Why was it any other way?
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My RSS Feeds
- Configuring Elfeed
- The Feeds
- Software Development
- Emacs
- Planet Emacslife
- Planet Emacsen
- Sacha Chua
- Mickey Petersen
- With-Emacs
- Emacs Horrors Blog
- Álvaro Ramírez
- Ben Maughan
- Endless Parentheses
- Emacs Fu
- Emacs Redux
- Christopher Wellons
- Sebastian Wiesner
- John Kitchin Group
- Org Mode Announcements
- infin
- Marcin Borkowski
- Irreal
- (or emacs
- Tassilo Horn
- Emacs TIL
- (car nil)
- Emacs Cat
- Tyler Dodge
- Programming
- Emacs
- Role Playing Games
- Misc
- Software Development
A literate programming file for configuring elfeed
in Emacs.
Configuring Elfeed
Let's get our feeds from a collection of org mode files. By default, Doom configures rmh-elfeed-org-files
to elfeed.org in org-directory
, so that will be fine.
(use-package elfeed
;; While I would like to share the /status/ of my reads, so ...
(setq elfeed-db-directory "~/dropbox/.elfeed/")
;; Let's limit what is initially displayed, and then expand it:
(setq elfeed-search-filter "@6-months-ago +unread -science -funny")
;; While not an elfeed-specific variable, this make reading articles
;; with images easier:
(setq pixel-scroll-precision-mode t)
(defvar ha-elfeeds-title
(concat (all-the-icons-faicon "rss") " Feed Reader"))
(major-mode-hydra-define elfeed-search-mode
(:title ha-elfeeds-title)
(("U" (elfeed-search-fetch 4) "Refresh Feeds")
("u" elfeed-update "Update Screen")
("f" elfeed-search-live-filter "Filter")
("F" elfeed-search-clear-filter "Clear Filter")
("X" elfeed-unjam "Unjam"))
(("r" elfeed-search-untag-all-unread "Mark read" :color pink)
("R" ha-elfeed-tag-unread "Mark read/refresh")
("y" elfeed-search-yank "Copy URL"))))
(major-mode-hydra-define elfeed-show-mode
(:title ha-elfeeds-title)
(("n" elfeed-show-next "Next Entry" :color pink)
("p" elfeed-show-prev "Previous Entry" :color pink))
(("b" elfeed-show-visit "Show in EWW")
("B" elfeed-show-visit-gui "Show in Browser")
("y" elfeed-show-yank "Copy URL"))
(("o" link-hint-open-link "Open Link")
("q" bury-buffer "Close")
("Q" delete-window "Close Window")))))
(defun ha-elfeed-tag-unread ()
(elfeed-search-untag-all 'unread)
According to Ben Maughan and this Pragmatic Emacs essay, we could easily browse an article in the GUI browser instead of EWW with capital B:
(defun elfeed-show-visit-gui ()
"Wrapper for elfeed-show-visit to use gui browser instead of eww"
(let ((browse-url-generic-program "/usr/bin/open"))
(elfeed-show-visit t)))
And some global keys to display them in the apps
(ha-leader "a f" `("feed reader" . ,(ha-app-perspective "elfeed" #'elfeed)))
The Feeds
The elfeed-org project configures elfeed
to read the RSS feeds from an Org file … like this one!
(use-package elfeed-org
:after elfeed
(setq rmh-elfeed-org-files (list (f-join hamacs-source-dir "ha-feed-reader.org")))
The feeds that I would to read on Emacs involves longer essays, so I’m decided to trim the list down to avoid duplications with the RSS reader on my phone.
Software Development
Planet Emacslife
Currently the best Emacs weblog as an aggregator of all things Emacscy. Lots of duplication with what I already follow, so I may have trim things down.
Planet Emacsen
Was the best overall Emacs weblog (in the traditional sense), but has since been replaced. I'll leave it here for a bit.
Sacha Chua
Her curated summary of the world of Emacs is quite helpful (to make sure I don't miss something).
Mickey Petersen
Wrote the wonderful book, Mastering Emacs.
Has had some good essays with a bent toward modern updates.
Emacs Horrors Blog
Lovely peelings of the onion's layers.
Ben Maughan
The Pragmatic Emacs blog.
Endless Parentheses
Artur Malabarba's blog mostly about Emacs.
Emacs Fu
As stated here, a blog mostly dedicated to Emacs tips and tricks.
Emacs Redux
Bozhidar Batsov's Emacs-focused blog. While it hasn't been updated in about a year (end of 2017), we'll leave it here, as well as his newer, personally-focused blog.
Christopher Wellons
The null program blog, has discussed technical aspects of Emacs, including the use of elfeed
, which is my current favorite way to read my RSS feeds.
Sebastian Wiesner
A personal blog of a Scala engineer that uses Emacs on MacOS.
While just starting out, this blogger from China is off to a good start.
Marcin Borkowski
The Emacs Polish professor and author of mbork.pl
, and new book on intermediate Lisp programming.
Jon Sander's blog mostly on Emacs.
Tassilo Horn
A self-proclaimed Emacs addict and Free Software enthusiast from Koblenz, Germany. While the blog is currently short, I have high hopes.
Emacs TIL
An Emacs-learning blog by Junji Zhi.
(car nil)
Abhinav Tushar's blog is heavily Emacs and org-focused.
Emacs Cat
A new blog about Emacs.
Tyler Dodge
Intrigued with Emacs org-assistant
project, but a good Emacs blog.
David Nolen
While he hasn't updated the blog in a while, keep an eye on his Github projects.
Carin Meyer
Thoughtful and inspirational, her creative projects are always fun to explore.
Mike Fogus
Send More Paramedics blog. Wrote Functional JavaScript and, of course, The Joy of Clojure.
Bozhidar Batsov
Most prolific engineer, who ran Emacs Redux, is the principal mind behind the wonderful Cider project.
Howard Lewis Ship
Personal friend who often has fun interesting projects to keep tabs.
C'est la Z
Mike Zamansky's posts on Emacs and computer education.
Role Playing Games
Started playing D&D when I was twelve, and while it has a special place in my heart, I actually am
Rascal News
The alternative, independent news about Indie and other RPGs.
Sly Flourish
The Lazy DM is D&D-focused.
DM David
Generally good DMing advice.
The Soloist
A nice blog about Solo RPGs.
Solo Tabletop Blog
From the maker of the GEmulator.
The Long Now
Always been fascinated with the ideas associated with making a 10,000 year clock.
Wait, But Why?
Has some good, thought-provoking essays.