2024-11-22 13:06:27 -08:00

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General Org-Mode Configuration

A literate programming file for configuring org-mode and those files.

Use Package

Org is a large complex beast with a gazillion settings, so I discuss these later in this document.

  (use-package org
    ;; TODO: Using the latest org-mode
    ;; :straight (:type built-in)
    :mode (("\\.org" . org-mode))


Initialization Section

Begin by initializing these org variables:

  (setq org-return-follows-link t
        org-adapt-indentation nil   ; Don't physically change files
        org-startup-indented t      ; Visually show paragraphs indented
        org-list-indent-offset 2
        org-edit-src-content-indentation 2 ; Doom Emacs sets this to 0,
                                          ; but uses a trick to make it
                                          ; appear indented.

        org-imenu-depth 4
        sentence-end-double-space nil   ; I jump around by sentences, but seldom have two spaces.

        org-html-validation-link nil
        org-export-with-sub-superscripts nil
        org-export-with-drawers nil
        org-export-with-author nil
        org-export-with-email nil
        org-export-with-date nil
        org-export-with-todo-keywords nil
        org-export-with-broken-links nil
        org-export-with-toc nil  ; Only for my hamacs publishing
        org-export-with-date nil
        org-export-with-title nil
        org-export-with-section-numbers nil
        org-export-with-creator nil
        org-export-with-smart-quotes t
        org-export-with-timestamps nil
        org-export-time-stamp-file nil
        org-export-date-timestamp-format "%e %B %Y"

        org-directory "~/personal"
        org-default-notes-file "~/personal/general-notes.txt"

        org-enforce-todo-dependencies t   ; Can't close a task without completed subtasks
        org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks t
        org-log-done 'time

        org-completion-use-ido t
        org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil
        org-src-tab-acts-natively t
        org-agenda-span 'day ; Default is 'week
        org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil
        org-src-fontify-natively t
        org-src-tab-acts-natively t

        ;; Updates the lastmod: when set in the file:
        time-stamp-active t
        time-stamp-start "#\\+lastmod:[ \t]*"
        time-stamp-end "$"
        time-stamp-format "[%04Y-%02m-%02d %a]")

Configuration Section

I pretend that my org files are word processing files that wrap automatically:

  (add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'visual-line-mode)
  (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'time-stamp nil)

Files that end in .txt are still org files to me:

  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.txt\\'" . org-mode))

  (add-to-list 'safe-local-variable-values '(org-content . 2))

Note: Org mode files with the org-content variable setting will collapse two levels headers. Let's allow that without the need to approve that.

Better Return

Hitting the Return key in an org file should format the following line based on context. For instance, at the end of a list, insert a new item. We begin with the interactive function that calls our code if we are at the end of the line.

  (defun ha-org-return ()
    "If at the end of a line, do something special based on the
   information about the line by calling `ha-org-special-return',
   otherwise, `org-return' as usual."
    (if (eolp)

And bind it to the Return key:

(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "RET")  #'ha-org-return)

What should we do if we are at the end of a line?

  • Given a prefix, call org-return as usual in an org file.
  • On a link, call org-return and open it.
  • On a header? Create a new header.
  • In a table? Create a new row.
  • In a list, create a new item.

I should break this function into smaller bits …

  (defun ha-org-special-return (&optional ignore)
    "Add new list item with RET.
  A double return on an empty element deletes it.
  Use a prefix arg to get regular RET."
    (interactive "P")
    (if ignore
       ;; Open links like usual
       ((eq 'link (car (org-element-context)))

       ((and (org-really-in-item-p) (not (bolp)))
        (if (org-element-property :contents-begin (org-line-element-context))
          (delete-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))


How do we know if we are in a list item? Lists end with two blank lines, so we need to make sure we are also not at the beginning of a line to avoid a loop where a new entry gets created with one blank line.

  (defun org-really-in-item-p ()
    "Return item beginning position when in a plain list, nil otherwise.
  Unlike `org-in-item-p', this works around an issue where the
  point could actually be in some =code= words, but still be on an
  item element."
      (let ((location (org-element-property :contents-begin (org-line-element-context))))
        (when location
          (goto-char location))

The org API allows getting the context associated with the current element. This could be a line-level symbol, like paragraph or list-item, but always when the point isn't inside a bold or italics item. You know how HTML distinguishes between block and inline elements, org doesn't. So, let's make a function that makes that distinction:

(defun org-line-element-context ()
  "Return the symbol of the current block element, e.g. paragraph or list-item."
  (let ((context (org-element-context)))
    (while (member (car context) '(verbatim code bold italic underline))
      (setq context (org-element-property :parent context)))


I need to add a blocked state, and wouldnt doing be better than in progress (you know, without a space):

(setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "DOING(g)" "|" "DONE(d)")
                          (sequence "BLOCKED(b)" "|" "CANCELLED(c)")))

Mario Braganza had an interesting idea of starting the clock when a task changes to in progress:

  (defun ha-org-clock-todo-change ()
    "Called from hook `org-after-todo-state-change-hook'.
  Clock in if a task changes to DOING (i.e. IN_PROGRESS),
  and clocks out with any other state change."
    (if (string= org-state "DOING")

  (add-hook 'org-after-todo-state-change-hook 'ha-org-clock-todo-change)

And I would like to have cute little icons for those states:

  (dolist (m '(org-mode org-journal-mode))
    (font-lock-add-keywords m                        ; A bit silly but my headers are now
                            `(("^\\*+ \\(TODO\\) "   ; shorter, and that is nice canceled
                               (1 (progn (compose-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) "⚑") nil)))
                              ("^\\*+ \\(DOING\\) "
                               (1 (progn (compose-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) "⚐") nil)))
                              ("^\\*+ \\(CANCELED\\) "
                               (1 (progn (compose-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) "✘") nil)))
                              ("^\\*+ \\(BLOCKED\\) "
                               (1 (progn (compose-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) "✋") nil)))
                              ("^\\*+ \\(DONE\\) "
                               (1 (progn (compose-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) "✔") nil)))
                              ;; Here is my approach for making the initial asterisks for listing items and
                              ;; whatnot, appear as Unicode bullets ;; (without actually affecting the text
                              ;; file or the behavior).
                              ("^ +\\([-*]\\) "
                               (0 (prog1 () (compose-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) "•")))))))


I've notice that while showing a screen while taking meeting notes, I don't always like showing other windows, so I created this function to remove distractions during a meeting.

(defun meeting-notes ()
    "Call this after creating an org-mode heading for where the notes for the meeting
     should be. After calling this function, call 'meeting-done' to reset the environment."
      (outline-mark-subtree)                             ; Select org-mode section
      (narrow-to-region (region-beginning) (region-end)) ; Show that region
      (delete-other-windows)                             ; remove other windows
      (text-scale-set 2)                                 ; readable by others
      (fringe-mode 0)
      (message "When finished taking your notes, run meeting-done."))

Of course, I need an 'undo' feature when the meeting is over…

(defun meeting-done ()
      "Attempt to 'undo' the effects of taking meeting notes."
      (widen)                    ; Opposite of narrow-to-region
      (text-scale-set 0)         ; Reset the font size increase
      (fringe-mode 1)
      (winner-undo))             ; Put the windows back in place


Came up with a great way to search a project for Org-specific files, and wrote an essay describing the approach and the code. The idea is that I can call find-file, but the list of files is not only the filename, but the Org #+title: as well as any tags located in the file.

  (use-package org-find-file
    :straight nil
    (ha-leader "f o" '("load org" . org-find-file)))

Now that my paragraphs in an org file are on a single line, I could use rg (or some other grep program), but being able to use an indexed search system, like mdfind on Macos, or recoll on Linux, gives better results than line-oriented search systems.

While mdfind is builtin to MacOS, we need to install recoll:

  sudo apt install -y recoll

Lets create operating-system functions the command line for searching:

  (defun ha-search-notes--macos (phrase path)
    "Return the indexed search system command on MACOS, mdfind.
  Including the parameters using the PHRASE on the PATH(s)."
    (let ((paths (if (listp path)
                     (mapconcat (lambda (p) (concat "-onlyin " p)) path " ")
                   (concat "-onlyin " path))))
      (format "mdfind %s -interpret %s" paths phrase)))

  (defun ha-search-notes--linux (phrase path)
    "Return the indexed search system command on Linux, recoll.
  Including the parameters using the PHRASE on the PATH(s)."
      (format "recoll -t -a -b %s" phrase))

And lets see how that works:

  (ha-search-notes--macos "crossway stream" "~/Notes")

This function calls the above-mentioned operating-system-specific functions, but returns the matching files as a single string (where single quotes wrap each file, and all joined together, separated by spaces). This function also allows me to not-match backup files and whatnot.

  (defun ha-search-notes--files (phrase path)
    "Return an escaped string of all files matching PHRASE.
  On a Mac, the PATH limits the scope of the search."
    (let ((command (if (ha-running-on-macos?)
                       (ha-search-notes--macos phrase path)
                     (ha-search-notes--linux phrase path))))
      (->> command
           (--remove (s-matches? "~$" it))
           (--remove (s-matches? "#" it))
           (--map (format "'%s'" it))
           (s-join " "))))

Lets see it in action:

  (ha-search-notes--files "bread" '("~/personal"))
':3:common/rclinit.cpp:391::Recoll 1.36.1 + Xapian 1.4.22 [/home/howard/.recoll]'

Returns this string:

 "'/Users/howard.abrams/Notes/Sprint-2022-25.org' '/Users/howard.abrams/Notes/Sprint-2022-03.org' '/Users/howard.abrams/Notes/Sprint-2020-45.org' '/Users/howard.abrams/Notes/Sprint-2022-09.org' '/Users/howard.abrams/Notes/Sprint-2022-05.org' '/Users/howard.abrams/Notes/Sprint-2022-01.org' '/Users/howard.abrams/Notes/Sprint-2022-19.org'"

The ha-search-notes function prompts for the phrase to search, and then searches through the org-directory path, acquiring matching files, to feed to grep (and the grep function) to display a list of matches that I can jump to.

  (defun ha-search-notes (phrase &optional path)
    "Search files in PATH for PHRASE and display in a grep mode buffer."
    (interactive "sSearch notes for: ")
    (let* ((command   (if (ha-running-on-macos?) "ggrep" "grep"))
           (regexp    (string-replace " " "\\|" phrase))
           (use-paths (or path (list org-directory org-journal-dir)))
           (files     (ha-search-notes--files phrase use-paths))
           (cmd-line  (format "%s -ni -m 1 '%s' %s" command regexp files)))
      (grep cmd-line)))

Add a keybinding to the function:

  (ha-leader "f n" '("find notes" . ha-search-notes))


Babel Blocks

I use org-babel (obviously) and dont need confirmation before evaluating a block:

  (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil
        org-src-fontify-natively t
        org-src-tab-acts-natively t
        org-src-window-setup 'current-window)

Whenever I edit Emacs Lisp blocks from my tangle-able configuration files, I get a lot of superfluous warnings. Let's turn them off.

(defun disable-flycheck-in-org-src-block ()
  (setq-local flycheck-disabled-checkers '(emacs-lisp-checkdoc)))

(add-hook 'org-src-mode-hook 'disable-flycheck-in-org-src-block)

And turn on ALL the languages:

  (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages
                               '((shell      . t)
                                 (js         . t)
                                 (emacs-lisp . t)
                                 (clojure    . t)
                                 (python     . t)
                                 (ruby       . t)
                                 (dot        . t)
                                 (css        . t)
                                 (plantuml   . t)))

REST Web Services

Emacs has two ways to query and investigate REST-oriented web services. The ob-http adds HTTP calls to standard org blocks.

  (use-package ob-http
    (add-to-list 'org-babel-load-languages '(http . t)))

And lets see how it works:

  GET https://api.github.com/repos/zweifisch/ob-http/languages
  Accept: application/json
  User-Agent: ${user-agent}
  "Emacs Lisp": 15327,
  "Shell": 139

Another approach is ob-restclient, that may be based on the restclient project.

  (use-package ob-restclient
    (add-to-list 'org-babel-load-languages '(restclient . t)))

And lets try this:

  GET https://api.github.com/repos/zweifisch/ob-http/languages
  Accept: application/vnd.github.moondragon+json
  User-Agent: ${user-agent}
  "Emacs Lisp": 15327,
  "Shell": 139


Using the graphviz project, create charts with textual instructions (code), and then rendered as an image. First setup Graphviz configuration using graphviz-dot-mode:

  (use-package graphviz-dot-mode
      :mode "\\.dot\\'"
      (setq tab-width 4
            graphviz-dot-indent-width 2
            graphviz-dot-auto-indent-on-newline t
            graphviz-dot-auto-indent-on-braces t
            graphviz-dot-auto-indent-on-semi t))

Next, add it to org-babel:

    (add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("dot" . "graphviz-dot"))

For example:

  digraph G {
    graph [bgcolor=transparent];
    edge [color=white];

    A -> B -> E;
    A -> D;
    A -> C;
    E -> F;
    E -> H
    D -> F;
    A -> H;
    E -> G;



Need to install and configure Emacs to work with PlantUML. Granted, this is easier now that Org-Babel natively supports blocks of plantuml code. First, download the Jar.

  curl -o ~/bin/plantuml.jar https://github.com/plantuml/plantuml/releases/download/v1.2022.4/plantuml-1.2022.4.jar

After installing the plantuml-mode, we need to reference the location:

  (use-package plantuml-mode
    :straight (:host github :repo "skuro/plantuml-mode")
    (setq org-plantuml-jar-path (expand-file-name "~/bin/plantuml.jar")))

With some YASnippets, I have <p to start a general diagram, and afterwards (while still in the org-mode file), type one of the following to expand as an example:


You may be wondering how such trivial terms can be used as expansions in an org file. Well, the trick is that each snippets has a condition that calls the following predicate function, that make the snippets context aware:

(defun ha-org-nested-in-plantuml-block ()
  "Predicate is true if point is inside a Plantuml Source code block in org-mode."
  (equal "plantuml"
         (plist-get (cadr (org-element-at-point)) :language)))

Here is a sequence diagram example to show how is looks/works:

  !include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ptrkcsk/one-dark-plantuml-theme/v1.0.0/theme.puml
  ' See details at https://plantuml.com/sequence-diagram
  Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
  Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response

  Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
  Alice <-- Bob: Another authentication Response



No, not Pikachu, but close. Unlike Graphviz and Plantuml, the Pikchr project makes boxes more positional and allows one to place the parts more precisely. Yet another steep learning curve.

Not sure if anyone has made a package, so we need to download and build locally:

  curl -o ~/bin/pikchr.c https://pikchr.org/home/raw/9aac00a46506e993db45b740f7a7957f8f381b37001e196199dfc25642c44f06?at=pikchr.c
  # gcc -c pikchr.c # to build the Pikchr library
  gcc -DPIKCHR_SHELL -o ~/bin/pikchr ~/bin/pikchr.c -lm # to build the pikchr command-line tool

Of course, since we are dealing with Emacs, where we assimilate any good idea. Johann Klähn created pikchr-mode:

  (use-package pikchr-mode
    :straight (:local-repo "~/src/pikchr-mode")
    ;; :straight (:host github :repo "kljohann/pikchr-mode")
    (pikchr-executable "~/bin/pikchr"))

Lets see this in action:

  bgcolor = 0x1d2021
  fgcolor = 0xeeeeee
  line; box "Hello," "World!"; arrow

Results in:


And this example shows off the syntax colorization:

  A: box "head" fit
  B: box "tail" fit
  C: box "something" with .sw at A.nw fit wid dist(A.w, B.e)

For the results:



At work, Ive been integrating Mermaid into our documentation, foobar.

Assuming we have installed the Mermaid CLI:

  npm install -g @mermaid-js/mermaid-cli

We edit the code with mermaid-mode:

  (use-package mermaid-mode
    (setq mermaid-mmdc-location (if (file-exists-p "/opt/homebrew")

We can make Mermaid diagrams in Emacs Org files using ob-mermaid:

  (use-package ob-mermaid
    (setq ob-mermaid-cli-path mermaid-mmdc-location))
   A-->B: Works!


Next Image

When I create images or other artifacts that I consider part of the org document, I want to have them based on the org file, but with a prepended number. Keeping track of what numbers are now free is difficult, so for a default let's figure it out:

(defun ha-org-next-image-number (&optional prefix)
  (when (null prefix)
    (if (null (buffer-file-name))
        (setq prefix "cool-image")
      (setq prefix (file-name-base (buffer-file-name)))))

    (goto-char (point-min))
    (let ((largest 0)
          (png-reg (rx (literal prefix) "-" (group (one-or-more digit)) (or ".png" ".svg"))))
      (while (re-search-forward png-reg nil t)
        (setq largest (max largest (string-to-number (match-string-no-properties 1)))))
      (format "%s-%02d" prefix (1+ largest)))))


Global keybindings available to all file buffers:

    "o l" '("store link"  . org-store-link)
    "o x" '("org capture" . org-capture)
    "o C" '("clock out"   . org-clock-out))

  (ha-leader :keymaps 'org-mode-map
    "o h" '("go headings" . consult-org-heading)
    "o e" '("exports"     . org-export-dispatch)
    "o L" '("insert link" . org-insert-link)
    "o P" '("set property" .  org-set-property)
    "o g" '("set tags" .  org-set-tags-command)
    "o t" '("todo" . org-todo)
    "o T" '("list todos" .  org-todo-list)

    "o i"  '(:ignore t :which-key "insert")
    "o i i" '("item" .  org-insert-item)
    "o i I" '("insert id" .  org-id-get-create)
    "o i l" '("link" .  org-insert-link)
    "o i d" '("drawer" .  org-insert-drawer)
    "o i h" '("heading" .  org-insert-heading)
    "o i s" '("subheading" .  org-insert-subheading)

    "o o"  '(:ignore t :which-key "toggles")
    "o o h" '("heading" .  org-toggle-heading)
    "o o i" '("item" .  org-toggle-item)
    "o o x" '("checkbox" .  org-toggle-checkbox)
    "o o I" '("images" .  org-toggle-inline-images)
    "o o m" '("markup" . (lambda () (interactive)
                            (setq org-hide-emphasis-markers (not org-hide-emphasis-markers)) (font-lock-update)))

    "o /" '("agenda" . consult-org-agenda)
    "o '" '("edit" . org-edit-special)
    "o *" '("C-c *" . org-ctrl-c-star)
    "o +" '("C-c -" . org-ctrl-c-minus)

    "o c"  '(:ignore t :which-key "clocks")
    "o c i" '("clock in" . org-clock-in)
    "o c l" '("clock in last" . org-clock-in-last)
    "o c o" '("clock out" . org-clock-out)
    "o c c" '("cancel" . org-clock-cancel)
    "o c d" '("mark default task" . org-clock-mark-default-task)
    "o c e" '("modify effort" . org-clock-modify-effort-estimate)
    "o c E" '("set effort" . org-set-effort)
    "o c g" '("goto clock" . org-clock-goto)
    "o c r" '("resolve clocks" . org-resolve-clocks)
    "o c R" '("clock report" . org-clock-report)
    "o c t" '("eval range" . org-evaluate-time-range)
    "o c =" '("timestamp up" . org-clock-timestamps-up)
    "o c -" '("timestamp down" . org-clock-timestamps-down)

    "o d"  '(:ignore t :which-key "dates")
    "o d s" '("schedule" . org-schedule)
    "o d d" '("deadline" . org-deadline)
    "o d t" '("timestamp" . org-time-stamp)
    "o d T" '("inactive time" . org-time-stamp-inactive)

    "o b"  '(:ignore t :which-key "tables")
    "o b -" '("insert hline" . org-table-insert-hline)
    "o b a" '("align" . org-table-align)
    "o b b" '("blank field" . org-table-blank-field)
    "o b c" '("create teable" . org-table-create-or-convert-from-region)
    "o b e" '("edit field" . org-table-edit-field)
    "o b f" '("edit formula" . org-table-edit-formulas)
    "o b h" '("field info" . org-table-field-info)
    "o b s" '("sort lines" . org-table-sort-lines)
    "o b r" '("recalculate" . org-table-recalculate)
    "o b d"  '(:ignore t :which-key "delete")
    "o b d c" '("delete column" . org-table-delete-column)
    "o b d r" '("delete row" . org-table-kill-row)
    "o b i"  '(:ignore t :which-key "insert")
    "o b i c" '("insert column" . org-table-insert-column)
    "o b i h" '("insert hline" . org-table-insert-hline)
    "o b i r" '("insert row" . org-table-insert-row)
    "o b i H" '("insert hline ↓" . org-table-hline-and-move)

    "o n"  '(:ignore t :which-key "narrow")
    "o n s" '("subtree" . org-narrow-to-subtree)
    "o n S" '("tree -> win" . org-tree-to-indirect-buffer)
    "o n b" '("block"   . org-narrow-to-block)
    "o n e" '("element" . org-narrow-to-element)
    "o n w" '("widen"   . widen))

Bindings specific to org files:

  (when (fboundp 'evil-define-key)
    (evil-define-key '(normal motion operator visual)
      "gj" '("next heading" . #'org-forward-heading-same-level)
      "gk" '("prev heading" . #'org-backward-heading-same-level)
      "gb" '("next block" . #'org-next-block)
      "gB" '("prev block" . #'org-previous-block)))

Supporting Packages


Limit the number of exporters to the ones that I would use:

  (setq org-export-backends '(ascii html md texinfo odt))

I have a special version of tweaked Confluence exporter for my org files:

  (use-package ox-confluence
    :after org
    :straight nil   ; Located in my "elisp" directory
    (ha-leader :keymaps 'org-mode-map
      "o E" '("to confluence"     . ox-export-to-confluence)))

HTML Style

Im not afraid of HTML, but I like the idea of doing my HTML work in a Lisp-like way using the jack-html project:

  (use-package jack
    :straight (:host github :repo "tonyaldon/jack")
    :commands (jack-html))

So the Lisp code:

  (jack-html '(:p "Hello there"))

Returns the string:

  <p>Hello there</p>

Splitting out HTML snippets is often a way that I can transfer org-formatted content to other applications.

  (use-package jack
    :after org
    (setq org-html-head-extra
          (jack-html `((:link (@ :rel "stylesheet"
                        :type "text/css"
                        :href "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Literata:ital,wght@0,300;0,600;1,300;1,600&display=swap"))
                       (:link (@ :rel "stylesheet"
                        :type "text/css"
                        :href "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Overpass:ital,wght@0,300;0,600;1,300;1,600&display=swap"))
                       (:style ,(string-join '(
                        "body { font-family: 'Literata', sans-serif; color: #333; }"
                        "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 { font-family: 'Overpass', sans-serif; color: #333; }"
                        "code { color: steelblue }"
                        "pre { background-color: #eee; border-color: #aaa; }"
                        "a { text-decoration-style: dotted }"
                        "@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {"
                        "  body { background-color: #1d1f21; color: white; }"
                        "  h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 { color: #fcca1b; }"
                        "  code { color: lightsteelblue; }"
                        "  pre { background-color: black; border-color: #777; }"
                        "  a:link { color: lightblue }"
                        "  a:visited { color: violet }"

Focused Work

CLOCK: [2022-02-11 Fri 11:05][2022-02-11 Fri 11:21] => 0:16

I've been working on my own approach to focused work,

  (use-package async)

  (use-package ha-focus
    :straight (:type built-in)
     "o f" '("begin focus" . ha-focus-begin)
     "o F" '("break focus" . ha-focus-break))
    (("<f12>" . ha-focus-begin)
     ("S-<f12>" . ha-focus-interrupt)
     ("s-<f12>" . ha-focus-timer-left)))

Spell Checking

Let's hook some spell-checking into org files, and actually all text files. Im making this particularly delicious.


First, we turn on abbrev-mode. While this package comes with Emacs, check out Mickey Petersen's overview of using this package for auto-correcting typos.

  (setq-default abbrev-mode t)

In general, fill the list, by moving the point to the end of some word, and type C-x a g (or, in normal state, type SPC x d):

  (ha-leader "x d" '("add abbrev" . kadd-global-abbrev))

The idea is that you can correct a typo and remember it. Perhaps calling edit-abbrevs to making any fixes to that list.


Once upon a time, I used flyspell mode to highlight the misspelled words, and the venerable ispell for correcting. To be able to correct spelling mistakes from a distance, without navigation, I wrote a function that took advantage of Evils evil-prev-flyspell-error to jump back to the last spelling mistake.

Now, Im using jinx, as it is the complete basket. It spellchecks based on the fontlock face and uses an external enchant program (to make spell-checking fast and asynchronous). Like flymake, Jinx does on-the-fly spellchecking of code comments and strings.

I keep jinx-correct bound to C-; à la flyspell because it is so darn helpful. Supports checking documents with mixed languages.

Requires the libenchant from the Enchant project, so on MacOS, I install it via:

  brew install enchant

And on Linux:

  sudo apt install libenchant-2-dev

And the Emacs interface to that:

  (use-package jinx
    :straight (:host github :repo "minad/jinx" :files (:defaults "jinx-mod.c" "emacs-module.h"))
    :hook (emacs-startup . global-jinx-mode)
    :bind (("M-$" . jinx-correct-nearest)
           ("s-;" . jinx-correct-nearest))
           ;;   :bind (([remap ispell-word] . #'jinx-correct))
    (:states '(normal insert) :keymaps 'text-mode-map
             "M-s M-s" 'jinx-correct)
      "s i" '("spellcheck buffer" . jinx-correct-all)
      "S b" '("spellcheck buffer" . jinx-correct-all)))

Jinx works really good, as the mini-buffer allows you to use letters to filter the choice, and numbers (or Return) to select the choice. Selecting @ adds the word to your personal dictionary, and * adds it to the local words for the file (search for jinx-local-words). Also, it appears that calling jinx-correct goes back to the first incorrect spelling, letting you correct it, and then pops the point back. That is pretty slick.

It also, supposedly, fixes camelCase words. This doesnt work in a text document. I appreciate that in org-mode files, text surrounded with = characters are no longer marked for misspellings.

Since this auto-correction needs to happen in insert mode, I have bound a few keys, including CMD-s and M-s (twice) to fixing this spelling mistake, and jumping back to where I am.


Of course I need a thesaurus, and I'm installing powerthesaurus:

  (use-package powerthesaurus
    ;; :bind ("s-t" . powerthesaurus-lookup-dwim)
      "S t" '("thesaurus" . powerthesaurus-lookup-dwim)
      "S s" '("synonyms" . powerthesaurus-lookup-synonyms-dwim)
      "S a" '("antonyms" . powerthesaurus-lookup-antonyms-dwim)
      "S r" '("related" . powerthesaurus-lookup-related-dwim)
      "S S" '("sentence" . powerthesaurus-lookup-sentences-dwim)))

The key-bindings, keystrokes, and key-connections work well with M-T (notice the Shift), but to jump to specifics, we use a leader.


Since the definitions do not work, so let's use the define-word project:

  (use-package define-word
    ;; :bind ("s-d" . define-word-at-point)
    (ha-leader :keymaps 'text-mode-map
      "S D" '("define word" . define-word)))

After my enamoring of Noah Websters 1913 dictionary (originally due to reading this essay by Mario Jason Braganza who referred to James Somers original 2014 blog entry), I easily followed the instructions from WebsterParser, a Github project, with the dictionary:

  1. Download the dictionary file.
  2. Unzip the archive … have a Finder window open to the .dictionary file.
  3. Open the Dictionary.app program.
  4. Select the menu entry, Dictionary > File > Open Dictionaries Folder
  5. Drag the downloaded Websters-1913.dictionary file into the folder
  6. Select the menu entry, Dictionary > Dictionary > Preferences
  7. Check the now last dictionary in the list

If you want to always see Websters results by default, go to the Dictionary apps preferences and drag Websters to the top of the list.

Now that Im mostly on version 28 and above of Emacs, we can take advantage of dictionary-search for looking up dictionaries online, and out of all the word definitions packages for Emacs, this looks the best and is easiest to read:

  (setq dictionary-server "dict.org")

  (ha-leader "S d" '("define this" . dictionary-search))

Once in the dictionary buffer, acquiesce these keybindings:

  • q close the dictionary buffer
  • s ask for a new word to search
  • d search the word at point

Also note that the dictionary has links to other pages, so n and TAB jumps to the next link and RET opens that link.

Grammar and Prose Linting

Flagging cliches, weak phrasing and other poor grammar choices.

We are trying a lot of checkers, so we need to chain them with a call to flycheck-add-next-checker:

write-good —> proselint —> textlint —> languagetool?


The writegood-mode is effective at highlighting passive and weasel words.

  (use-package writegood-mode)

And it reports obnoxious messages.

Hrm::hook ((org-mode . writegood-mode) (gfm-mode . writegood-mode) (markdown-mode) . writegood-mode)

We install the write-good NPM:

  npm install -g write-good

And check that the following works:

  write-good --text="So it is what it is."

Now, lets connect it to flycheck:

  (use-package flycheck
    (flycheck-define-checker write-good
                             "A checker for prose"
                             :command ("write-good" "--parse" source-inplace)
                             :standard-input nil
                             ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ":" (message) line-end))
                             :modes (markdown-mode org-mode text-mode))

    (add-to-list 'flycheck-checkers 'write-good))


With overlapping goals to write-good, the proselint project, once installed, can check for some English phrasings. I like write-good better, but I want this available for its level of pedantic-ness.

  brew install proselint

And on Linux:

  sudo apt install python3-proselint

Next, create a configuration file, ~/.config/proselint/config file, to turn on/off checks:

    "checks": {
      "typography.diacritical_marks": false,
      "annotations.misc": false,
      "consistency.spacing": false

And tell flycheck to use this:

  (use-package flycheck
    (add-to-list 'flycheck-checkers 'proselint)
    ;; And create the chain of checkers so that both work:
    (flycheck-add-next-checker 'write-good 'proselint))


The textlint project comes with flycheck, as long as there is an executable:

  sudo npm install -g textlint
  # And all the rules
  sudo npm install -g textlint-rule-alex
  sudo npm install -g textlint-rule-diacritics
  sudo npm install -g textlint-rule-en-max-word-count
  sudo npm install -g textlint-rule-max-comma
  sudo npm install -g textlint-rule-no-start-duplicated-conjunction
  sudo npm install -g textlint-rule-period-in-list-item
  sudo npm install -g textlint-rule-stop-words
  sudo npm install -g textlint-rule-terminology
  sudo npm install -g textlint-rule-unexpanded-acronym

I create a configuration file in my home directory:

  "filters": {},
  "rules": {
    "abbr-within-parentheses": false,
    "alex": true,
    "common-misspellings": false,
    "diacritics": true,
    "en-max-word-count": true,
    "max-comma": true,
    "no-start-duplicated-conjunction": true,
    "period-in-list-item": true,
    "stop-words": true,
    "terminology": true,
    "unexpanded-acronym": true,
    "write-good": false

Add textlint to the chain for Org files:

  (use-package flycheck
    (setq flycheck-textlint-config (format "%s/.textlintrc" (getenv "HOME")))
    (flycheck-add-next-checker 'proselint 'textlint t))

Language Tool

Another flycheck feature is to use LanguageTool connection to flycheck-languagetool:

  (use-package flycheck-languagetool
    :ensure t
    :hook (text-mode . flycheck-languagetool-setup)
    (setq flycheck-languagetool-server-jar (expand-file-name "~/other/LanguageTool/languagetool-server.jar")
          flycheck-languagetool-server-args (expand-file-name "~/.config/languagetool/config.properties")))

And connect it to the chain:

  (use-package flycheck
    :config (flycheck-add-next-checker 'textlint 'languagetool t)

    ;; May have to specify a Java on one of my Mac machines:
    (when (file-exists-p "/opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk")
      (add-to-list 'exec-path "/opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk/bin")))

This check complains about whitespace in Org files (duh), so lets create a configuration file where we can disable that rule (and any other we can require):

  disabledRuleIds: WHITESPACE

Gotta admit that Language Tool doesnt seem to help much. $ 100 ?

Perfect Sentence

Chris Maloranas video tutorial demonstrates the ability to extrude a single sentence into another buffer, edit different versions of that sentence, and replace one version into the original buffer. For instance, how org-mode edits blocks.

Malorana based this idea on Jordan Peterson's writing app, Essay. Thought I might work on it, but I want my version more resilient and not as dependent on the context.

When we create a new buffer, we set the following buffer-local variables, so we know where to return:

  (defvar-local ha-sentence-buffer nil
    "The name of the buffer to return when completed.")
  (defvar-local ha-sentence-begin nil
    "The beginning position in the original buffer to replace text.")
  (defvar-local ha-sentence-end nil
    "The ending position in the original buffer to replace text.")

My first thought is how to select the sentence. Sure, sometimes that should be the region, but we can also use the help:bounds-of-thing-at-point to define the start and the end of the current sentence:

  (defun ha-sentence--select-region (type-of-thing &optional start end)
    "Return a tuple of the start and end of the selected sentence."
     ((region-active-p) (cons (region-beginning) (region-end)))
     ((and start end)   (cons start end))
     (t                 (bounds-of-thing-at-point type-of-thing))))

In the original buffer, we want to edit a sentence, but in the editing buffer, a single sentence may expand to more than one, so we need to change whether we select a 'sentence or a 'defun (for a paragraph).

With this function, we can call destructuring-bind to define what section we want to edit by assigning the start and end values. Now we create another buffer window, set the local variables, and insert the region/sentence we requested:

  (defun ha-sentence-break (&optional start end)
    "Break a sentence out and work it in a new buffer.
  We base the chosen sentence chosen on the location of a point,
  or the active region."
    (cl-destructuring-bind (start . end)
         (ha-sentence--select-region 'sentence start end)
      (let ((orig-mode major-mode)
            (orig-buffer (current-buffer))
            (orig-sentence (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))

        (switch-to-buffer-other-window "**sentence-breakout**")
        (funcall orig-mode)

        ;; Store some breadcrumbs so we can return where we left off:
        (setq-local ha-sentence-buffer orig-buffer
                    ha-sentence-begin start
                    ha-sentence-end end)
        (insert orig-sentence)

        ;; Because we might want to duplicate the sentence in the
        ;; buffer, let's put it on the kill ring:
        (kill-new orig-sentence))))

With the new buffer displayed, we show the sentence to edit, with the idea to write different versions of that sentence. When we have the version we like, we hit C-c C-c which calls ha-sentence-choose to choose the version that replaces the old one. But what if, during the editing process, we create more than one sentence?

In that case, we need to select the text before hitting the C-c C-c sequence. The buffer-local variables tell us which buffer to return, and what text to replace.

  (defun ha-sentence-choose (&optional start end)
    "Choose a sentence and go back to the other window."

    ;; By default, our "region" is a paragraph using 'defun symbol of `thing-at-point'
    ;; It doesn't work on the last sentence if it doesn't include a
    ;; newline, so hackily, we insert one.
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert "\n"))

    (cl-destructuring-bind (start . end) (ha-sentence--select-region 'defun start end)
      (let ((chosen-sentence (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
            (orig-buffer     ha-sentence-buffer)
            (orig-start      ha-sentence-begin)
            (orig-end        ha-sentence-end))

        (switch-to-buffer orig-buffer)
        (delete-region orig-start orig-end) ; Or call `kill-region' to put on clipboard?
        (insert chosen-sentence))))

The kill-region function takes the original text and places it on the kill-ring (the clipboard). But since we already copied that when we created the buffer, we call delete-region instead. Especially since if we felt like we made a mistake, we could just undo the changes.

With my limited experience, I seldom enter completely difference sentences. Instead, I want to copy the sentence and work on that. Lets make a function to duplicate it.

  (defun ha-sentence-duplicate ()
    (let ((current (thing-at-point 'defun)))
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert "\n\n")
      (let ((starting-point (point)))
        (insert current)
        (goto-char starting-point))))

When creating this new editing buffer, we need keybindings that exist only for this buffer, in other words, a minor mode:

  (defvar ha-sentence-buffer-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap) "Keymap for `my-mode'.")
  (define-key ha-sentence-buffer-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-c") #'ha-sentence-choose)
  (define-key ha-sentence-buffer-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-k") #'kill-buffer-and-window)
  (define-key ha-sentence-buffer-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-d") #'ha-sentence-duplicate)

  (define-minor-mode ha-sentence-buffer-mode
    "Toggle the Perfect Sentence mode.
  Interactively with no argument, this command toggles the mode.
  A positive prefix argument enables the mode, any other prefix
  argument disables it.  From Lisp, argument omitted or nil enables
  the mode, `toggle' toggles the state.

  When this mode is enabled, `C-c C-c' calls `ha-sentence-choose',
  and `C-c C-k' cancels and buries the buffer."
    ;; :interactive nil
    :init-value nil
    :lighter " PS"
    :keymap ha-sentence-buffer-mode-map)

Lets bind a couple key sequences for Emacs mode:

  (global-set-key (kbd "M-s b") 'ha-sentence-break)

I am making this global, as it may be nice in both org-mode and programming modes.

And something else while in Evil mode:

  (ha-leader "x b" '("edit sentence" . ha-sentence-break))

Perhaps he might get around to turning his code into a package. Features needed include:

  • Adding an overlay to the original text, help:org-srcmake-source-overlay

Distraction-Free Writing

Christopher Fin's essay inspired me to clean my writing room.


For a complete focused, distraction-free environment, for writing or concentrating, I'm using Writeroom-mode:

  (use-package writeroom-mode
    :hook (writeroom-mode-disable . winner-undo)
    (ha-leader "t W" '("writeroom" . writeroom-mode))
    (ha-leader :keymaps 'writeroom-mode-map
      "=" '("adjust width" . writeroom-adjust-width)
      "<" '("decrease width" . writeroom-decrease-width)
      ">" '("increase width" . writeroom-increase-width))
    :bind (:map writeroom-mode-map
                ("C-M-<" . writeroom-decrease-width)
                ("C-M->" . writeroom-increase-width)
                ("C-M-=" . writeroom-adjust-width)))


The olivetti project sets wide margins and centers the text. It isnt better than Writeroom, but, it works well with Logos (below).

  (use-package olivetti
    (setq-default olivetti-body-width 100)
    (ha-leader "t O" '("olivetti" . olivetti-mode))
    :bind (:map olivetti-mode-map
                ("C-M-<" . olivetti-shrink)
                ("C-M->" . olivetti-expand)
                ("C-M-=" . olivetti-set-width)))


Trying out Protesilaos Stavrous logos project as a replacement for Writeroom-mode:

  (use-package logos
    :straight (:host gitlab :repo "protesilaos/logos")
    (setq logos-outlines-are-pages t
          `((emacs-lisp-mode . "^;;;+ ")
            (org-mode . "^\\*+ +")
            (t . ,(or outline-regexp logos--page-delimiter))))

    ;; These apply when enabling `logos-focus-mode' as buffer-local.
    (setq-default logos-hide-mode-line t
                  logos-scroll-lock nil
                  logos-indicate-buffer-boundaries nil
                  logos-buffer-read-only nil
                  logos-olivetti t)
    (ha-leader "t L" '("logos" . logos-focus-mode))
    (define-key global-map [remap narrow-to-region] #'logos-narrow-dwim)

    (:states 'normal
             "g [" '("back page" . logos-backward-page-dwim)
             "g ]" '("next page" . logos-forward-page-dwim)))