While I was at it, I address some prose-specific comments like passive sentences and weasel words.
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Org Agenda Configuration
A literate programming configuration for fancy agenda and todo lists.
All the code we describe in this file needs loading after org.
(with-eval-after-load "org"
(add-to-list 'org-modules 'org-protocol))
Typical agendas have an order to them, but the org-super-agenda project allows you to get specific as well as group them under headings.
Unless you specify otherwise, this is the grouping we'll use:
(use-package org-super-agenda
:after org
(setq org-super-agenda-date-format "%A (%e)"
'((:name "Accomplishments"
:todo ("DONE" "CANCELED")
:order 4)
(:name "End of Day"
:habit t
:order 2)
(:name "Uncompleted Work"
:todo "DOING"
:scheduled past
:order 0)
(:name "Today's Tasks"
:date today
:order 1)
(:name "Today's Tasks"
:scheduled today
:order 1)
(:name "Future Work"
:todo "TODO"
:scheduled future
:order 3))))
The task matches a group based on the code order, but the :order
tag allows me to display them in a different order.
The following super agenda is just for today and should be smaller:
(setq ha-org-super-agenda-today
'((:name "Finished"
:todo ("DONE" "CANCELED")
:order 4)
(:name "End of Day"
:habit t
:order 2)
(:name "Today's Tasks"
:todo "DOING"
:scheduled past
:date today
:order 0)))
Query Views
The org-ql project gives us a query language of sorts (based on s-expressions).
By putting all queries under org-ql-views
, we can then call M-x query
and select the view to display:
(use-package org-ql
:after org
;; Often used 'subgroup' that defines a work task
(setq ha-org-ql-typical-work-tasks
'(and (tags "work")
;; I will always be Supporting the onboarding projects,
;; but don't show them (but show descendants):
(not (and (tags "onboarding")
(heading "^Support ")))
;; Show a blocking subtask instead of the parent:
(or (not (children))
(not (descendants (todo "TODO" "DOING"))))
(not (habit))
(not (done))))
(setq org-ql-views
(list (cons "Overview: Today"
(list :buffers-files #'org-agenda-files
:query `(or (closed :on today)
(and (habit)
(not (done))
(scheduled :to today))
(and ,ha-org-ql-typical-work-tasks
(or (deadline auto)
(todo "DOING")
(scheduled :to today)
(ts-active :on today))))
:sort '(priority date)
:super-groups 'ha-org-super-agenda-today
:title "Today in Me"))
(cons "Overview: Tomorrow"
(list :buffers-files #'org-agenda-files
:query '(and (not (done))
(tags "work")
(scheduled :from tomorrow :to tomorrow))
:sort '(priority date)
:super-groups 'ha-org-super-agenda-today
:title "Overview: Tomorrow's tasks"))
(cons "Calendar: Today"
(list :buffers-files #'org-agenda-files
:query '(ts-active :on today)
:title "Today"
:super-groups 'ha-org-super-agenda-today
:sort '(priority))))))