Ruby is probably already installed on the system, and if not, we certainly can download it from [[][]], but since I need to juggle different versions for each project, I use [[][direnv]] and [[][ruby-install]]:
For projects from work, I have found we need to isolate the Ruby environment. Once we use [[][rbenv]] or [[][rvm]], but now, I just use [[][direnv]]. Approach one is to use a local directory structure. Assuming I have a =use_ruby= function in [[file:~/.config/direnv/direnvrc][~/.config/direnv/direnvrc]]:
#+begin_src conf
# From Apple: /usr/bin/ruby
use ruby 2.6.10
# Could use 3.2.1 from /usr/local/bin/ruby
A better solution is to create a container to hold the Ruby environment. Begin with a =Dockerfile=:
While that approach works /fairly well/ with [[*direnv][my direnv configuration]], [[*Flycheck][Flycheck]] seems to want the checkers to be installed globally.
While Emacs supplies a Ruby editing environment, we’ll still use =use-package= to grab the latest:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package ruby-mode
:mode (rx ".rb" eos)
:mode (rx "Rakefile" eos)
:mode (rx "Gemfile" eos)
:mode (rx "Berksfile" eos)
:mode (rx "Vagrantfile" eos)
:interpreter "ruby"
(setq ruby-indent-level 2
ruby-indent-tabs-mode nil)
:hook (ruby-mode . superword-mode))
** Ruby REPL
I am not sure I can learn a new language without a REPL connected to my editor, and for Ruby, this is [[][inf-ruby]]:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(use-package inf-ruby
"R" '("REPL" . inf-ruby)))
** Electric Ruby
The [[][ruby-electric]] project is a minor mode that aims to add the /extra syntax/ when typing Ruby code.
The [[][Robe project]] can be used instead of [[*Language Server Protocol (LSP) Integration][LSP]].
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package robe
"w" '(:ignore t :which-key "robe")
"ws" '("start" . robe-start))
;; The following leader-like keys, are only available when I have
;; started LSP, and is an alternate to Command-m:
(:states 'normal :keymaps 'robe-mode-map
", w r" '("restart" . lsp-reconnect)
", w b" '("events" . lsp-events-buffer)
", w e" '("errors" . lsp-stderr-buffer)
", w q" '("quit" . lsp-shutdown)
", w l" '("load file" . ruby-load-file)
", l r" '("rename" . lsp-rename)
", l f" '("format" . lsp-format)
", l a" '("actions" . lsp-code-actions)
", l i" '("imports" . lsp-code-action-organize-imports)
", l d" '("doc" . lsp-lookup-documentation)))
Do we want to load Robe /automatically/?
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package robe :hook (ruby-mode . robe-mode))
** Bundler
The [[][Bundler project]] integrates [[][bundler]] to install a projects Gems.
The lint-like style checker of choice for Ruby is [[][Rubocop]]. The [[][rubocop.el]] mode should work with [[][Flycheck]]. First install it with:
#+begin_src sh
gem install rubocop
And then we may or may not need to enable the =rubocop-mode=: