30 lines
837 B
Org Mode
30 lines
837 B
Org Mode
#+title: `(sprint-current-name)`
#+author: `user-full-name`
#+email: `user-mail-address`
#+date: `(sprint-date-range)`
#+category: sprint
#+filetags: :work:
* Work Issues
* Onboarding Work
See [[file:Onboarding-Work.org][Onboard-Work]] for all details.
* Distractions and Support
Anything that doesn't fit the above goes here.
* Meeting Notes :meeting:
* Scrum Status :status:
* Notes for Next Sprint
#+description: Notes taken during Sprint #`(sprint-number)`
#+property: header-args: :results drawer :tangle no :eval no-export :comments org
#+options: num:nil toc:t todo:nil tasks:nil tags:nil skip:nil author:nil email:nil creator:nil timestamp:nil ^:nil
# Local Variables:
# eval: (org-content 2)
# End: