Add the Delve moves
Some of these moves have information taken from the Delve sourcebook, so before I publish this, I need to check with Shawn Tompkin about possible copyright infringement for those who haven't bought the book.
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7 changed files with 385 additions and 0 deletions
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** Check Your Gear
When you check to see if you have a specific helpful item, and you have at least +1 supply, roll +supply.
- On a *strong hit*, you have it. Take +1 momentum.
- On a *weak hit*, you have it, but your resources are diminished. Take +1 momentum and suffer -1 supply.
- On a *miss*, you don't have it and the situation grows more perilous. [[file:~/googoo/ironsworn/moves/fate/][Pay the Price]].
*** Details
:move-stats: supply
The isolation and perilous nature of a site may force you to consider what equipment you can bring to bear to overcome an obstacle. By default, the Ironsworn system is not concerned with tracking a detailed inventory. This may lead to situations where you aren't sure if you are prepared for an unexpected challenge. For example:
- Your enemies are coming across the bridge. Do you have a blade you can use to cut the rope support?
- Your ally is poisoned. Do you have an antidote in your herbalist's kit?
- The troll wants something for its collection. Do you have an appropriately shiny trinket?
When you check to see if you have a particular item on-hand, make this move.
On a strong hit, you've got it. You have the fictional framing to make moves (or avoid a move) using this item. Plus, you take a +1 momentum bonus to represent your readiness for this situation.
On a weak hit, you have it, but your resources are reduced. Take the +1 momentum reward and suffer -1 supply.
On a miss, you don't have what you need, and things get worse. You must [[file:~/googoo/ironsworn/moves/fate/][Pay the Price]]. This may mean turning the peril of the current situation up a notch, or inflicting an immediate negative outcome.
**** Checking Your Gear Outside of a Site
If you like what it adds to the game, you can consider *Check Your Gear* as part of Ironsworn's default move set. If so, you can trigger this move outside of site-based exploration.
**** Don't Overdo It
Save this move for dramatic moments. If you are prepared to explore a site, you can assume you are equipped with the basics (such as lighting, rations, and weapons). Make this move when looking for something specific or noteworthy.
**** Prefer to Ignore this Move?
Since this move is not essential to resolving your exploration of a site, you can consider it as an optional component. For example, if you prefer to keep a more detailed inventory for your character, this move may not be necessary. Or you might prefer to just handwave equipment entirely. If you think this move delivers an unnecessary level of detail, or not enough detail, you can ignore it and rely on your usual approach for managing gear.
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** Delve the Depths
When you traverse an area within a perilous site, envision your surroundings ([[file:/Volumes/Personal/personal/ironsworn/moves/fate/][Ask the Oracle]] if unsure). Then, consider your approach. If you navigate this area...
- With haste: Roll +edge.
- With stealth or trickery: Roll +shadow.
- With observation, intuition, or expertise: Roll +wits.
On a *strong hit*, you delve deeper. Mark progress and [[][Find an Opportunity]].
On a *weak hit*, roll on the following table according to your stat.
On a *miss*, [[][Reveal a Danger]].
| Edge | Shadow | Wits | Weak Hit Result |
| 1-45 | 1-30 | 1-40 | Mark progress and Reveal a Danger. |
| 46-65 | 31-65 | 41-55 | Mark progress. |
| 66-75 | 66-90 | 56-80 | Choose one: Mark progress or Find an Opportunity. |
| 76-80 | 91-99 | 81-99 | Take both: Mark progress and Find an Opportunity. |
| 81-00 | 00 | 00 | Mark progress twice and Reveal a Danger. |
*** Details
:move-stats: edge shadow wits
Make this move when you enter a site, and as you push forward into the depths. Think of this move as a counterpart to [[file:/Volumes/Personal/personal/ironsworn/moves/adventure/][Undertake a Journey]]. It resolves your exploration within a segment of the site and determines whether you mark progress.
**** What is an Area?
The portion of the site you traverse when you make this move is called an area. This is an abstract representation of a particular segment of the site. In a Fortified Stronghold, a specific area might consist of a single room. In a Wild Shadowfen, an area can be a deer path winding for miles through a stagnant and misty morass. The size and detail will vary based on the nature of the site and the context of your exploration.
You can adjust the pace and focus of your exploration. Your travel through some areas may pass as a montage that spans hours in the game world. Other areas might become the focus of a high-intensity scene which represents mere seconds or minutes. An area is an imprecise but flexible reference for measuring your progress, framing your surroundings, and introducing dangers and opportunities.
**** Envision your Surroundings
When you make the Delve the Depths move, the first step is to define the characteristics of the area you are attempting to traverse. You are moving from a known area (your current location), into an unknown area. What will you find there? Taking a moment to reveal the characteristics of an area will create context for your exploration and the result of your moves.
Have a look at your theme and domain cards. They both include a feature table. When you want to define the characteristics of an area, you may Ask the Oracle using these tables as inspiration.
When you make a standard 1-100 oracle roll, the possible results span both cards. If you roll 1-20, refer to the theme card for your answer. 21-100 is found on the domain card.
Instead of rolling to generate a feature, you may simply envision the nature of the area. Perhaps your current surroundings require additional time to traverse, or you might assume you are moving into a specific terrain or architecture based on your understanding of this place. To reduce the frequency of your dice rolling, and give the place a sense of uniformity interspersed with interesting areas and discoveries, feel free to rely on your instincts or choose a feature from the oracle charts.
**** Adding Detail
A result on the feature table might be abstract, mundane, unusual, or specific. If you want to clarify a result or add additional detail, you can use another oracle for inspiration.
The [[elisp:(rpgdm-tables-choose "feature-aspect")][Aspect]] and [[elisp:(rpgdm-tables-choose "feature-focus")][Focus]] oracles are useful prompts to help flesh out your surroundings or give detail for an encounter or event within a site.
**** Envision Your Approach
Next, envision how you will attempt to traverse this area. The *Delve the Depths* move gives you three options. Choose one.
- With haste: Roll +edge.
- With stealth or trickery: Roll +shadow.
- With observation, intuition, or expertise: Roll +wits.
Your selection should be based on several factors, including the abilities and approach of your character, the terrain or architecture you find yourself in, your current situation, and the nature of the site. For example:
- Time is of the essence, and you must warn a village of an impending raider attack. Unfortunately, it lies on the other side of a Corrupted Shadowfen. Forced by the narrative circumstances to plunge heedlessly into danger, you roll +edge.
- A Hallowed Stronghold is held by enemy cultists. To blend in as you move through occupied areas, you wear the robes of their sect. You roll +shadow and hope no one takes notice of you.
- An Ancient Frozen Cavern holds age-old secrets. This is a perilous place, and your exploration is hindered by traps and dangerous terrain. You move with caution, wary of new dangers, and roll +wits.
If you are playing with allies, only one of you makes this move. Decide who is leading this segment of the exploration. The leadership role may change from area to area as appropriate to the situation and your approach. Another character can attempt to bolster the leader's action by making the Aid Your Ally move, though that carries its own risk of complication.
**** If You Score a Strong Hit...
If you roll a strong hit, this phase of your exploration has gone well. You have the advantage, and are pushing farther into the depths of this place. Mark progress per the rank of the site. For example, if this is a dangerous site, mark two progress. If it is extreme, mark two ticks. Then, make the [[][Find an Opportunity]] move.
**** If You Score a Weak Hit...
On a weak hit, the outcome is uncertain. Note that this table includes a different potential result for the three stat options: edge, shadow, and wits. Reference the appropriate column and check the result based on the stat used in your action roll. For example, if you Delve the Depths using shadow, rolling a 35 on this table instructs you to mark progress. If you used wits, that same roll tells you to mark progress and [[][Reveal a Danger]].
Each stat choice offers advantages and disadvantages as you Delve the Depths:
• Edge gives you the potential to move faster through the site, marking additional progress. But you are also more likely to Reveal a Danger and have less chance to Find an Opportunity.
- Shadow is the safest option, making it likely you will mark progress and not Reveal a Danger. However, your wariness gives you a reduced chance to Find an Opportunity.
- Wits is a balanced approach, with more potential to Find an Opportunity as you mark progress. But you put yourself at risk to Reveal a Danger.
When you envision your approach, your stat choice should be driven by the situation, your surroundings, and your character's abilities and methods. But you can also be mindful of how the stat will impact the result when you are forced to roll on this table.
If the table directs you to mark progress, do so. “Mark progress twice” means you should double the progress. For example, if you are exploring a dangerous site, you would normally mark two progress boxes. Marking twice gives you four progress boxes.
**** If You Roll a Miss...
On a miss, you do not mark progress and must make the Reveal a Danger move. You have been waylaid by a threat.
Reminder: if you are playing with allies, only one of you makes this
move. They are the leader for this segment of the exploration. Other
players contribute by helping set the scene and interpreting outcomes.
Allies can also make the Aid Your Ally move to bolster the leader's
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** Discover a Site
When you resolve to enter a perilous site in pursuit of an objective, choose the theme and domain which best represent its nature ([[file:/Volumes/Personal/personal/ironsworn/moves/fate/][Ask the Oracle]] if unsure), and give it a rank.
- Troublesome site :: 3 progress per area.
- Dangerous site :: 2 progress per area.
- Formidable site :: 1 progress per area.
- Extreme site :: 2 ticks per area.
- Epic site :: 1 tick per area.
If you are returning to a previously explored site, roll both challenge dice, take the lowest value, and clear that number of progress boxes.
Then, [[][Delve the Depths]] to explore this place.
*** Details
When you first encounter or introduce a site within your story, make this move. Choose a theme and domain, set the rank, ready your progress track, and prepare to enter. See page 6 for details on setting up your playscape.
**** Returning to a Previously Explored Site
A site may prove too perilous, forcing you to flee or abandon your delve. Perhaps you are wounded, shaken, or [[file:/Volumes/Personal/personal/ironsworn/moves/suffer/][Out of Supply]]. You might face a narrative complication which sends you out of the site.
If you later return to continue your exploration, you can use the existing progress on the site progress track---but not all of it. To determine how much progress remains, roll your challenge dice (two ten-sided dice), take the lowest value, and erase that number of progress boxes. A low result means your experience here is kept as you return, allowing you to speed your way through previously explored terrain. A high result indicates that something has changed, your foes have bolstered their defenses, or the nature of this place is simply too chaotic and unpredictable.
If a progress box is partially filled (fewer than four ticks), you'll count it as one progress for the purposes of clearing boxes.
If you return to a site and your lowest challenge die is greater than your available progress, simply clear all the progress boxes.
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** Escape the Depths
When you flee or withdraw from a site, consider the situation and your approach. If you...
- Find the fastest way out: Roll +edge.
- Steel yourself against the horrors of this place: Roll +heart.
- Fight your way out: Roll +iron.
- Retrace your steps or locate an alternate path: Roll +wits.
- Keep out of sight: Roll +shadow.
On a *strong hit*, you make your way safely out of the site. Take +1 momentum.
On a *weak hit*, you find your way out, but this place exacts its price. Choose one:
- You are weary or wounded: [[file:../suffer/][Endure Harm]].
- The experience leaves you shaken: [[file:../suffer/][Endure Stress]].
- You are delayed, and it costs you.
- You leave behind something important.
- You face a new complication as you emerge from the depths.
- A denizen plots their revenge.
On a *miss*, a dire threat or imposing obstacle stands in your way. [[][Reveal a Danger]]. If you survive, you may make your escape.
*** Details
:move-stats: edge heart iron wits shadow
With the focus and effort devoted to exploring the site, getting back out after you [[][Locate Your Objective]] can feel anticlimactic. *Escape the Depths* gives you a zoomed-out method of abstracting your exit from this place. With a single roll, you'll resolve what happens when you journey out of the depths.
You might also need to *Escape the Depths* when your resources are exhausted, the dangers prove too great, or if you are at the brink of calamity. When you need to get the hell out, make this move. If you later return to try again, you'll reduce the amount of accrued progress when you [[][Discover a Site]].
To escape a site, you can envision reversing course or heading for the nearest exit. To justify the move, feel free to introduce a convenient shortcut or a heretofore unknown exit. In open terrain, such as a Tanglewood or Shadowfen, your exit can be a path leading to safer territory.
If you are playing with allies, one of you will take the leadership role and make this move for the party.
On a *strong hit*, you are free and clear. Envision the escape as a montage. You persevere over any obstacles. For the moment, you are safe.
On a *weak hit*, you escape the site, but not without cost. Envision how the site exacted this price, and pick an option from the move.
If you score a *weak hit* when escaping with allies, consider how the cost impacts the group. You can each choose an option from the weak hit results--- for example, one might suffer harm and another stress---or just inflict the cost on the acting character. A narrative cost such as “you face a new complication” can apply to the group as a whole.
On a *miss*, the depths block your escape. You must [[][Reveal a Danger]]. Zoom in as you deal with this sudden turn of events. Per the text of the move, make it a dire threat or imposing obstacle. /Make it hurt/. If you overcome this challenge, you may then envision your successful escape from the site.
**** Don't Make This Move When...
Don't make this move when you are not in a position to escape. If you are in the middle of a fight, you must defeat your foes or [[file:../adventure/][Face Danger]] to break away from the battle. If the path is blocked or hindered, deal with that obstacle first.
You also won't make this move if your sole objective in a site is to find your way out. In that case, when you successfully [[][Locate Your Objective]], you have the means to escape and can envision doing so without making another move.
Finally, if you would prefer to detail your journey back out of the depths, you can ignore this move. Instead, after you successfully Locate Your Objective, you should [[][Discover a Site]]. Using the “If you are returning to a previously explored site...” option, roll both challenge dice, take the lowest value, and clear that number of progress boxes from the site progress track. Set a new objective to escape this place. When you successfully [[][Locate Your Objective]] again, you have escaped.
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** Find an Opportunity
When you *encounter a helpful situation or feature within a site*, [[elisp:(rpgdm-tables-choose "opportunity")][roll on the following table]]. If you are making this move as a result of a strong hit on [[][Delve the Depths]], you may pick or envision an opportunity instead of rolling.
Then, choose one.
• Gain insight or prepare: Take +1 momentum.
• Take action now: You and any allies may make a move (not a progress move) which directly leverages the opportunity. When you do, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
| Roll | Result |
| 1-25 | The terrain favors you, or you find a hidden path. |
| 26-45 | An aspect of the history or nature of this place is revealed. |
| 46-57 | You locate a secure area. |
| 58-68 | A clue offers insight or direction. |
| 69-78 | You get the drop on a denizen. |
| 79-86 | This area provides an opportunity to scavenge, forage, or hunt. |
| 87-90 | You locate an interesting or helpful object. |
| 91-94 | You are alerted to a potential threat. |
| 95-98 | You encounter a denizen who might support you. |
| 99-100 | You encounter a denizen in need of help. |
*** Details
This move represents discovering a helpful situation or feature within a site. It is a fortunate circumstance---not a willful action taken by your character--- so is triggered only when you Delve the Depths and score a hit. It is always triggered on a strong hit with that move, and sometimes on a weak hit.
If you are playing with allies, the character who triggered *Find an Opportunity* as they [[][Delve the Depths]] is the one to resolve the move. However, everyone at the table can participate in interpreting the outcome and describing the reactions of their character. Also, the rewards of this move may benefit your allies.
**** Define the Opportunity
If you *triggered this move through a weak hit* on [[][Delve the Depths]], make an oracle roll on the included opportunity table. Check your result and interpret the outcome as appropriate to the nature of the site and your current situation.
If you *scored a strong hit on Delve the Depths*, you may pick an outcome from the table without rolling. Or you can simply envision any moderately helpful circumstance as an opportunity. If you are unsure, or want to leave it in the hands of fate, [[file:../fate/][Ask the Oracle]].
**** Interpret the Opportunity
Next, bring the opportunity to life. What do you encounter? How can it help you? The opportunity should make sense in the context of the site, the characteristics of this specific area, and the purpose of your exploration.
If you roll on the *Find an Opportunity* oracle and the response is difficult to interpret for your current situation, you can check up or down one row from your original answer, or reverse the digits (37=73). However, the abstract nature of these results should allow them to fit most circumstances.
When this move is triggered by a weak hit, the opportunity should feel like a minor reward. It is a moment of hope or respite in an otherwise dire circumstance, rather than a dramatic shift in the character’s fortunes. A strong hit on Delve the Depths can prompt a more powerful narrative opportunity, especially when paired with a match on the challenge dice.
If you need additional detail or clarification, [[file:../fate/][Ask the Oracle]].
*Note:* If you are playing in /guided mode/, the result of the *Delve the Depths* move can define who has narrative control over an opportunity. On a strong hit, the player defines the opportunity. On a weak hit, the GM has control.
**** Act on the Opportunity
Finally, per the text of the move, use the opportunity to choose one:
• Gain insight or prepare: Take +1 momentum.
• Take action now: You and any allies may make a move (not a progress move) which directly leverages the opportunity. When you do, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
*Take the first option if you don't want to take the chance of suffering a cost by making a move*, if the opportunity doesn't lend itself to a move, or if you're more interested in building momentum without risk. This reward represents your improved confidence and position as you push deeper into the depths. If you are playing with allies, this benefit is limited to the character making the move.
*Take the second option if you want to make an immediate move to leverage your opportunity.* For example, you might find an area where you can Make Camp in relative comfort or safety. A clear path may allow you to Delve the Depths with renewed determination. Perhaps you can [[file:/Volumes/Personal/personal/ironsworn/moves/adventure/][Gather Information]] to search an area or follow tracks.
If you are exploring with allies, the “take action now” option is usable by anyone, and you may each make one move (not a progress move) which leverages this reward.
However, don't bend the fiction to a breaking point by trying to justify a move which is tangential or unrelated to the opportunity. If there is a clear action for your character, take it. Otherwise, let someone else have the spotlight.
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** Locate Your Objective
/Progress Move/
When your exploration of a site comes to an end, roll the challenge dice and compare to your progress. Momentum is ignored on this roll.
- On a *strong hit*, you locate your objective and the situation favors you. Choose one:
- Make another move now (not a progress move), and add +1.
- Take +1 momentum.
- On a *weak hit*, you locate your objective but face an unforeseen hazard or complication. Envision what you find ([[file:~/googoo/ironsworn/moves/fate/][Ask the Oracle]] if unsure).
- On a *miss*, your objective falls out of reach, you have been misled about the nature of your objective, or you discover that this site holds unexpected depths. If you continue your exploration, clear all but one filled progress and raise the site's rank by one (if not already epic).
*** Details
:move-stats: progress
When you are ready to complete your exploration of a site, make this move. Since this is a progress move, you tally the number of filled boxes on your progress track. This is your progress score. Only add fully filled boxes (those with four ticks). Then, roll your challenge dice, compare to your progress score, and resolve a strong hit, weak hit, or miss as normal. You may not burn momentum on this roll, and you are not affected by negative momentum.
This move is structured and functions similarly to [[file:~/googoo/ironsworn/moves/adventure/][Reach Your Destination]]. Have you found what you were looking for? Are there additional obstacles in your path? Roll to find out.
When you score a *strong hit*, you locate your objective. Depending on the context of your objective, your task may be complete or you are well-positioned to take action.
On a *weak hit*, something complicates your objective. Things are not what you expected, or an obstacle stands in your way. Envision what you encounter. Then, play to see what happens.
On a *miss*, things have fallen apart. Your objective lies somewhere else, you were mistaken about the nature of your objective, or you face a turn of events that undermines your purpose. Depending on the circumstances, this might mean your exploration ends in failure, or that you must push on while clearing all but one of your filled progress and raising the site's rank.
If you are traveling with allies, one of you makes this move. Each of you benefits (or suffers) from the narrative outcome of the roll. Only the character making the move takes the mechanical benefit of a strong hit.
Finally, consider how the objective impacts your quest. If this is a milestone, make the [[file:~/googoo/ironsworn/moves/quest/][Reach a Milestone]] move. If this objective represents what you believe is the completion of your quest, [[file:~/googoo/ironsworn/moves/quest/][Fulfill Your Vow]].
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** Reveal a Danger
When you *encounter a risky situation within a site*, envision the danger
or [[elisp:(rpgdm-tables-choose "dangers")][roll on the following table]]:
| Roll | Result |
| 1-30 | Check the theme card. |
| 31-45 | Check the domain card. |
| 46-57 | You encounter a hostile denizen. |
| 58-68 | You face an environmental or architectural hazard. |
| 69-76 | A discovery undermines or complicates your quest. |
| 77-79 | You confront a harrowing situation or sensation. |
| 80-82 | You face the consequences of an earlier choice or approach. |
| 83-85 | Your way is blocked or trapped. |
| 86-88 | A resource is diminished, broken, or lost. |
| 89-91 | You face a perplexing mystery or tough choice. |
| 92-94 | You lose your way or are delayed. |
| 95-00 | Roll twice more on this table.¹ |
¹ Both results occur. If they are the same result, make it worse.
*** Details
This move is the inverse of Find an Opportunity. It is triggered by a miss or weak hit when you [[][Delve the Depths]].
You can also trigger *Reveal a Danger* as a consequence of any complication or failure within a site. If you must [[file:/Volumes/Personal/personal/ironsworn/moves/fate/][Pay the Price]] when exploring, and want to introduce an outcome related to the location, make this move instead of referencing the *Pay the Price* table. For example, if you [[file:/Volumes/Personal/personal/ironsworn/moves/adventure/][Make Camp]] within the depths of a Wild Tanglewood, and roll a miss, you can choose to Reveal a Danger instead of rolling on the Pay the Price table.
**** Envision the Danger
Much like [[file:/Volumes/Personal/personal/ironsworn/moves/fate/][Pay the Price]], you can choose to simply introduce a danger that's a good fit for the current situation. If a dramatic outcome springs to mind immediately, go with it. Otherwise, you can put it in the hands of fate and roll on the included danger table. When you make your oracle roll on this table, the potential result spans three locations:
- 1-30 is found in the danger table on the theme card.
- 31-45 is found in the danger table on the domain card.
- 46-100 is found on the main Reveal a Danger table.
**** Play to Find Out What Happens
Most results on the danger tables are a setup for a new threat or complication. You encounter an obstacle which must be overcome, or a foe who must be dealt with, or a mystery which must be solved. If you need clarification for an abstract or suggestive result, [[file:/Volumes/Personal/personal/ironsworn/moves/fate/][Ask the Oracle]]. Then, zoom in and resolve the situation. If a move is triggered, make it.
However, some results may suggest an immediate consequence, such as suffering a loss of spirit, harm, supply, or momentum. If so, make it happen. Varying the focus and nature of the dangers you encounter will help you manage the pace of your session. If it's interesting and dramatic, zoom in. Otherwise, apply the consequence and move on.
**** Reinforcing a Perilous Environment
When you travel overland using the [[file:/Volumes/Personal/personal/ironsworn/moves/adventure/][Undertake a Journey]] move, your supply
is reduced on a weak hit. This creates a sense of urgency, forcing you
to manage your resources or seek help within a community.
When you *Delve the Depths*, the potential consequence of a weak hit is more open-ended. You have more options to absorb a failure through your status tracks and narrative complications. However, you also have fewer options to recover from failure. A [[file:/Volumes/Personal/personal/ironsworn/moves/relationship/][Sojourn]] is probably not possible without retreating entirely from the site. Depending on the nature of a site, you may not have an opportunity to [[file:/Volumes/Personal/personal/ironsworn/moves/adventure/][Resupply]] or [[file:/Volumes/Personal/personal/ironsworn/moves/adventure/][Make Camp]]. The deeper you delve, the more you are pushing your limited resources, and the greater the cost if you are forced to retreat or flee.
Also, consider the effect of this place on your morale. You face darkness, fear, aberrant environments, deadly foes, and constant peril. This will wear on you. Consider [[file:/Volumes/Personal/personal/ironsworn/moves/suffer/][Endure Stress]] as a natural outcome for the sights and situations you encounter in a site. Your stress track should function as an ever-present ticking clock, counting down to an agonizing choice: do you abandon this place, or risk losing yourself to it forever?
**** Adjusting the Severity of a Danger
The nature of the threat can also reflect your current situation and the outcome of the preceding move. If you trigger Reveal a Danger through a weak hit on Delve the Depths, you might have an opportunity to overcome or avoid the threat. For example, you Face Danger to avoid a sudden rockfall when exploring a Mine, and continue on your way unscathed.
A miss on [[][Delve the Depths]] should trigger a danger that is dire, and has greater impact on your story. Even if you manage to overcome the threat, the effort or delay can carry a cost. For example, you escape immediate harm as you dive out of the way of the rockfall. But you must suffer a loss of momentum as you spend time and energy digging your way through the now-blocked passage.
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Reference in a new issue