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No commits in common. "36ea4b904e37db9c4412b0e33a6d2270d045908c" and "f81f9b4487d3753cfb1ce482a2a4bccc5d6bb6de" have entirely different histories.

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@ -169,30 +169,6 @@ Note: If you are reading this in an Emacs buffer, you can also place your cursor
At this point, you can begin a line with =<s= and hit ~TAB~ to have a src block expanded, with the cursor left at the end of first line, allowing you to type =emacs-lisp=. At this point, you can begin a line with =<s= and hit ~TAB~ to have a src block expanded, with the cursor left at the end of first line, allowing you to type =emacs-lisp=.
This is Emacs, you probably have your favorite template expansion, like [[][TempEL]] or [[][Yasnippet]], as any system that can generate your text works fine.The magic isnt hidden in markers, but shines plainly in the text itself. This is Emacs, you probably have your favorite template expansion, like [[][TempEL]] or [[][Yasnippet]], as any system that can generate your text works fine.The magic isnt hidden in markers, but shines plainly in the text itself.
** Editing src Blocks
I find editing prose in an Org file quite nice…editing code? Not so much. Many techniques you expect to use, like jumping to code definitions with the [[info:emacs#Looking Up Identifiers][Xref system]] or manipulating s-expressions in a Lisp with =paredit= or =smart-parens=, arent available.
With your cursor anywhere, the header line, anywhere in the body or one the =end_src= line, type ~C-c '~ to narrow to contents of that block with a mode based on the language on the header line.
Whew, now you can edit your code in a manner you expect. Type ~C-c '~ again to save and return to your full org buffer, or ~C-c C-k~ to cancel your changes.
Lets add more [[info:org#Languages][languages]] to what is available, by running the following code:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
'((emacs-lisp . t)
(python . t)))
Feel free to substitute the =python=, for your favorite language, or add more. Use =sh= for shell scripts, and =js= for Javascript. See [[][Babel]] for details on languages that can be supported.
*Note:* If you dont see you languages pretty colors for its syntax, run this code (and put it in your init file):
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)
* Working with Python * Working with Python
* Calling out to the Shell * Calling out to the Shell
@ -201,50 +177,3 @@ Can we do both Bash, Fish and Powershell?
** Graphviz ** Graphviz
** PlantUML ** PlantUML
** Pikchr ** Pikchr
* Tips and Tricks
This final chapter contains optional information you might find useful.
Oh, and please let me know if you have a tip or trick that you think should be included.
** Yasnippet Templates
If you use [[][Yasnippet]], and include the [[][yasnippet-snippets project]], you can type =<s= in an Org buffer to expand into a src block, and type =def= in an Emacs Lisp buffer to get a function definition, but why not have both?
In an Org file, type ~M-x yas-new-snippet~ and replace the default text with:
# key: #slf
# name: emacs-lisp-defun
# --
,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun ${1:fun} (${2:args})
${4:(interactive${5: "${6:P}"})}
Type ~C-c C-c~ to save and install the snippet with Org.
Lets make one for variables:
# key: slv
# name: emacs-lisp-defvar
# --
,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defvar ${1:symbol} ${2:initvalue} "${3:docstring}")
And maybe another one for defining unit tests?
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: ert-deftest
# key: edt
# --
,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle no
(ert-deftest $1-test ()
(should (= $0)))