Howard Abrams b7a35fe1dc Fix some movement, including a better start to visual
Why not have `v` (when programming), select the entire symbol?
2023-04-06 22:00:12 -07:00

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Emacs Lisp Configuration

A literate programming file for configuring Emacs for Lisp programming.


While I program in a lot of languages, I seem to be writing all my helper tools and scripts in … Emacs Lisp. Im cranking this up to 11.

New, non-literal source code comes from emacs-lisp-mode template:

  (ha-auto-insert-file (rx ".el" eol) "emacs-lisp-mode.el")

Perhaps we should have an Emacs Lisp-specific leader for advanced commands:

  (general-create-definer ha-elisp-leader
      :states '(normal visual motion)
      :keymaps '(emacs-lisp-mode-map lisp-mode-map)
      :prefix ","
      :global-prefix "<f17>"
      :non-normal-prefix "S-SPC")

Syntax Display

Dim those Parenthesis

The paren-face project lowers the color level of parenthesis which I find better.

  (use-package paren-face
    :hook (emacs-lisp-mode . paren-face-mode))

Show code examples with the elisp-demos package.

  (use-package elisp-demos
    (advice-add 'describe-function-1 :after #'elisp-demos-advice-describe-function-1))

Better Function Help

Lets take advantage of helpful package for getting more information into the describe-function call.

  (use-package helpful)

And we should extend it with the elisp-demos project:

  (use-package elisp-demos
    :after helpful
      "h a" '("add helpful demo" . elisp-demos-add-demo))

    (advice-add 'helpful-update :after #'elisp-demos-advice-helpful-update))

Find a function without a good demonstration? Call elisp-demos-add-demo.

Navigation and Editing

Goto Definitions

Wilfreds elisp-def project does a better job at jumping to the definition of a symbol at the point, so:

  (use-package elisp-def
    :hook (emacs-lisp-mode . elisp-def-mode))

This should work with evil-goto-defintion, as that calls this list from evil-goto-definition-functions:

While I love packages that add functionality and I dont have to learn anything, Im running into an issue where I do a lot of my Emacs Lisp programming in org files, and would like to jump to the function definition defined in the org file. Since ripgrep is pretty fast, Ill call it instead of attempting to build a CTAGS table. Oooh, the rg takes a —json option, which makes it easier to parse.

  (defun ha-org-code-block-jump (str pos)
    "Go to a literate org file containing a symbol, STR.
  The POS is ignored."
    ;; Sometimes I wrap a function name in `=' characters, and these should be removed:
    (when (string-match (rx "=" (group (one-or-more any)) "=") str)
      (setq str (match-string 1 str)))
      (let* ((default-directory (projectile-project-root))
             (command (format "rg --json '\\(def[^ ]+ %s ' *.org" str))
             (results (thread-last command
             (file    (thread-last results
                                   (gethash "data")
                                   (gethash "path")
                                   (gethash "text")))
             (line    (thread-last results
                                   (gethash "data")
                                   (gethash "line_number"))))
        (find-file file)
        (goto-line line))))

  (add-to-list 'evil-goto-definition-functions 'ha-org-code-block-jump)


I like the idea of lispy for making a Lisp-specific keybinding state (similar to Evil).

My primary use-case is for its refactoring and other unique features. For instance, I love lispy-ace-paren that puts an ace label on every parenthesis, allowing me to quickly jump to any s-expression.

  (use-package lispy
    (evil-define-key 'normal emacs-lisp-mode-map
      ;; Use C-SPC to mark single letter, as these seem to be nicer expansions:
      "v" 'lispy-mark-symbol              ; Mark larger section at first?
      "M-v" 'lispy-mark                   ; Mark entire s-expression
      "g f" 'lispy-ace-paren
      "g F" 'lispy-ace-symbol)

      "r i" '("cond→if" . lispy-to-ifs)
      "r c" '("if→cond" . lispy-to-cond)
      "r d" '("λ→𝑓" . lispy-to-defun)
      "r l" '("𝑓→λ" . lispy-to-lambda)
      "r f" '("flatten" . lispy-flatten)
      "r b" '("bind var" . lispy-bind-variable)
      "r u" '("unbind var" . lispy-unbind-variable)

      "e d" '("edebug" . lispy-edebug)
      "e j" '("debug-step-in" . lispy-debug-step-in)
      "e R" '("eval-and-replace" . lispy-eval-and-replace)

      "h d" '("describe" . lispy-describe)
      "t t" '("ert" . lispy-ert)))


I want an Evil version of /git/howard/hamacs/src/commit/0f87c4ddb5e49344306fdfb600711ec833f0b173/Lispy. The lispyville project builds on it to make it Evil. From the README:

The main difference from an evil state is that lispys “special” is contextually based on the point (special is when the point is before an opening delimiter, after a closing delimiter, or when there is an active region).

Many of the operations supplied by lispyville dont require learning anything new. Similar to /git/howard/hamacs/src/commit/0f87c4ddb5e49344306fdfb600711ec833f0b173/Clever%20Parenthesis, we can For instance, if our point is placed at this location in this code:

  (message "The answer is %d" (+ 2 (* 8 5) 9 (+ 1 4)))

Pressing D results in:

  (message "The answer is %d" (+ 2 (* 8 5)))

And doesnt delete the trailing parenthesis.

The trick to being effective with the paredit-family of extensions is learning the keys. The killer “app” is the slurp/barf sequence. Use the < key, in normal mode, to barf (or jettison)… in other words, move the paren closer to the point. For instance:

  (+ 41 (* 1 3))    (+ 41 (* 1) 3)

Use the > key to slurp in outside objects into the current expression… in other words, move the paren away from the point. For instance:

  (+ 41 (* 1) 3)    (+ 41 (* 1 3))

Note: I used to use the evil-cleverparens project to have similar keybindings but in all programming languages. I found that lispyville is a little more reliable, and that I dont really use these types of code manipulation in my day-job programming languages of Python and YAML.

  (use-package lispyville
    :hook ((emacs-lisp-mode lisp-mode) . lispyville-mode))

Now we need to define additional key movements:

  (use-package lispyville
    (lispyville-set-key-theme '(operators atom-movement
                                commentary slurp/barf-lispy additional-wrap
                                additional additional-insert))

    (evil-define-key '(normal insert emacs) lispyville-mode-map
      (kbd "M-h") 'lispyville-beginning-of-defun
      (kbd "M-l") 'lispyville-beginning-of-next-defun
      (kbd "M-i") 'lispyville-insert-at-beginning-of-list ; These are useful
      (kbd "M-a") 'lispyville-insert-at-end-of-list       ; and I want to use
      (kbd "M-o") 'lispyville-open-below-list             ; these in insert
      (kbd "M-O") 'lispyville-open-above-list             ; or Emacs state.

      ;; The c-w theme is VI-specific. I still use Emacs' M-Delete:
      (kbd "M-DEL")  'lispyville-delete-backward-word)

    ;; Sentence and paragraph movement doesn't make sense in a Lisp world,
    ;; so I redefine these based on my own personal expectations:
    (evil-define-key 'normal lispyville-mode-map
      "H" 'lispyville-backward-sexp-begin
      (kbd "M-H") 'lispyville-backward-sexp-end
      "L" 'lispyville-forward-sexp-begin
      (kbd "M-L") 'lispyville-forward-sexp-end
      "(" 'lispyville-previous-opening
      ")" 'lispyville-next-closing
      "{" 'lispyville-backward-up-list
      "}" 'lispyville-next-opening

      "[ f" 'lispyville-beginning-of-defun
      "] f" 'lispyville-beginning-of-next-defun
      "] F" 'lispyville-end-of-next-defun)

    ;; Visually high-light a region, just hit `(' to wrap it in parens.
    ;; Without smartparens, we need to insert a pair of delimiters:
    (evil-define-key '(visual insert emacs) lispyville-mode-map "(" 'lispy-parens)
    (evil-define-key '(visual insert emacs) lispyville-mode-map "[" 'lispy-brackets)
    (evil-define-key '(visual insert emacs) lispyville-mode-map "{" 'lispy-braces))

Instead of converting all keybindings, the project supplies key themes to grab specific keybinding groups.

basic VI operators that keep stuff balanced
replaces the C-w, but since that is VI-specific, I rebind this to M-Delete
Add more text-objects, I wrote my own version for s-expressions, but I might try these
The e / w and b keys will move by symbols instead of words.
Adds new movement keys, H / L for s-expr and the ( / ) for getting to closest expressions. This doesnt work well, but is easy to re-implement.
Replace gc for un/commenting Lisp elements.
always allow < / > to slurp/barf even inside an s-expression.
New M- bindings for manipulating s-expressions. M-J is very cool.
M-i insert at beginning, and M-a to insert at the end of a list.
like Evil Surround but with one less keystroke. M-( M-( wraps the entire line.
is another version of the wrap that automatically wraps current symbol, and then you can slurp in the rest.
The v will highlight current symbol, and V will highlight current s-expression. Continues to work with Expand Region.

New bindings to remember:

backward s-expression
forward s-expression
beginning of defun
end of defun
insert at beginning of list
insert at end of list
open below list … never worry about inserting into a bunch of closing parens.
open above list
drag forward
drag backward
splice … I could use specific examples for these operations so I would know when to use them.
raise s-expression
raise list
transpose s-expressions
convolute s-expression

These are all good, but the primary keys I need to figure out, are the s-expression movement keys:

backward up list … nice to hit once (maybe twice), but isnt something to use to navigate
next opening parenthesis
previous opening paren
next closing parenthesis

Eval Current Expression

The eros package stands for Evaluation Result OverlayS for Emacs Lisp, and basically shows what each s-expression is near the cursor position instead of in the mini-buffer at the bottom of the window.

  (use-package eros
    :hook (emacs-lisp-mode . eros-mode))

A feature I enjoyed from Spacemacs is the ability to evaluate the s-expression currently containing the point. Not sure how they made it, but evil-cp-next-closing from cleverparens can help:

  (defun ha-eval-current-expression ()
    "Evaluates the expression the point is currently 'in'.
  It does this, by jumping to the end of the current
  expression (using evil-cleverparens), and evaluating what it
  finds at that point."
      (unless (looking-at (rx (any ")" "]")))
      (call-interactively 'eval-last-sexp)))

And we just need to bind it.

    "e c" '("current" . ha-eval-current-expression))