Howard Abrams 513f2f06de Let's go ... first commit after a major refactor
Why yes, this will look like it sprung, like Athena, fully grown and
in armor from my head, but this is really just the mid-point of a new
2021-11-02 12:09:41 -07:00

1.9 KiB

My Emacs Configuration

My Emacs configuration, that I'm cheekily calling hamacs is a literate programming model heavily inspired by my recent journey into Henrik Lissner's Doom Emacs and Spacemacs. I used both extensively, but decided that I would roll my own as Emacs people tend to be control freaks (at least a little bit).

Why yes, feel free to steal whatever you find interesting, as sharing is what makes our community great. Hit me up with questions @howardabrams. If you want to try this out, after installing Emacs, and cloning this repo, run:


This creates ~/.emacs.d/init.el that starts the process loading the files:

configures straight and loads basic libraries the rest of the code depends on. It then loads the following files in order:
contains most of my configuration, setting up my sequence key menus, evil, etc.
sets up the visual aspects of an Emacs GUI, including themes, fonts and the dashboard.
configures the basics for org-mode formatted files. Specific features, however, come from their own files, however.
attempts to make Org files visually look like what one might see in a word processor, including turning off the colors for headers, and instead increasing their size.

Note: Other functions and files come from essays written on my blog. To help with this, see support/final-initialize.el file.