Wilfred’s [[https://github.com/Wilfred/suggest.el][suggest]] function helps you find the right function. Basically, you type in the parameters of a function, and then the desired output, and it will write the function call.
This /should work/ with [[help:evil-goto-definition][evil-goto-defintion]], as that calls this list from [[help:evil-goto-definition-functions][evil-goto-definition-functions]]:
While I love packages that add functionality and I don’t have to learn anything, I’m running into an issue where I do a lot of my Emacs Lisp programming in org files, and would like to jump to the function definition /defined in the org file/. Since [[https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep][ripgrep]] is pretty fast, I’ll call it instead of attempting to build a [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41933837/understanding-the-ctags-file-format][CTAGS]] table. Oooh, the =rg= takes a =—json= option, which makes it easier to parse.
I like the idea of [[https://github.com/abo-abo/lispy][lispy]] for making a Lisp-specific /keybinding state/ (similar to Evil).
My primary use-case is for its refactoring and other unique features. For instance, I love [[help:lispy-ace-paren][lispy-ace-paren]] that puts an /ace label/ on every parenthesis, allowing me to quickly jump to any s-expression.
I want an Evil version of [[Lispy]]. The [[https://github.com/noctuid/lispyville][lispyville project]] builds on it to make it Evil. From the README:
The main difference from an evil state is that lispy’s “special” is contextually based on the point (special is when the point is before an opening delimiter, after a closing delimiter, or when there is an active region).
Many of the operations supplied by =lispyville= don’t require learning anything new. Similar to [[Clever Parenthesis]], we can
For instance, if our point is placed at this location in this code:
The /trick/ to being effective with the [[https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ParEdit][paredit-family]] of extensions is learning the keys. The killer “app” is the slurp/barf sequence. Use the ~<~ key, in normal mode, to barf (or jettison)… in other words, /move/ the paren closer to the point. For instance:
*Note:* I used to use the [[https://github.com/luxbock/evil-cleverparens][evil-cleverparens]] project to have similar keybindings but in all programming languages. I found that =lispyville= is a little more reliable, and that I don’t really use these types of code manipulation in my day-job programming languages of Python and YAML.
Instead of converting /all keybindings/, the project supplies /key themes/ to grab specific keybinding groups.
- =operators= :: basic VI operators that keep stuff balanced
- =c-w= :: replaces the ~C-w~, but since that is VI-specific, I rebind this to ~M-Delete~
- =text-objects= :: Add more text-objects, I wrote my [[file:ha-config.org::*Better Parenthesis with Text Object][own version]] for s-expressions, but I might try these
- =atom-movement= :: The ~e~ / ~w~ and ~b~ keys will move by /symbols/ instead of /words/.
- =additional-movement= :: Adds new movement keys, ~H~/ ~L~ for s-expr and the ~(~ /~)~ for getting to closest expressions. This doesn’t work well, but is easy to re-implement.
- =commentary= :: Replace ~gc~ for un/commenting Lisp elements.
- =slurp/bar-lispy= :: always allow ~<~ / ~>~ to slurp/barf even /inside/ an s-expression.
- =additional= :: New ~M-~ bindings for manipulating s-expressions. ~M-J~ is very cool.
- =additional-insert= ::~M-i~ insert at beginning, and ~M-a~ to insert at the end of a list.
- =wrap= :: like [[file:ha-config.org::*Evil Surround][Evil Surround]] but with one less keystroke. ~M-( M-(~ wraps the entire line.
- =additional-wrap= :: is another version of the =wrap= that automatically wraps current symbol, and then you can slurp in the rest.
- =mark= :: The ~v~ will highlight current symbol, and ~V~ will highlight current s-expression. Continues to work with [[file:ha-config.org::*Expand Region][Expand Region]].
New bindings to remember:
- ~>~ :: slurp
- ~<~ :: barf
- ~H~ :: backward s-expression
- ~L~ :: forward s-expression
- ~M-h~ :: beginning of defun
- ~M-l~ :: end of defun
- ~M-i~ :: insert at beginning of list
- ~M-a~ :: insert at end of list
- ~M-o~ :: open below list … never worry about inserting into a bunch of closing parens.
- ~M-O~ :: open above list
- ~M-j~ :: drag forward
- ~M-k~ :: drag backward
- ~M-J~ :: join
- ~M-s~ :: splice … I could use specific examples for these operations so I would know when to use them.
- ~M-S~ :: split
- ~M-r~ :: raise s-expression
- ~M-R~ :: raise list
- ~M-t~ :: transpose s-expressions
- ~M-v~ :: convolute s-expression
These are all good, but the primary keys I need to figure out, are the s-expression movement keys:
- ~{~ :: backward up list … nice to hit once (maybe twice), but isn’t something to use to navigate
Wilfred’s [[https://github.com/Wilfred/emacs-refactor/tree/master#elisp][emacs-refactor]] package can be helpful if you turn on =context-menu-mode= and …
The idea of stealing some of Clojure Mode’s refactoring is brilliant (see [[https://isamert.net/2023/08/14/elisp-editing-development-tips.html#clojure-thread-lastfirst-all-from-https-github-com-clojure-emacs-clojure-mode-clojure-mode][the original idea]]), however, I’m already using Lispy’s =toggle-thread-last=.
The [[https://github.com/xiongtx/eros][eros]] package stands for Evaluation Result OverlayS for Emacs Lisp, and basically shows what each s-expression is near the cursor position instead of in the mini-buffer at the bottom of the window.
A feature I enjoyed from Spacemacs is the ability to evaluate the s-expression currently containing the point. Not sure how they made it, but Lispyville has a =lispyville-next-closing= function to jump to that closing paren (allowing a call to =eval-last-sexp=), and if I save the position using =save-excursion=, I get this feature.
All the above loveliness can be easily accessible with a [[https://github.com/jerrypnz/major-mode-hydra.el][major-mode-hydra]] defined for =emacs-lisp-mode=: