (("d" describe-foo-at-point "thing-at-pt") ("f" describe-function "function") ("v" describe-variable "variable") ("i" info-lookup-symbol "info lookup"))))
But what about something complicated, like Org?
I liked how Evil-focused Emacs configurations, like Doom and Spacemacs, made the concept of converting the plethora of Emacs functions from modifier-based keybindings, like C-x C-f
, to key sequences, like SPC f f
. I originally started out using the General project. It is a great project, but started Evil-specific. While Fox Kiester (noctuid) is converting it to a non-Evil project, it isn’t ready. Also, general always had a limitation that made me use Oleh Krehel’s (abo-abo
) Hydra project for some things, so…
I would like to use the Major Mode Hydra project as a basis for my leaders. It will be prettier, and while it won’t have the nifty :general
option to use-package, I think I can make it work.
Make things super pretty with these helper functions:
(use-package all-the-icons :config (defun with-faicon (icon str &optional height v-adjust) (s-concat (all-the-icons-faicon icon :v-adjust (or v-adjust 0) :height (or height 1)) " " str)) (defun with-fileicon (icon str &optional height v-adjust) (s-concat (all-the-icons-fileicon icon :v-adjust (or v-adjust 0) :height (or height 1)) " " str)) (defun with-octicon (icon str &optional height v-adjust) (s-concat (all-the-icons-octicon icon :v-adjust (or v-adjust 0) :height (or height 1)) " " str)) (defun with-material (icon str &optional height v-adjust) (s-concat (all-the-icons-material icon :v-adjust (or v-adjust 0) :height (or height 1)) " " str)) (defun with-mode-icon (mode str &optional height nospace face) (let* ((v-adjust (if (eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode) 0.0 0.05)) (args `(:height ,(or height 1) :v-adjust ,v-adjust)) (_ (when face (lax-plist-put args :face face))) (icon (apply #'all-the-icons-icon-for-mode mode args)) (icon (if (symbolp icon) (apply #'all-the-icons-octicon "file-text" args) icon))) (s-concat icon (if nospace "" " ") str))))
Top Level
When I hit the SPC
, I want to bring up a magic table of goodness:
(defvar ha-leader--title (with-fileicon "emacs" "Hamacs Leader" 1 -0.05)) (pretty-hydra-define ha-leader (:foreign-keys warn :title ha-leader--title :quit-key "q") ("Execute" (("SPC" execute-extended-command "M-x") ("!" shell-command "Shell") ("u" universal-argument "C-u")) "Org" (("X" org-capture "org capture") ("L" org-store-link "store org link")) ) ;; "." '("repeat" . repeat) ;; "!" '("shell command" . shell-command) ;; "|" 'piper ;; "RET" 'bookmark-jump ;; "a" '(:ignore t :which-key "apps") ;; "a <escape>" '(keyboard-escape-quit :which-key t) ;; "m" '(:ignore t :which-key "mode") ;; "m <escape>" '(keyboard-escape-quit :which-key t) ;; "o" '(:ignore t :which-key "org/open") ;; "o <escape>" '(keyboard-escape-quit :which-key t) ;; "o i" 'imenu )
What sort of wide grouping can I make:
- Operations:
- Workspaces
- f
- file operations
- w
- window operations
- b
- buffers
- t
- toggles
- h
- help
- d
- data manipulation
- p
- projects
- x
- text
- q
- quit
- r
- replace (R for query-replace)
- y
- copy operation (currently current-location) ?
- Org:
- C
- Capture Code … could be lowercase
- X
- Org Capture
- L
- Store Link … could be lowercase
- Y
- Copy Code (code-to-clipboard-dwim)
- i
- org-mac-link-get-link
- Apps:
- o
- org / open
- a
- applications
- g
- git versioning
- n
- notes
- Movement:
- j
- jump
- s
- search / spelling?
- >
- next error
- <
- prev error
- m
- bookmark
- Other/Misc:
- e
- errors
- s
- spellcheck
- .
- repeat? Do I use this? Use bookmark?
What’s Free? i should be repurposed k is free l is free m … but , works for minor mode, so m for bookmark? n should be retooled v … c … z …
GitHub - domtronn/all-the-icons.el: A utility package to collect various Icon Fonts and propertize them within Emacs. And then attach it:
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global "," 'ha-leader/body)
(all-the-icons-icon-for-buffer) (all-the-icons-icon-for-dir) all-the-icons-icon-for-file all-the-icons-icon-for-mode all-the-icons-icon-for-url
File Operations
(defvar ha-window--title (with-faicon "file" "File Management" 1 -0.05)) (pretty-hydra-define ha-window (:foreign-keys warn :title ha-window--title :quit-key "q") ("Actions" (("TAB" other-window "switch") ("x" ace-delete-window "delete") ("m" ace-delete-other-windows "maximize") ("s" ace-swap-window "swap") ("a" ace-select-window "select")) "Resize" (("h" move-border-left "←") ("j" move-border-down "↓") ("k" move-border-up "↑") ("l" move-border-right "→") ("n" balance-windows "balance") ("f" toggle-frame-fullscreen "toggle fullscreen")) "Split" (("b" split-window-right "horizontally") ("B" split-window-horizontally-instead "horizontally instead") ("v" split-window-below "vertically") ("V" split-window-vertically-instead "vertically instead")) "Zoom" (("+" zoom-in "in") ("=" zoom-in) ("-" zoom-out "out") ("0" jp-zoom-default "reset"))))
(pretty-hydra-define ha-toggles (:color amaranth :quit-key "q" :title (with-faicon "toggle-on" "Titel")) ("Basic" (("n" linum-mode "line number" :toggle t) ("w" whitespace-mode "whitespace" :toggle t) ("W" whitespace-cleanup-mode "whitespace cleanup" :toggle t) ("r" rainbow-mode "rainbow" :toggle t) ("L" page-break-lines-mode "page break lines" :toggle t)) "Highlight" (("s" symbol-overlay-mode "symbol" :toggle t) ("l" hl-line-mode "line" :toggle t) ("x" highlight-sexp-mode "sexp" :toggle t) ("t" hl-todo-mode "todo" :toggle t)) "UI" (("d" jp-themes-toggle-light-dark "dark theme" :toggle jp-current-theme-dark-p)) "Coding" (("p" smartparens-mode "smartparens" :toggle t) ("P" smartparens-strict-mode "smartparens strict" :toggle t) ("S" show-smartparens-mode "show smartparens" :toggle t) ("f" flycheck-mode "flycheck" :toggle t)) "Emacs" (("D" toggle-debug-on-error "debug on error" :toggle (default-value 'debug-on-error)) ("X" toggle-debug-on-quit "debug on quit" :toggle (default-value 'debug-on-quit)))))