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It's Magit! A Git Porcelain inside Emacs
Magit is an interface to the version control system [Git][git],
implemented as an [Emacs][emacs] package.
Unlike the [VC][vc] package which is part of Emacs and strives to
provide a unified interface to various version control systems, Magit
only supports Git and can therefore better take advantage of its
native features.
*Magit supports GNU Emacs 23.2 or later; 24.1 or later is recommended.*
*Magit supports Git or later; 1.8.2 or later is recommended.*
### Table of Contents
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Getting Started](#getting-started)
* [Getting Help](#getting-help)
* [Contributions](#contributions)
* [Dependencies](#dependencies)
We recommend that you use Emacs' package manager (`package.el`),
to install Magit from your preferred Elpa archive ([Melpa][melpa],
[Melpa-Stable][melpa-stable], or [Marmalade][marmalade]). If you
haven't used the package manager before, or would like to install
directly from Magit's Git repository, then consult the detailed
[installation instructions][install].
Getting Started
To get started with Magit show a summary of its status in a
new buffer using <kbd>M-x magit-status RET</kbd>. Navigate the
buffer using <kbd>n</kbd> and <kbd>p</kbd>, and toggle sections using
<kbd>TAB</kbd>. Edit and save some files, refresh the status buffer
using <kbd>g</kbd>, stage files or individual hunks using <kbd>s</kbd>
and initiate a commit using <kbd>c c</kbd> the staged changes. When
done writing the commit message use <kbd>C-c C-c</kbd> to actually
create the commit.
For more details consult the user manual. You can read it with
<kbd>C-u C-h i magit.info RET</kbd> or [on the web][manual]. Magit
also has a [website][website].
Getting Help
When something doesn't work as expected please see the [FAQ][faq], and
the list of [open issues][issues], and use the search box at the top
of the latter to find older related issues. If everything else fails
ask for help on the [Emacs Stackexchange][emacsstack] site or the
[mailing list][group].
Magit is [hosted on Github][development]. Please contribute by
reporting bugs and suggesting features on the [issue tracker][issues]
or by making code contributions using [pull requests][pulls]. Before
opening a pull request read the brief
[contribution guidelines][contributing].
Please also consider supporting development by making a
[monetary donation][donations]. Thank you!
Magit was started by [Marius Vollmer][marius] and is now maintained
by [Jonas Bernoulli][jonas]. Other Magitians (former maintainers)
are [Nicolas Dudebout][nicolas], [Peter J. Weisberg][peter],
[Phil Jackson][phil], [Rémi Vanicat][remi], and [Yann Hodique][yann].
Many more people have [contributed code][stats-authors] and suggested
Thanks to all of you, may (the history of) the source be with you!
If you install Magit using Emacs' package manager then dependencies
are automatically being taken care of. Otherwise you have to track
down dependencies and install them manually.
Magit requires the libraries `git-commit-mode` and `git-rebase-mode`
which are part of the [magit/git-modes][git-modes] repository and are
distributed as separate packages.
The library `magit-wip` additionally requires the [`git-wip`][git-wip]
script, which you have to install manually.
[contributing]: https://github.com/magit/magit/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
[development]: http://github.com/magit/magit
[donations]: http://magit.vc/donations.html
[emacsstack]: http://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/magit
[faq]: https://github.com/magit/magit/wiki/FAQ
[group]: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/magit
[install]: https://github.com/magit/magit/wiki/Installation
[issues]: https://github.com/magit/magit/issues
[manual]: http://magit.vc/manual/master
[pulls]: https://github.com/magit/magit/pulls
[stats-authors]: http://magit.vc/stats/authors.html
[website]: http://magit.vc
[jonas]: http://emacsair.me
[marius]: https://github.com/mvollmer
[nicolas]: http://dudebout.com
[peter]: https://github.com/pjweisberg
[phil]: https://github.com/philjackson
[remi]: https://github.com/vanicat
[yann]: http://www.hodique.info
[emacs]: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs
[git-wip]: https://github.com/bartman/git-wip
[git]: http://git-scm.com
[git-modes]: https://github.com/magit/git-modes
[marmalade]: http://marmalade-repo.org
[melpa]: http://melpa.org
[melpa-stable]: http://stable.melpa.org
[vc]: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Version-Control.html